CHAPTER 1: Chipmunk Fights and Squabbles

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"Alright, fellas," began Dave, I'm only gonna be gone for two days. And you guys are lucky this time, 'cause you guys'll be on your own. No Miss Miller. No babysitter."

"Whoop! Alright!" Alvin cheered as he packed his bag.

"You guys be good at the Chipettes' tonight. No troublemaking, goofing around OR shenanigans." Dave looked right at Alvin. "Not pointing out anyone in particular..."

"Wow, David," Alvin said in response. "Just wow. Way to make a false accusation!!" He clapped his hands.

"Make sure you go to bed at 11pm sharp, boys - no later."

"Soooo, guys, are you excited for our sleepover tonight?" asked Theodore.

"Yeah!" replied Simon, smiling. "I can hopefully get in some extra study time with Jeanette... AND show her the new science-fiction series I was telling her about."

"Are you joking, Theo?" Alvin retorted, scratching his head in confusion. "A sleepover with the Chipettes... it's just surviving an ENTIRE night with bossy Brittany! It's like one of those episodes of... oh, what was it?"

"I believe you're referring to 'Dancing In The Dark'," said Simon, cocking an eyebrow.

"Yeah! That Julie Clarke girl and her brother Daniel... they ain't two peas in a pod, I'll tell ya that, for a fact."

"You HAVE seen the final episode of season 3, right? Julie and Dan made up. They discovered their love for each other when... well, when they got stuck together down the Horror Hole while running from the Shadow Shocker..."

"Aargh, spoilers!" yelled Alvin, covering Theodore's mouth. "So, uh, before ya spoil an episode, Theo, let me know first... I haven't even finished season 2!"

"My point exactly, Theodore!" Simon chimed in. "A great example of brother and sister bonding. See how Julie and Daniel put their differences aside, and realised how close they could be? Why can't that be the same for you and Britt?"

"You don't understand, Simon! Britt and I are gonna be fightin' like cats and dogs tonight! And it's on YOU if you don't help me!"

"Umm... pretty sure that's not how it works, Alvin. But anyways. It's going to be fine," said Simon reassuringly.

"Easy for YOU to say. You don't have any sister grudges!"

"S-s-sister grudges?"

"Yeah! You and Jeanette get along fine, and you've got no issues against Britt."

Simon slipped in a couple of books into his bag. "True, but... Look, Alvin. You never know: you and Brittany MIGHT actually get along tonight! Like I said... brother-sister bonding, right? The more you spend time with each other - "

"... the more our hatred grows, my clueless idiot-of-a-brother," I responded coldly.

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