Book 1⌇27. Assassin

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Chapter 27 ∣  Assassin


"Killian?" I ask, my eyes narrowing at the stranger that Locaine had introduced to me just moments before.

I'm sitting down in one of the black leather chairs in the parlor, Rynn and I both entranced with the books we were reading when Locaine had broken the silence between us. The vampire that stands beside him has jet black hair with shimmering emerald eyes that match Rynn's.

I've never seen this vampire within Locaine's coven before.

Why is he here?

Who is he?

"Annika," Locaine begins, seeing the look of shock in my eyes as I thought I knew everyone here, "there is a reason you have never met Killian before."

"You know him, Rynn?" I ask, nodding at the new figure. I want to be sure that Locaine isn't pulling a fast one and hiring could I have not seen Killian before?!

Rynn lifts her eyes from the book in her hands, regarding the new presence momentarily before returning her attention to the pages. With disinterest, she licks the pad of her thumb before turning the page of her book. "Yes," her voice sounds irritated and bitter.

"Rynn...don't act that way," Locaine sighs, glancing at Killian and then nodding in the direction of the fiery-haired vampire. Killian walks toward her, coming to stand just a few feet away. Her hands tighten on the book, tensing while he continues to near her.

"Come on, it's not my fault that I'm a better killer than you," Killian is poking the beast.


Rynn throws the book, but Killian quickly catches it and smirks, "Ah, there's your famous temper. It's been a while, now hasn't it?"

"Go back to the shadows, ass..." Rynn's voice is angry.

Locaine...what the hell did you just do?

Easy, I did something I shouldn't normally do, but considering the circumstances, I need you protected. Rynn isn't enough, I'm sorry.


Rynn is my commander, but Killian is one of two assassins within this coven. He stays in the shadows, his presence cloaked from almost everyone, save for purebloods. Rynn and he have a history of competing. No doubt, she's fumed to see him here...but I need someone who can disappear and hide, and he's the best.

What about the coven leaders?

They left early this evening. No one knows that Killian has come out of hiding, except for this coven.

Locaine...why would I have to hide?

"I had to look after you on Halloween...don't you think I have better things to do?" Killian retorts to a remark she makes. She glares back at him, her anger rising by the second.

Rynn snarls back, "Who's bright idea was that?" She turns to Locaine and points accusingly at him before finishing, "Oh, that's right...him! I didn't even want you to come!"

"Who got attacked by a hunter?" Killian arches a brow, "Oh, that's did!"

"Why don't you come a bit closer and say that one more time..." she eggs him on, the danger lurking in her words while her irises quickly shift. Killian grins, knowing he's pushing her buttons with ease.

Locaine is silent, his eyes avoiding mine as he watches the two vampires bicker back and forth. "Enough you two," he finally interrupts them.


He continues to ignore me, Killian's eyes meeting mine as he states, "So...I see you've come a long away from the slave that you were when you first arrived."

He's watched me since the beginning?

"Annika, I see everything that happens. Between another and I, we keep rogue vampires at bay, the silent sentinels of this coven," Killian informs me. Just when I think I know everything about vampires and covens...something new always bites me in the ass.

Rynn mutters under her breath, "You need to work on the silent part..."

"Rogue vampires?" I ask, an uneasiness spreading.

"Ones that do not belong to a coven," Locaine answers me, "ones that like to kill for fun and pleasure without any morals. They despise me for bringing the vampires into power."

"Why would they hate you?" I question. Isn't it a good thing for their species to no longer must hideaway?

"Because they would see others in power before myself," he admits before continuing, "there are also those that would rather remain in the shadows...though a handful, they are a force to be reckoned with should they stand together."

The other coven leaders...

Is he worried one might try to overthrow him?

"He's not popular with everyone," Rynn sighs, standing to her feet and roughly pushing Killian out of her path, heading toward the parlor doors. She glances back at me before saying, "I'm always here for you, matter what Killian's 'job' is."

"Obviously important," Killian folds his arms and rolls his eyes. Rynn scoffs at him and leaves the room, slamming the door shut behind her.


"Mmhmm?" He appears to be distracted.

"Why would you intentionally make Rynn angry?" I curiously ask, standing to my feet and walking in front of him. After all their interactions I've witnessed, I would assume he'd know not to piss her off...

"It would have come up at some point," Killian responds, nodding in the direction of where Rynn had left, "better sooner than later."

"I don't understand," I look between the two of them, confusion clear across my features.

"You will in time," Locaine replies, signaling toward Killian. He takes his leave, opening the door that Rynn had shut only moments before and closing it more gently behind him.

