6 - "Show Me What You've Got!"

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We had taken on a quest to cull the population of Drazen, a type of hostile, bear-like, creature that resides in the area west of the city. Their numbers have grown faster than expected, so it's up to us to rid of a few of them before anyone gets hurt.

"Well, here we are." Kuro said, as we all hid, and observed the monsters. "One , two... There are 10 in total." Estelle whispered. "So we only have to get rid of 10, yeah?" I asked. "Yep." Kuro said, putting a cigarette in his mouth before lighting it. He removed it and exhaled a puff of smoke. "I hope you realize that that's incredibly bad for your health..." Estelle mumbled. "Espers are immune to all variants of cancer, so I don't have to worry about it." He said, as she sighed. "Even so, you'll set a bad example..." She mumbled. "Alright, lets get this show on the road." Kuro said, pulling his big broadsword out of the giant sheath on his back. Haruka created ice blades, as I coated my fists in flames. Keith got his hammer out, and Estelle grabbed her staff. Estelle casted a basic protection spell on us before Kuro walked out into the open, catching the attention of nearly every Drazen in sight. "Alright team! Show me what you've got!" He shouted.

After a few seconds, five of them headed straight for him. Kuro turned, and swung his sword from the right, knocking all five to the side. He ran foward, swung that devastating giant of a weapon twice, making the others back off.

"My turn!" Haruka dashed through the snow, and caught the five Drazen he attacked first off guard.

Haruka's special method of attack is spinning. She is swift, and she can easily catch enemies off guard.

With a spinning slash of her sharp, ice coated hands, she had immobilized them. I finished them off with flaming jabs to their injuries, putting them out of their misery.

As for my fighting style... Let's just say that I like to finish things off.

Keith tried his best to keep up, but couldn't. He was slow, and wasn't too sharp. Meanwhile, Estelle provided perfect support to back us up. "Kuro! Line them up!" I shouted, as he managed to get them in line. "Haru, remember that thing we've been practicing?" I asked, as she nodded, we both ran at the same speed, and with a flame covered icicle like knife, we cut them in half, successfully completing our mission. "Phew!" Kuro laughed, as he lodged his sword into the ground and stretched. "I won't lie, I was a bit confused as to why you wanted them lined up. I honestly never would've expected something as crazy as that." He grinned, picking his sword up and sheathing it. "We've been practicing for a while." Haruka smiled. "..." Kuro looked behind us with a saddened smile. "Look kid, you tried. I'll give you that." Kuro walked past us. Keith sat in the snow, staring at the hammer in his hands. "Cmon, get up. You and your chicken legs'll freeze if you stay in the snow." Kurosaki held out a hand to help Keith up. Keith sighed, before standing up on his own. "I can't do anything. I can't use magic, and I get captured at every chance there is." Keith mumbled.

"..." Kuro stared down at Keith, almost as if he was thinking hard about something. "Well, Anyways, it's getting late." Kuro yawned, as he walked away from the angel boy. "You guys wanna crash at my place? I have an extra room." Kuro looked back at us with a grin. "Sure, if you'd have us." I smiled. "Well, lets go." We all followed Kuro to his house.

-Kurosaki's POV-

"Here you are." I had brewed coffee, and gave my new friends their cups. I had made hot chocolate for the twins, and Haruka. It'd be bad if the kids were bouncing off the walls this late at night. Apparently Haruka doesn't like coffee, who knew?

"So, you two... What's your story? Mind telling me?" I asked, as I sat at the table, across from Dante and Haruka.

They had explained what they've been through.

"So, you two are from Taurnin? That extremely prejudiced town south from here?" I asked, as they nodded. "Sorry to make you tell me. I couldn't help being curious." I apologized, as the two smiled. "We don't mind." Dante said.

That Dante sure is... odd.

Never really shows any emotion too often.

Haruka on the other hand is always peppy and cheerful.

Who would've guessed that two personalities like that could get along so well?

As we talked, the twins were sitting on the couch. Though they had been talking before, Estelle had fallen asleep. Keith on the other hand looked like he was thinking long and hard about something.

Those names. Could they be...? No, it couldn't... but... it's too much of a coincidence...

"Anyways. I think we're gonna head off to bed." Haruka said with a yawn. Her and Dante both stood up, and pushed in their chairs. "Farthest door to the right." I said, as Haruka waved to signal she heard me. "Alrighty." I pulled a chair over to the couch. I placed it in front of Keith, then sat down. "Look, you've got spunk, I'll give you that." I said, as he closed his eyes and furrowed his brow. "Mind if I ask a quick question?" I asked, as he sighed. "Fine." He mumbled. "What were your parent's names?" I asked.

I need to find this out. Then I'll know that it's not just my mind playing tricks on me.

I've heard these kids' names before.

"My dad was called Mako."


Now I know...

I know who these twins are.

"Look. You said you want to be stronger, right?" I asked, as his eyes lit up. "Yeah. I'll do whatever it takes." He said, in a confident tone of voice. "Then let's start tomorrow. How's that sound?" I grinned.

Hopefully Keith takes after his father...

Because I know how to get him riled up.


Hey guys, it's me, WaffleCake!

So! This part of the book is my favorite. Because some stories tie together...


I'm so hyped! X3

So, I'll see you all in the next chapter! Bye bye!


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