Book 1⌇12. The Best-Laid Plans

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 Chapter 12 ∣  The Best-Laid Plans


My mind is numb as I lazily stir my spoon in the bowl of tomato soup. Emily, Carly, and I sit at a small round wooden table in the corner of the lavish kitchen. I hold my left hand in my lap, trying hard not to accidentally bump it as the pain is still there even though it's dull.

"So," Carly clears her throat and shatters the rather peaceful silence. My eyes glance up from the soup and meet with hers.

"Is everything okay?" The hint in Carly's voice appears to be sincere, her dark hair pulled back in a tight ponytail, forming cascading ringlets down her back. There is just something else hidden in her tone that makes me believe that she's merely asking for formality sake as neither Emily nor Carly appear to be that interested in becoming friends with me. I don't want friends though...

"Yes," I reply shortly, not wanting to go into the details of my punishment. Her eyebrows raise, and she takes a mouthful of soup into her mouth. Emily, on the other hand, appears to have her nose stuck up in the air, her perfect posture shadowing ours. Her long blonde hair is tied up into her usual two ponytails, falling down her chest like two waterfalls. She has two white ribbons weaved into them for an accent today.

Carly prods again, "Are you sure? You seem...not yourself."

"Really?" I spit at her, "What do you really know about me to make that presumptuous remark?"

Neither of these girls knows the first thing about me or how I usually act. What they have been observing, is the flight or fight response of a hunter being forced into a situation that part of the time sickens me...

Carly goes to open her mouth, though I beat her to it, knowing the one answer she can offer me.

"Besides the fact that I'm a hunter," I add, rolling my eyes at her when she sits back into her chair with a slight slump in her shoulders.

Carly says nothing, once again, I hurt her without meaning to...

However, the last thing I want to do is talk about my heated encounter and the game Locaine, and I had played. It's not something to be shared among these girls...especially the way I've already said the horrible things to Carly when I'd been chained up.

She admires me, and I completely let her down in the way she sees me as a hunter...

"You know, Annika," Emily speaks for the first time, her eyes shooting in my direction, "you don't have to be such a bitch. We are all in the same situation here." She stirs her soup with a delicate touch, brings the spoon to her lips and drinks the soup.

I clench the handle of my spoon in sudden anger, knowing neither of them has had to endure the number of broken bones and attack that I have. The only reason I can withstand some of the things Locaine does is in fact because I am a hunter and possess the blood magic trait...any normal human...have fun healing weeks at a time with the broken bones you receive. At least even with the Lovenox, I can slightly heal, even if it's nothing to brag about, it's still much better than a human's.

I speak very carefully, "I do not know the two of you. You are not my friends. You are not my family. You are humans, who keep trying to pry things from me when I clearly try and avoid it."

"See!" Carly drops her spoon into the soup and throws her hands in the air while accusing me once again, "You are just like them!"

"What are you talking about?!" My voice rises, slightly angry now that she's begun an attack on me. I didn't understand it the first time she had said this to me either, now she is repeating it?

You don't see me going around biting people the first chance I get or forcing them into submission against their will...

"I think what Carly is trying to say, "Emily sighs and places her spoon in her own soup bowl as well, "is that vampires are more powerful than us humans, so they think they are better than us. That is exactly how you are treating us. You think you are better than us as well, and though you may be more powerful, you are still the second highest on the food chain."

I'm taken aback, my eyes falling onto my lap as I release the spoon into the bowl.

Am I really treating them like that?

I don't mean to...that's not my intention.

I move my left hand slightly and wince in pain, a grimace crossing my face. I should treat them better than I do and maybe my own hate for the situation I've fallen into is being taken out on's not their fault.

"I'm so sorry," I sincerely look at the two of them and apologize. I owe them much more than a verbal apology, though I'll have to prove to them with my actions over time and catch myself before projecting my anger at Locaine onto them.

Carly still appears worried, but not as angry as she says, "It's okay. I understand."

"I grew up not trusting anyone, save for a few of my family members. When you are the hunter and the hunted at the same time, you tend to become jaded to the rest of the world," I begin to enlighten them with a piece of my past, hoping to give them a glimpse at what it's like to not necessarily be human, but something in between.

"If I answer your question, will you answer one of mine?" I briefly glance at Emily and then rest my eyes on Carly once the silence between the three of us has gone on for long enough.

Carly nods and takes another spoonful of soup into her mouth before swallowing it.