"Locaine?" I ask, trying to figure out exactly what he is planning. I never can predict his movements...his motives are kept a secret.

One day...I'll find out precisely what you are thinking.

I let out a squeal as Locaine startles me, picking me up in one swift motion and setting me on his lap as he sits down on a couch. My eyes come to lock with his, his hand resting on my knee as the other arm wraps around my waist.

"What are you thinking about?" I ask, my voice shifting and a small gasp coming from my lips.

Locaine moves his hand up my thigh, resting it right before my hip bone. I bite my lip, the moan that rises within me, I push back down.

I promised to keep you safe...that is why Killian has been revealed.

You're...afraid? Afraid of the coven leaders.

His grip on my thigh tightens and I can't hold onto the moan that softly emanates through the quiet room. His nails run down my thigh, hitting my knee and then encircling my waist to join the other arm.

I'm not afraid of them.

I involuntarily roll my eyes, casting them away from his prying eyes.

"Little hunter," Locaine's deep voice brings my attention back to him once more, "I broke my promise to you once before...and you almost died. I will not let that happen again. I won't take any more chances, and if it makes Rynn upset or offended, then I'll live with that knowing you're safe."

"Why can't Rynn watch me? It sounds to me like you just pulled one of your deadliest warriors for babysitting duty..." my arms find their way around Locaine's neck, pulling myself closer to him.

"Rynn leads when I am not here...or when I send her on an offsite mission," Locaine replies, placing a gentle kiss to the front of my neck, slowly placing additional kisses up my neck toward my jawbone.

I close my eyes, enjoying Locaine's sweet caresses.

"How have you been feeling?" Locaine's breath fans my neck, his fangs running along the side.

I whisper in return, "I've been fine since that night."

"Good," Locaine's fangs elongate, piercing into my neck as I moan, my blood slowly leaving my body. He knows better and doesn't take much before releasing his hold on my neck.

"Locaine?" My eyes meet his black rose ones, his eyes slowly shifting back.

"Yes, little hunter?" He regards me.

"Why did you really bring Killian out of hiding?" I ask, knowing full well I might not like the answer he has.



"She told you to stop it!" Rynn growls while Killian and she both walk behind me as I attempt to move away from their bickering. I close my eyes, placing my hands over both of my ears and trying to block out the sound. Killian won't leave my side while Locaine has left to attend a meeting at Blaise's residence in Australia. For once, he isn't the one entertaining the coven leaders. For once, he receives a break.

Do I?


"Look! Now you're stressing her out even more!?" Rynn snaps, the sound breaking through the barrier I've created. I just want Locaine to come home. I'm so tired all the time, but I haven't had another episode like the one on our date. In fact, you can say I'm very close to expecting this baby...

...months have flown by without either of us realizing where the time has gone.

Killian appears in front of me, grasping my shoulders and making my eyelids snap open. I hadn't even realized that I was about to walk down the marble staircase...with my eyelids closed. My mind isn't exactly in the here and now. Removing my hands from my ears, I release a very stressful sigh.

"Please be more careful," Killian instructs me like I'm a three-year-old. At this point, all I want to do is crawl in Locaine and my bed and disappear. I have only seen Emily a few times since my transformation and Carly is nowhere to be found. Not bothering to wonder about their lives too long, Killian spins me around and nods in the direction of the room Locaine, and I share.

"You're not my parent," I breathe out, Killian not waiting for my response as he steers me down the hallway. "I want to go outside..."

"No," Killian's word is final.

There's no point trying to reason with him.

He doesn't bargain...just follows orders.

"You sound just like Locaine," I stand in front of the closed door. Yes, I want to sleep...but I also really want to go for a walk. I believe that some fresh air will really do me some good considering how claustrophobic I've been feeling. Killian had refused my requests to wander around outside, afraid of any rogue vampires that might attack the coven in Locaine's absence.

If he's that worried, shouldn't he have more guards?

"Just get some sleep," Killian opens the large door, allowing me to step inside the bedroom. Like the wonderful person he is, he decides to point out the obvious, "You already appear to be about eight months could be a matter of days before your daughter comes."

"Thanks," I grumble at him.

That's was a few months along into my pregnancy when I learned a unique gift female vampires possess. Instinctively, I already know the gender. There are many names we have been talking about, but nothing substantial yet.

There is a small fear I have of what exactly she'll be as I don't believe a pureblood and a hunter turned vampire have ever...procreated together. This is new territory for both species and I'm sure the leaders are very much concerned about this as well.

Rynn is behind Killian stating, "Ignore him. You look fine, Annika. Locaine really should be making his way home soon."

"Sleep," Killian turns away from me, stepping around Rynn.

