Chapter 13. The Way Of The Sith

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"Do you understand the Sith Code, Luke?"

Luke scowled as he pushed himself up from the floor and turned to face Darth Vader. He spat blood and called his lightsaber back to his hand. "I memorized it like you said to do."

"That is not what I asked." Darth Vader advanced, his lightsaber swinging in a powerful arc. Luke met the strike with his own weapon. But the Sith was much stronger, easily pushing Luke into the wall of the sparing room. "Do you understand it?" Darth Vader repeated.

Luke glared daggers at his father. Trapped between the wall and their clashed lightsabers with no escape, Luke breathed in deeply. "Yes."

"Why are you not applying it?"

"I am." Luke argued.

Darth Vader did his own version of a scoff. Pulling away from the duel he deactivated his lightsaber and placed on his belt. Luke did the same and waited expectantly.

"You have power, young one. But it is of no use if you do not know how to wield it. What is the first line of our code?"

Luke stood a little straighter. "Peace is a lie, there is only passion."

Darth Vader nodded. "Where is your passion, Luke?

"I'm here aren't I?" Luke said, grimacing at his father. "I could go anywhere I want now. But I put myself here on this stupid lava planet because of you."

"That is not your passion." Darth Vader said. "You are here because you were weak and powerless."

Luke bristled and folded his arms. "Thanks."

"It is not an insult. Merely a fact." Darth Vader said almost gently. "I believe your passion is strength-"

"Through passion I gain strength." Luke said, sighing. "Strength is power and power is victory."

"You have not yet learned what it means to be strong, to have power." Darth Vader said. He approached Luke and placed a hand over the boy's shoulder. "But one day you will understand. Then you will be a Sith."


Luke blinked up at the ceiling. There was one thing Darth Vader had not often spoken of on Mustafar. Fear. He often spoke of using others fear. But not so often your own. Fear was an odd thing. Twisting and infecting every fiber of Luke's being. Morphing and changing. Luke still felt fear, but it was not strangling him anymore. He was more angry. Angry at a lot of things, but right now he focused on one thing and one thing only. Obi-Wan Kenobi.

The ship shuddered. Luke sat up a little straighter. It was an old freighter ship Kenobi had dragged him into. Luke sat in a cell in the cargo bay. A mistake on the Jedi's part. The freighter was messy and disgusting. But there was usefulness in the filth. Luke smirked to himself as his hand touched something sharp. In the dim light it looked like a piece of broken, old metal. Getting to his feet Luke tossed the slab of metal in the air. With the Force he stopped it's fall and slowly began to mold it. With the Force he rolled one end over itself so he would not likely cut his hand. The other end he folded into a jagged blade. Satisfied, Luke slipped the makeshift dagger up his sleeve. His passion was strength. His greatest love was power. Nothing else mattered to him.

Again the ship shuddered and creaked. Luke recognized it as a landing. Good. He was impatient to be off.

Ahsoka came for him, opening the barred door and ushering Luke out. With one hand on his forearm she led him to the ramp as it began to lower.

Luke was not sure how long he had spent in the caverns nor did he know how long he had been on the ship. But it was evening. Luke recognized this place instantly. "Tatooine."

Ahsoka nodded beside him. "Desolate place, but it's what was agreed upon."

They were just outside Mos Espa, Luke recognized the place quite easily despite spending the majority of his life in Jabba's palace. He could not help but laugh morbidly. "Kenobi knew all along."

"What?" Ahsoka looked puzzled.

Luke gave her a scowl. "This is where I was sold."

Ahsoka frowned in confusion. Luke just shrugged at her and looked on. Mos Espa had not changed much. Not that his memory of the place was crystal clear anyways. But the buildings, old and sad and the scummy people remained the same.

"They're here."

Luke turned and glared at Kenobi as the Jedi came down the ramp. He was right. TIE fighters whistled above, followed by a Lambda shuttle. Right behind it was the Millennium Falcon. Luke felt himself stiffen as the ships landed a good hundred yards from where Kenobi had settled the freighter.

Kenobi took Luke's arm, taking him off Ahsoka. They took several steps away from her.

"Remember what you are." Kenobi hissed in his ear.

Luke gave Kenobi a steely glare. "I know what I am."

