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She called her travel agent and asked to send a cab. Gathered all important things, sent an application for leave to the college, got her children ready and started, to some unknown destination. No need to say, kids were more than excited for the trip, unaware of everything.

The wind entering from open windows of the car, were giving her peace. The new visuals which could be seen from Windows, were fading away all memories of past visuals. Unknown journeys prove to be very effective ointment.

She believed, that after returning from this trip, she'd be a stronger person. She also knew that for keeping distance from Pranay, she would have to lock not only her heart's door but also home's door for a few days. She couldn't afford to let him enter from anywhere.


One week went in a jiffy. When she came back from her trip, everything was stable, including her mind.

She had decided to start all over again, with a new determination!

The train of life started on its assigned track!

Time started passing with it's fast pace!

Raising her children, giving them all her time, handling both her job at college and house chores together, taking care of everything small and huge by herself, all were a part of her routine. But she was happy, she has choosen this life for her and her kids.

Both her kids, Ankit and Ankita were attached to her, like every other mother-child relation. Probably that's why she never made a friend, but it was strange for her, that her children had found their friends with passing time. Now they didn't want to share their feelings with Shravya anymore. Her kids were as if becoming strangers to her.

"Mom, you won't understand!"

She could never comprehend this. When did it happen that she couldn't understand what's running in their mind, without even saying? Never, right? How can a mother not understand her kids? Is it even possible? Then this blame?....Whilst fact was that they had stopped understanding her.

That's why they had gone to study abroad. Then found the jobs also. She was really hurt when they had called her loneliness as carelessness. Those words were like hot oil pouring in her ears.

"Mom, you're totally free now. Live happily, do whatever you want. Live as you want!"

Shravya was shocked. When did she wish to live like this? Alone? Without anyone beside her? She wanted a whole family to live with, to enjoy every second of life, to have arguments as well as small fights. She wanted people near her to share her happiness, sorrow and everything else. Like how it was in her childhood. Loving and caring parents, who'd keep teaching and scolding, sister who used to rile up, Dadi would forcefully take her along for religious functions, Bhai who would teach her driving, and her Bua, who could ban walking and talking too!

Which happiness she would find in this lonely house? How many books she's finish reading? Listen to music, for how long? How much decoration she could do for these empty rooms to pass time?

Her melancholy started effecting her health too. When first time she fainted because of low blood pressure, Ankita was so angry,

"Mom, why don't you take care of yourself!?

And don't start your own treatment, always trying to be the Doctor!"

Ankit also spoke in a harsh tone,

"Please, take care na Mom! We can't come here over and over again na.

And why do you over think?..Plan a world tour, go out of home, see the world.. Stop bothering, Mom!"

Shravya could not sleep that night, not even for a second. Her throat was dry and pillow was wet!

'See the world?
Where? Which world?
This home itself is my world.'

How could she make ger children understand that,

'You both are my world!'

Most conversation which are connected to heart, can't be expressed in words. Words aren't made for some feelings, some special feelings. Being a mother was presumably that same feeling!

Sometimes Shravya would wake up suddenly, at night. She would feel as if someone was calling her, in dreams.

She loved listening her name being called. With Love! But she couldn't know who's calling her? Who's that who needs her?

No, no one!
No one needed her!


I'm surprised!(◠‿◕)
Can't believe, I typed it within a day!(。◕‿◕。)

♡Love Shifa♡

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