I breathe out, wanting to show them that I can speak openly, and I don't think I'm better than them. Calming my nerves, I finally inform them, "Locaine tried to have sex with me-"

"Tried?!" Emily's soup almost flies out of her nose as she attempts not to laugh at whatever joke apparently, I've told her that I didn't know about.

"Why is that so funny?!" I exclaim with slight hurt...the one time I tell them anything...

Carly coughs and finishes her soup before replying, "I think your word choice is funny. Try? There is no try when it comes to vampires. They take, remember? If he had wanted to take you, he would have regardless of how you feel."

"It was a game," I whisper, a cold shiver crawling over my skin.

Would he have just taken what he wanted if it wasn't a game?

Emily finishes her soup as well, taking the napkin from her lap and wiping the corners of her mouth. "What type of game?"

Apparently...I now have her full attention.

"I let him do whatever he wanted to me," I'm finding it hard to tell them this, embarrassed still by the encounter and how it might have played out differently if he hadn't stopped and allowed me a second to clear my head. For that one second, I believe I surprised both Locaine and myself...

"What did he promise you? Did you win?" Carly begins to poke fun at me, trying to see what else I might tell her.

I hold my left hand in my right, the new pain still lingering as I tell them, "He promised me my own room. If I didn't play at all, I would sleep in the dungeon."

I frown and then bring my left hand to rest on the table. As I glance at Carly, I answer her question directly, "No, I did not win. If I lost, depending on how long I made it, he would break bones in my body."

"He did that to your hand!?" Carly gasps, my hand is starting to heal, slowly, and it reflects black and blue bruises all over it. When she brings her eyes to glance at Emily quickly before landing on me, she states, "I always listen to Adam now, so he doesn't hurt me."

"I love Michael," Emily releases a sigh while she places the napkin on the table before confirming her faith to him, "I would never say no and disrespect him. I'm thankful for the life he's given me, and I owe him whatever it is he wishes in return for protection in this otherwise cruel world."

You don't know any better. You both have accepted your fate...

Just like that, I must remind myself that they are human, biting back the remark, telling myself I'm trying to play nice.

Love? Please.

I'm silent after her declaration of 'love' for a vampire. I don't want to offend them anymore, and it's better not to say anything at all if I don't have anything nice to say.

"You didn't splint that?" Carly regards while her gaze lingers on my injured hand.

"No, it will fully heal in a couple of days on its own," I reply, not giving it another thought.

Emily arches a brow, "That's right, you have accelerated healing, like the vampires."

Again...trying to point out that I'm just like them perhaps?

"More or less," I nod, not wanting to once again go into the magical properties I possess. I can't heal instantly, but it doesn't take months like it does for humans.

"I wonder what Adam will have me wear for Lord Enos' memory ball," Carly shifts the topic and begins to daydream.

Memory ball?

I ask with intrigue, "What is that?"

"Lord Enos," Emily responds, "as you know, was the previous vampire king. Every year, Lord Locaine holds a special ball in his brother's honor, to keep his memory alive and well within the covens. It is the only time we are permitted to wear anything other than our usual uniform."

"Dresses," Carly adds, the thoughts she's mulling over becoming more intense daydreams.

I whisper out, "Uh-huh."

Why would they ever allow an equal standing among vampires and their slaves? Unless...they are judged by the way their slaves look as well during these occasions.

Our conversation is cut short as Adam and Michael make their way into the kitchen. Carly and Emily both take a quick glance and notice the way the vampires that own them trace their eyes over them.

"If you'll excuse us," Emily throws in my direction as she rises to her feet, Carly following her motions.

"Good evening my lovely slave," Michael murmurs as he strides up to Emily, encircling his arms around her waist.

She giggles at his touch and sighs deeply as he tilts her head to the side, exposing her neck. It's like her personality switches to a completely different person the second she is in his arms. I pull my attention away, locking my gaze to the cook who is preparing the meal that will undoubtedly be served for lunch.

Two lustful gasps echo from the two in unison, my gaze falling back on Carly and Emily.


Adam and Michael have their fangs buried in their necks, and I realize then...what would have happened if Rynn was instructed not to make my punishment painful when she bit me? Dear lord...

Must be time to feed the beasts.

I roll my eyes, rising to my feet as I attempt to avert my gaze from the feeding spectacle.

At least I don't have to worry about that...

...unless Locaine wants to kill me that is.

I leave my soup bowl as I pivot around the bloodsuckers, carefully making my way to the door.

