Chapter 1. Dark Introductions

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Darth Vader knew full well he could not keep his son a secret for as long as he wished. He had tried with Starkiller. Twice. He had failed both times. He would not fail now. He would not lose the boy like he had lost Padmé. So he devised a new strategy. He came before the Emperor humbly.

The Emperor's throne room was perhaps the grandest of the Imperial Palace. Its floors were polished obsidian, the wall was blacked out and decorated with red tapestries of Sith Legends. Golden artifacts of a Sith age long gone decorated the entry and around the throne. The throne itself was black and shimmered softly against the light allowed through the huge, black stained window. Black and white marbled pillars on either side marked the straight path to the throne, elevated several steps up to make the Emperor appear taller. But his power and intimidating presence was no facade as yellow eyes stared at Vader from beneath his hood.

Darth Vader knelt and bowed his head respectfully.

Silence stretched for several seconds as the Sith apprentice sensed his master's prodding. Trying to figure out what Vader wished to speak of. Yet Vader kept his shields up, neither strengthening to keep Darth Sidious out nor weakening them to let him in.

And finally, the frightening Sith spoke. "What is it Lord Vader, what is so important than you have interrupted my evening?" He asked, leaning forward in his throne. Sickly gray lips pulled back in a half snarl, showing wretched yellow teeth.

Vader did not raise his head but spoke respectfully, carefully. "It concerns a boy." He said.

"A boy?" Darth Sidious asked, laughter touching his voice.

"Yes, my master." Vader continued slowly. "When I was sent to Jabba the Hutt's palace-"

"You destroyed the palace and killed Jabba where he sat." Darth Sidious mocked. "You have broken a fragile alliance between the Empire and the Hutt Families." Abruptly the Sith Lord stood. "Spit it out Lord Vader, I greatly deserve an explanation for your treachery and your absence!"

Vader bowed his head all the lower, an act to hopefully appease his master before speaking again. His voice still strong yet ever meek.

"I discovered a slave boy that I wish to teach the ways of the Dark Side." He admitted. "He is strong in the Force, my master, he would become a valuable asset to us. Far more powerful than the Inquisitors and your Hands put together."

Vader finally risked a glance at his master. What he saw pleased him. Darth Sidious wore a thoughtful frown on his scarred, wrinkled face. Yellow eyes had gone adrift in greedy thought, a hand stroked his pruney chin lightly. "Rise. Bring your son before me."

At his words Vader felt himself stiffen. Darth Sidious laughed.

"So, your wife was able to birth a son." He said softly, his tongue a slithering snake as the Sith descended the staircase. "A powerful bloodline is saved. A son of a queen and a senator of Naboo... the prince of the Empire has come home." With a wicked laugh, Darth Sidious urged Vader to go. "Bring me our lost prince, we must welcome him with open arms!"


Luke Skywalker looked to his father for confidence. His hands wrung themselves together, the black suit felt so tight and scratchy compared to the rags he grew up in. However these horrid sensations were eased away as Vader placed a hand over his shoulder. "You are the son of a former queen. You are more than what you once believed. Follow me, do as I say and all will be well."

Nodding, Luke inhaled deeply and exhaled as the royal guards suddenly moved. The huge, intricately carved double doors were pulled open, ushering father and son into the darkness of the Emperor's domain.

The Emperor was standing at the bottom of the throne's staircase, waiting for them with a smile on his old face.

"Is this your son, Lord Vader?" He asked so cheerfully. His voice put Luke at ease as the two stopped several feet from the Sith and respectfully bowed before him.

"He is, my master." Vader said, straightening as the old man closed the distance between them.

Luke stood straight as a pole, doing his best to appear every bit the Sith son he was. Strong and free. Strong and free. He said so over and over in his mind as the elder Sith looked him up and down with appraisal.

"The Force is indeed strong with the boy. A powerful Sith he may prove yet to be." Luke could not help but beam at the Dark Lord's words.

"However," Darth Sidious raised a finger at Vader. "Even power must be trained in order to be used. Wild potential is nothing but a bomb waiting to self destruct. If this boy is to become your apprentice, Lord Vader, you must begin his training immediately."

Darth Vader straightened all the more. "As you wish."

The Sith Lord smiled. "Good, my old friend. When he has become sufficient, bring him before me again. And if he proves himself a worthy Sith, he will also become the Empire's prince."

Author's note.
Here we go. A long awaited sequel to 'The Slave Boy'. I decided to completely bypass the fluff so many seemed to want. There was simply no story in a fluff piece where Vader suddenly is a sentimental family man who wants Luke to know Padmé's remaining family. Darth Vader would never. No instead we are jumping into the story of father/son caused murder and mayhem. Hope you enjoyed this opener. May the Force be with you.

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