We're In Jamaica! (Raven and Christina's POV)

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We finally arrived at Jamaica! I was so excited the I jumped off the window to the ground. Literally. Aquamarine looked at me with a shocked expression and said, "Christina! Don't do that! You'll get injured!" I replied with, "Trust me. I have been jumping from tall buildings since I was 6 years old. I'm very durable. I jumped from taller stuff than this." I replied to my sister. She then remembered. "Oh yeah! I understand now!" She said, understood. "Wow! Jamaica is so... beautiful." Camerawoman said, exploring. (A/N: They are visiting Negril, Jamaica) I then gave Mia some carrots to chew on. Let's just say she was also shocked. I gave Mia to Aquamarine to hold her since I held her the whole way here which was 20 hours
Yes, you heard me right. 20 hours! "Mia's so cute!" Plunger Cameraman cooed while stroking her fur. This was my first time seeing his soft side before. But that's out of the way. I walked them to my favorite place where me, Raven, and Aquamarine used to go when we were little. "Guys! Follow me!" I shouted out to the crowd. They all looked at me before following me. I could hear whispers about how Jamaica was so cool and relaxing. I can feel the same way too! Especially the parks and beaches! After walking for a few minutes, we arrived at Barney's Flower and Hummingbird Garden. could hear everyone gasping at the sight. I know! It's so precious 🤩💕

A photo of Barney's Flower and Hummingbird Garden:
*Image isn't mine. It belongs to the rightful owner*

"This is Barney's Flower and Hummingbird Garden!" I said, proudly. "Woah! This place is like a forest!" Titan Speakerman said, amazed. Mia jumped off Aquamarine's hands and roamed the place. "Mia wait!" Aquamarine said before chasing her. We all laughed. "Everything's so green!" TV Woman said, breathing in the green air...

Raven's POV:
My gosh! I wish the others could see this because Zoey talked back at Titan TV Man and now is publicly humiliated because she does not only have to work for the titans. She has to work for everyone else and worse, she's the Titan's pet! Who knew the Officers were serious that they would make their life's horrible when they mess up badly. And id Zoey declines, she will be blacklisted and put on the electric chair. And when she's dead, they'll throw her body in the fire! How CRAZY is that?! I could tell Zoey has tears in her eyes. I actually feel bad for her. She had to dress in a maid's outfit. Which reminds me of Cinderella but has the personality of her stepsisters and stepmother. I said down, eating a peanut butter and jelly sandwich. Wait. A PEANUT butter and jelly sandwich?! I'm highly allergic to peanut butter and jelly sandwiches! I started wheezing and my cheeks got real swollen! I couldn't breathe. "Help! Help me!" I yell, since I'm alone in the room. I pick up my phone to call Christina to see if she could help me. The phone rang, and rang, and rang, but no answer. A Nurse Speakerman came into the room, wondering why I was screaming. "Raven what's happening?-OH MY GOD!" He screamed, alarmed by my allergic reaction. "Do you have an EpiPen?" He asked, leading me to the 'Nursing Base'. "I-i lost it." I said, on the verge of tears. Not because I'm embarrassed, but because of my allergic reaction and it's making me tear up. I broke out to hives. It was lunch time. So I had to walk into the cafeteria through the stage way. Everyone has to see me like THIS?! Christina finally picked up my call, we were on FaceTime. "Hey Raven-AAAHHHH!" She screamed, but less alarmed than the Speakerman since she seen this happen before. "Wait, where's your EpiPen?" She asked me, worried. We Aquamarine saw me she bursted out laughing. Me and Christina looked at her like crazy. "Aquamarine, this is not the time to laugh when our brother is in this state!" Christina scolded Aquamarine. "Eeee!" She sheepishly smiled. I laid down in the hospital bed. "I'll call you back." I said, before falling asleep...

Christina's POV"
I was so shocked at seeing Raven like this! I've seen him like this before, but it was a long time ago. "Hey Christina! I heard screaming." Camerawoman came in confused. "My brother is in an allergic reaction." I said, serious. "A WHAT?!" She said, thinking I was joking since I was joke around. I gave a serious expression. She was shocked. "I thought Raven was a safe boy! And I think Zoey made the sandwich for him since she knew he was allergic to peanuts." Camerawoman said, slowly understanding what's happening. An announcement was made, "Everyone pls go to our hotel number #29. I'll repeat. Everyone pls go to hotel number #29. Thank you." Officer Cameraman said on a loud speaker. We all moved to Hotel number #29...

A/N: qwertyuio1000 I completed your request of what happens when Zoey talks back. I was in a rush so I couldn't complete all of your requests but I will include them all in the next chapter. Have a great morning, afternoon, evening, or night. Bye everyone!

Words: 888

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