At least regular vampires can't turn humans into vampires with just one bite, it requires much more. Unlike a pureblood.

My thoughts dart to Locaine a second later.

I really don't want to see him, especially after everything that happened earlier, but if I don't go find him, he will hunt me down sooner or later.

I make my way into the main hall, my gaze on the floor while trying to avoid interacting with the rest of the coven. The feeling of vampires watching me makes my skin crawl, knowing their looks would more than likely kill me if they could. I don't want to meet their stares just, so they can glare hatefully at me. Holding my left arm to my side, and keeping my hand still, I turn into the parlor door.

"Oh...please..." comes the gasp of a woman sitting sideways in Locaine's lap as he seats himself on the edge of a leather chair. I'm completely taken aback by the scene before me. This woman has blonde hair that comes to her mid-back. She is wearing an adorable red knee-length dress with golden heels.

Locaine glides his hand from her knee, slipping under the hem of her dress, clutching her thigh tightly.

I shift from one foot to the other, not quite sure what I should do as I appear to have walked in on either a very intimate moment or a mere feeding for the vampire king. That's when Locaine's black rose eyes catch me nervously glancing away, and at once, he releases his fangs from the woman's neck. He stares at me with those intense eyes of his, a small trail of blood coming out of the corner of his lips.

"Were you done, my lord?" The woman speaks, her breath coming out raspy as he appears to have taken her breath away.

Locaine flicks his tongue over his canines, a spark igniting in his eyes that holds a deeper meaning to it as he stares directly into me.

Don't you dare give me that look...

...put those away fang-boy.

I turn my head to the side and cross my arms under my chest, paying extra attention to my broken hand as I do so. He's downright disgusting, his actions only making my stomach churn.

The woman shifts on his lap and catches a glimpse of me, knowing now that I am the reason he had stopped. Her eyes are a bloody red, her own fangs elongated at the excitement of being his willing meal.

Something tells me...I'm going with option one, I think I interrupted something quite intimate.

"That'll be all, Candyce," Locaine's voice is low and seductive as he releases her thigh. Candyce quietly stands from his lap and makes her way in my direction, crossing the room just as effortlessly that Rynn does. She just gives me a quick look over before walking around me and out of the parlor without another word.

My eyes come back to Locaine.

He rests his own arms on that of the chairs. He wears a black sleeveless top, with khaki pants, black dress shoes appearing like they had just been polished.

"Yes, slave?" Locaine breathes out, his white hair is spiked and not a hair out of place as it falls typically in front of his eyes.

"So, you don't always kill humans for fresh blood?" I ask, curiosity getting the best of me. When his eyes flash momentarily, I throw in before he gets too angry, "Master."

The corner of his lips tugs as a smirk plays across his face, "No, I try not to kill them. purebloods feed off their subordinates, their coven."

I nod my understanding, knowing that I'm off the menu with his regard.

So, they feed off their own kind...isn't that pleasant...

"Come closer slave," Locaine motions for me to come forward. That's right, I'm still sitting practically in the entrance of the parlor save for the sidestep I'd performed for Candyce to take her leave. Breathing in deeply and exhaling slowly, I take a few short steps into the room to humor him.

"Closer," he is almost laughing as I shuffle closer to him until I'm nearly a couple of feet away.

"I want an honest answer," Locaine says in a stern voice and catches me off guard, "why did you stop our game?"

The hairs on my arms stand on end, goosebumps breaking out across my body at the way he brings back that moment so suddenly.


He's asking me this?

"I didn't want to do that," I whisper, but sadly...there is a darker part of me that is beginning to like the enticing idea of his touch.

Locaine regards me and retorts, "Your body said otherwise."

Please...don't get cocky.

"Are you afraid?" He is short when I don't respond to his remark.

Heat rises slowly in my cheeks as I stand there, utterly embarrassed as I reply quickly, "No."

"Do you not find me attractive?" His smug look shoots in my direction.

What the hell questions are these?!

One moment he's playing with me and the next he's breaking my freaking hand! Talk about the most bipolar vampire I have ever met...

"I-well...I-" I stammer, caught entirely off guard by the sudden questioning.

"Is it because you are a virgin?" His voice is starting to become severe.

Did he seriously just...

I glare angrily at him and reply in a low voice, "No! And how the hell do you know that?"

"I've tasted your blood, slave, I know a lot more about you than you think," his eyes narrow at my sudden outburst.

I growl in return, "I will not submit to you." I'm beyond angry now. Angry at the fact he thinks he can have anything and everything he wants including my body. I won't allow him to have me so easily...