"Now do you understand why I don't care for him?" Rynn has her matter-of-fact tone ringing in my ears as I walk toward the bed, pulling back the covers and curling up underneath of them.

I miss Locaine.

I miss my vampire...

Breathing in deeply and inhaling his peppermint scent makes me want to cry. He has been gone for nearly two weeks, and Killian has been my babysitter. I'm not allowed to do anything...not without his permission.

"I know, Rynn..." my words linger, my sincerity not quite there. Rynn recognizes this and walks around to the other side of the bed, taking a seat on top of the covers.

"Annika?" Rynn's soft voice asks me gently.

I pull the covers down from over my brown hair, gazing up into her emerald eyes I whisper, "I'm afraid."

"Of what?" She tilts her head to the side with curiosity.

"The coven leaders," my gaze averts from hers quickly at the mention of them.

"Why would you be afraid of them?" She asks while trying to ease my thoughts, "They have accepted you as Locaine's queen and will respect you."

I shake my head, "No, I'm afraid of someone taking everything away from me..."

"That won't happen. Locaine would never allow any harm to come to you," Rynn runs her hand through my hair, calming me slightly when she notes, "that's why Killian is here. He is strict, but that's only for your protection."

I can't fight the feeling that it doesn't matter if Killian is here or not, something is going to happen. Something has Locaine on edge, and I know he fears the coven leaders deep down, even if he won't allow himself to admit it to me.

I know...he can't hide it.



I know they are plotting something. I just don't know who the ringleader is and what exactly they want.

My eyes lift from the glass I hold up to my lips, Ronan's voice bringing me back to the meeting that is being held at Blaise's home.

What did he say?


"Hm?" I ask, my clear expression of confusion written clear for everyone to see. My mind hasn't been the clearest lately especially with the thought of Annika giving birth to our daughter soon...

"Why is Annika not present with you? Has something happened?" Micah asks, repeating the question like it should be obvious. I shake my head, sitting up properly and glancing from each face and finally resting on Ronan's.

They don't know she's about to give birth to the heir who will eventually take the throne.

"No, she's fine," I reply, taking a sip of the drained blood from one of Blaise's slaves. They have bled many for tonight's gathering. I know they have become suspicious and the questioning will come up eventually. Annika is queen and required to attend any meetings, regardless of her heritage and the fact she isn't a pureblood. She's now found herself in a lineage she'll never escape from, though I can do everything in my power to protect her.

Enzo sets his glass down on the table, locking eyes with my own as he states, "Why haven't we heard anything from her then? It appears as though you have locked her up once again."

"Did you get tired of her already?" Remy chuckles jokingly.

Julien adds in, "Have you killed her, or has she reverted back to your most prized slave instead of your equal?"

My anger rises, the hold I have on the glass is too much for it to withstand. The crystal shatters, the glass seemingly explodes in my hand. The expression on their faces changes instantly as I rise from my chair and narrow my eyes at each one of them, "Annika is just fine. I fear for her life with how many vampires have gone rogue and turned against myself and their covens. I understand that they don't like being in the limelight and that they would prefer to keep to the shadows, but they need to stop killing without cause."

I lie.


I can't have them figuring out my true fear resides within the purebloods who I have entrusted as recognized coven leaders. Standing out among the rest of their equals, they show resilience and loyalty, both of which appear to be lacking as of recently.

"Are we finished here?" I ask, daring any of them to challenge me further.

None of them want to step out of line.

"Locaine?" Ronan asks, also rising from his seat, "we are here to help and protect you and your queen. Let us know what you want us to do."

The smirk never makes it to my face, already knowing they are hanging onto their loyalty to me by a single thread. I'm not about to test the strength of that.

Annika means more to me than anything...If I must separate us to keep her safe, I will have to...

When the coven leaders eventually figure out that there is a baby about to make its way into this world, I won't want to give them any ideas. My family will not be used as leverage against me.


"How about you start tracking down who these rogues are? Covens would have to know exactly who they are," I order once again, evading questions that I will not provide the answers to.

Enzo is thoughtful when he extends the offer, "Would you like our commanders to guard your coven?"

When he glances to Blaise, he agrees, "It's the least we can do considering the circumstances of the takeover."


"No," I state, the bewilderment makes me wonder if I completely give ourselves away, "you would each be weak, and I will not allow that. If you all crumble, then everything else will fall in its place like dominos."

Ronan narrows his eyes at me before nodding, "Very well, just keep your queen safe. Wouldn't want anything to happen to her."

Published on Amazon as an ebook and paperback.

The Slave That I Am by K. A. Young.

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