From afar the Lambda's shuttle had opened, in the heat waves Luke could just make out his father's dark shape against the blinded sands. Making out the Jedi prisoner was much more difficult. Several minutes went by. But then the Jedi started walking. Kenobi let Luke go and shoved him forward.

"Until we meet again." Kenobi said with an all too charming smile.

Luke did not turn back to reply. Instead he went forward. Fear was such an odd thing. Twisting in his mind, rolling in his stomach. But fear was not something Luke could not afford to wrestle with anymore. He had to change it into something else. Or perhaps it already had changed. He could see Leia clearly now. She walked with her posture straight and her head high despite having an arm gone and a battered face. No doubt the prisoner fatigues she wore hid more damage she wished not to telegraph to others. They met in the middle.

Despite all the bruises Luke found, if for just a moment, that she was beautiful. She looked at him without fear. Only pride and confidence ruled this tortured body. No wonder Kenobi had chosen her over Luke. Looking at Leia now... there was no doubt in Luke's mind Darth Vader would chose her over him too. If he knew who she was.

"Hello." Luke greeted her.

Leia frowned and started forward. "I just want to go home."

Luke grabbed her arm, stopping her on her tracks. She looked up at him in frustration. "Let me go." She snapped.

"I can't." Luke tightened his grip and exhaled softly. "I can't because I hate you."

Leia's pride was faltering for fear. She tried to wrench herself free but Luke was much stronger than her. "I said let me go!"

Luke grabbed her by her shoulders, pulling her into a tight embrace. She still struggled and fought, but it was no use.

"I hate you so much." Luke murmured into her hair. He slipped the dagger out of his sleeve. "You're not going to take anything from me. Never again."Leia was shaking, trembling in his vice grip. Luke took a deep breath. This was it. The first and last time he would meet his sister. And if only for a moment, Luke wondered if there was another way. If he could still live with her in the galaxy. But no. Sith valued power above all else. Darth Vader would abandon him for her. Luke held Leia tightly, tenderly, then he plunged the dagger into her back. Leia gasped silently against him. Luke stabbed her again. She trembled fiercely against him, her voice hoarse as she sobbed. Red was quickly spreading across the sand as Luke gently lowered her to the ground. Tears were pricking Leia's fearful brown eyes as Luke sat back. Almost sweetly Luke took her pale hand and held it tight. "I'm sorry." Luke murmured. "I'm so sorry."

Shouts could be heard. But Luke paid little mind to them. He had only eyes for his dying sister. The sister who took everything from him because she was perceived to be better than him. Now Luke truly understood the ways of the Sith. Power demanded blood and it demanded sacrifice. Luke loved Leia. Truly he did. As he had loved Darth Vader when he was small and weak and innocent to power and strength. But that love was not strong enough to overcome the fear of being abandoned and replaced again. The light drifted away, gone from Leia's eyes. Tears streaked her face as her dead eyes stared at him.

A blaster went off. Luke's head shot up. Ahsoka and Obi-Wan were coming to avenge their dead Jedi.

"Good-bye Leia." Luke whispered, settling her hand over her chest before he stood.

Luke could sense his lightsaber nearby. The barrage of laser fire kept the Jedi temporarily at bay. Reaching out with the Force Luke pinpointed his lightsaber on Darth Vader. He called it to his hand. The red blade was all too satisfying to feel in his grasp again. Darth Vader was already stalking forward and within moments he was by Luke's side. He glanced over Leia's corpse before looking to Luke.

"What happened? Are you hurt?" Darth Vader asked.

Luke glanced at his father but brushed aside the concern. "We don't bargain with Jedi. I want Kenobi's head." Luke did not wait for Darth Vader's reply. He marched forward and did not stop until he stood only yards from the Jedi. Kenobi looked distraught and angry. Luke smirked at him.

"What have you done, Luke?"

Kenobi sounded like a broken man who had lost everything. Good.

"My name is Darth Illistus. My chains are broken, I thank you for that." Illistus turned his gaze to Ahsoka, she too was in anguish. "You were kind to me. For that I'll give you one chance. Leave and I promise you a more than fair head start."

Ahsoka looked at Obi-Wan. "You should go, Ahsoka." Obi-Wan murmured.

"No, I'm not leaving you too." Ahsoka snapped, raising her lightsaber.

Darth Illistus nodded. "Very well."