"Yes," Locaine stands from his chair, "yes you will. Whether or not you want to, you will. If I must force you," he takes two steps and instantly pulls me roughly to him around my waist. My arms fly in front of me as I push against his chest. I yelp as the pain in my left-hand shoots through my arm, not as careful as I would have liked to have been.

"Then so be it," Locaine finishes when he sees this look lingering in my eyes, staring down into my gaze as he holds me firmly, his own eyes are cold and furious.

Will he rape me?

Almost as though he sees the thought cross my mind he spits at me as if I've offended him without speaking, "I do not rape women, but I do have other methods, remember?"

The dungeon creeps into my mind, and I narrow my eyes at him.

Yeah, keep torturing me...because that's really worked out in the past.

It has to some degree. But he will have to do a lot more if he wants me to bow to his will.

"Go to hell," I lower my eyes, banging my right fist hard against his chest.

He seems slightly amused by my action. With his free hand, he takes my right wrist and twists it behind my back.

"Don't force me to hurt you more than I already have, slave," his voice is dangerous.

"And, this is where you can res-" Rynn's familiar voice trails off as she enters the parlor, many vampires following behind her. Her eyes flash to the two of us and Locaine growls, letting go of me a moment later.

I'm unprepared for the sudden freedom, and I fall back, reaching out behind me to break my fall. I land on the palms of both of my hands, my left wrist cracking slightly and my eyes begin to water. I bite my lower lip, refusing to show weakness as I shoot Locaine a death glare.

His eyes almost appear remorseful.


"A couple of the covens have arrived ahead of schedule," Rynn nods her head in the direction of the large group she has been showing around without his knowledge. I pivot, covering myself up as much as possible, to look at them and instantly, fangs are bared at me.

That's right, my eyes...

"I am happy to accommodate you all, after all, it has to have been such a long journey for some of you," Locaine's demeanor shifts instantly, opening his arms in a greeting manner. They all bow before him, but their eyes never leave me, out of fear or anger, or both, they will not let me out of their sight.



"Yes, over there," I rub my forehead, the irritation sets in. I was already fed up with having to oversee the preparations for my brother's memory ball.

Usually, Rynn takes care of these affairs. However, she is currently out leading a group of elites to the location of Ansley and Aldrich, on my order to bring them in just in time for Jezabel.

It won't be long now.

"My lord?" My thoughts are broken the second Jezabel's sweet voice announces her presence.

I shift my stance and turn around, offering her a warm smile. Her elegant features brim with beauty as her long white hair falls to her shoulder blades. It amazes me that she's kept so close with the ties my brother formed and in turn, he made sure that she'd never have to worry about anything in her immortal life.

There are only a handful of purebloods left, but she is by far my favorite. I'd grown to know her over the years, the moment my brother found her was the happiest day of his life. I can remember it like it was yesterday, her spirit adding to such an already driven family that she really did fit in like she was my sister...



I hardly knew her, opting to leave our family at such a young age. To this day, father won't say why though, I somehow believe that he remains in contact with her, though she's never sent a letter of her own accord. It's my father that attempts to reach out to her, to bring her back home...yet, still she remains silent.

Jezabel outstretches her hand, and I take it gently in mine, softly kissing the top before regarding her, "It is a pleasure to see you as always."

Jezabel's brown eyes scan the room, her lips forming into a broad smile before she offers her appreciation, "This is such a marvelous tribute to my late husband. I can't thank you enough for hosting this every year. It means the world to me and keeps his memory alive," she pauses a moment before sighing, "what wondrous plans he had for this world," she then eyes me before stating, "at least he has you to carry them out."

"Just because Enos is no longer with us, does not mean I don't think of you as my family," I continue to hold her hand as I lead her around the ballroom. As we pass by a table being set up, I tell her, "I'd do anything for my brother, carrying out his legacy is a small part of him that remains in my heart as well."

She nods with a smile, her eyes transfixed on me. There is no music, but I quickly pull her into me before I begin a slow waltz. Jezabel grins at me and sighs, "I have missed you."

"Jezabel," I chuckle while she continues to stare up into my eyes, "you know you are always welcome to stay here anytime. The doors are always open and a bedroom waiting for you if you need to get away for a while."

She twirls under my arm and replies, "We both have responsibilities, and I can't leave my coven."

My eyes flash with thought, and she giggles, already figuring out what it is I'm planning, "And no, mister, I am not uprooting my coven from their home in Germany to move all the way out here and join together. That wouldn't be fair to them."

When my brother was killed, she took his place as the coven leader while I was given the crown not just by blood, but by the popular vote from the rest of the vampires. I'd already known what it is my brother wished for this world and I wouldn't dream of deviating from it. Nothing will ever change that for family is the most durable bond I fact, it's the only thing I have...

I laugh and spin her outward again, this time releasing her hand. She sweeps a light curtsy, and I respond with a bow. "The offer is always there," I nod, understanding exactly how she feels as I'm sure I'd never be able to do what I wish of her to myself or my own coven.

"Locaine," Adam makes his presence known through the ballroom doors. I turn and nod to him, apologizing to Jezabel for a moment as he draws closer. When he's a few feet away from the two of us, he bows before her and acknowledges, "My lady."

"Adam," she smiles and begins to ask, "how have you been?"

"Well," he returns, taking a moment to ask her the same formality, "are you looking forward to your late beloved's memory ball?"

Jezabel nods at me and replies, "Locaine always puts on quite a show, the covens never forgetting their first king. It's just upsetting that not only he isn't here for me, but he's not here for the world. The moment these humans recognize who is truly the superior beings would be a day he'd be satisfied with."

"My brother did always enjoy spectacles of his own," I muse, knowing if he was still alive, we very well might have already announced our presence fully to the world. It's only a matter of time before I can live out his dying wish and take us into the next phase of our lives.

"Locaine," Adam once again captures my attention for the meaning of his presence, and he states, "the slaves' dresses have arrived..."

I arch a brow and ask, "And?"

Adam snaps his fingers while two other vampires bring forth the selections that we'd each made for our slaves. Walking behind the two vampires is the dressmaker, slung over his arm is a black bag. Three black bags are shielding them from view however as they roll the carrier closer and it comes to a halt, the first one is opened...

...a royal purple, a suiting color that Adam knows Carly looks stunning in.

Once this one has been observed, the next one opens, and I can't help but chuckle to myself. Michael surely does know what Emily looks good in, the crimson dress will flow nicely around her curves.

When the last one is unzipped, I narrow my eyes and immediately question, "Did I not ask for white?"

The dressmaker nods and then tilts his head to the side before stating, "I didn't think you were serious..."

The dress my eyes roam over is nothing in comparison to what I asked for. Instead, an ebony gown is displayed before me, Jezabel questioning, "What's wrong with it, it's gorgeous."

I shake my head and inform her, "No, it's not."

The dressmaker sighs while holding his hands up and then offering me the bag he has slung over his arm. Adam unzips it, and there it is...

...exactly as I'd specified.

The dressmaker informs me, "I had both made because I wasn't quite sure you really did want a white dress for one of your slaves...they're not pure-"

A chuckle leaves my lips before I state, "Oh, they're not?"

Jezabel widens her eyes before she turns her face away while I state, "Have them delivered to the slaves," Adam zipping the dresses up and proceeding to leave with the vampires and the dressmaker. I'm left alone with Jezabel once again, noticing a funny look she has on her face aside from her smile.

Jezabel's smile fades as she furrows her brows, the subject taking a sharp turn when she asks, "I have been informed that you currently have a hunter residing here. Is that true?"

I can't lie to her and respond with, "Yes, the rumors are true."

Ugly doesn't suit her, her face shines, undoubtedly filled with disdain. She then begins to fire off questions before finally asking me, "Why...why would you not kill the hunter? Why bring her here? Are you planning on executing her tonight for your brother, my late husband?"

The last part appears to almost cheer her up when the question leaves her lips.

"Jezabel," I start and then become frank, honest with her as I admit, "she is Jared's daughter and my current slave."

"WHAT?!" She screams, the members who have been setting up the decorations and arranging the room immediately turn to look at us. I'm met with questioning gazes and slight whispers as Jezabel continues to not understand why I haven't killed Annika yet.

I attempt to calm her by stating, "Annika is my revenge. I will do what I please with her."

Jezabel growls lowly at this response, utterly unsatisfied by the answer I've given her.

"But," I continue, seeing that bloodthirsty look lingering in her eyes. My own eyes flash with mischief, "I do have something special planned for you tonight."

"I might be interested," her face lightens, but I can still tell she is not just angry but hurt I would not kill Annika.

I smirk, "Don't worry, it will be a night to remember."

Published on Amazon as an ebook and paperback.

The Slave That I Am by K. A. Young.

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