Darth Vader came to Darth Illistus's side, his lightsaber glowing in the dust.

The suns had begun to set and the moons were rising. The wind shifted sand around the feet of the Jedi and Sith. There was a calmness to it. A tranquility Illistus found pleasing before he snapped it in half. Suddenly thrusting his hand forward he propelled sand with the Force into Kenobi. The older Jedi cried out in surprise as he was engulfed in the sand. Darth Vader rushed Ahsoka before she could aid Kenobi.

Illistus advanced on Kenobi. The half blinded Jedi was still able to defend against the younger man. Illistus was glad for that as they traded blow for blow, dancing across the sand and towards Mos Espa's now quiet streets. Illistus kicked up more sand just when Kenobi seemed to be recovering his eyesight. It was a thrilling little game to him. The Jedi was confused and wrought with grief. Illistus struck his lightsaber out and caught Kenobi's leg, leaving a cut and causing Kenobi to cry out in agony. Illistus did the same to the other leg, then across Kenobi's chest. He picked up a large rock with the Force and slammed it into Kenobi, sending him flying through the side of a building.

Eagerly Illistus jumped over the debris and into what was apparently a cantina. Kenobi was nowhere in sight. "Come out, Kenobi. What's wrong? Scared of a slave?" Illistus chuckled madly. Then he sensed it. Turning just in time he batted away the lightsaber and kicked Kenobi square in the chest, sending him to the ground. Casually Illistus kicked Kenobi's lightsaber aside.

Illistus towered over the Jedi, lightsaber poised at Kenobi's neck. "Regret it now?"

Kenobi gasped and tried to back away. Illistus raised a foot and planted it on the wound in his leg. Kenobi screamed. Illistus laughed over the cries. "Say it! Say you regret everything you've done!"

Kenobi was breathing heavily, trying to get back control as he glared up at Illistus. "Okay, okay I'm sorry!"

Illistus frowned and pushed down harder on Kenobi's leg. "Sorry for what? Hmm?"

Kenobi choked on dust and sand, groaning under the pain before settling down again. "I- I'm sorry..."

Illistus leaned down, waiting expectantly.

Kenobi swallowed and pushed himself up on his elbow. "I'm sorry... that I didn't kill you sooner."

Illistus snarled. Suddenly Illistus heard a lightsaber. He realized too late what about to happen. But then a blaster went off, shooting Kenobi in the face. The drawn lightsaber that Kenobi had tried to call back to cleave Illistus in too hissed back into it's hilt just as it harmlessly smacked Illistus in his side. He turned to the opening in the cantina. Captain Han Solo stood there, his blaster smoking.

"Kid, I want a raise." Solo said with a tired grin.

Illistus turned away, looking down at Kenobi. He was dead.

It was over. It was done.


When Luke and Solo returned to the initial battlefield he found Darth Vader standing over Ahsoka's body. Darth Vader's respirator was damaged and his helmet was cut through. Ahsoka had a wound near her heart.

They left Tatooine soon after.

Luke opted to go with Solo and Chewbacca, it was clear his father needed time alone and a new respirator. Luke and Han watched the Lambda shuttle fly away for the Star Destroyer awaiting just visible in the night sky. Luke went for Leia's body, tenderly picking her up. Solo gave him a questioning look.

"Just do what I say." Luke said dismissively.

Solo nodded. "That's what I'm paid for I guess."

Luke gave Solo a set of coordinates. They left Tatooine behind and soon after found themselves approaching Naboo. Luke had Solo land in the forests. He ordered Solo to wait and before leaving with Leia in his arms.

Many years ago, when Luke had lived here, he had asked Darth Vader about the possibility of having a mother. Luke remembered still where the grave was. The grave of his mother. He laid Leia in the grass and began building a pyre near the stone casket of Padmé Amidala. When he finished he laid Leia over it and positioned her as gracefully as he was able.

"I owe you a proper send off." Luke said, smoothing her hair away from her cold face. Stepping back Luke lit a torch. "I hope you're at peace." Luke lit the pyre. Watching the flames engulf the wood and then his sister. And he watched until the fire could be fed no longer.

All was right with the world and Luke was happy. Because for the first time in his life he was safe, powerful and ready to deal out his will upon the galaxy.

Yes, Darth Illistus was happy as he finally left behind his past and looked to the present, to the future.

The End

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