Chapter 2

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  It's been a few days when I came back and I've been getting this sense of unease that would be on my mind wondering what is.

  "Ashley have you wrote any songs for your instruments?"

  "I did but i'll play it tomorrow since there isn't any classes alright Dark magician girl."

  "Alright it's just that I miss hearing you sing and play something peacefully."

  "I have to agree sister it has been a while."

  "Well you'll hear that tomorrow alright." I mentally say to Valkyria and Dark magician girl as I feel something thrown at my head and I look up for it to be Chazz who threw it. I look what was thrown at me and I pick in up for it to be paper ball, I unravel it for it to be a note, great.

  'You and me tomorrow when the sun sets a duel and who ever loses the winner will take the losers best card. Chazz.'

  After I was done reading the letter I groan as I put it in my pocket and looked at him, I nod as he smirks.

  "Alright everyone time for lunch you can go now." My dad says as I shake Jaden awake and he yawns.

  "Did I miss anything important?"

  "No not really but we have that written test the day after tomorrow and a field test next week." I say to Jaden as he whines about the written test while we walk to the cafeteria while I think of tomorrows duel.

  "Hello earth to Ashley you there?"

  "O-oh sorry Jaden I zoned out a little bit, so what were you saying?"

  "I was saying what are you going to do tomorrow since there isn't any classes."

  "I really don't know."

  "How about a duel tomorrow? I know i'll beat you."

  "Alright but save that energy for tomorrow." I say as we make it to the cafeteria and got our lunch we talked while eating with Atticus, Alexis, Lola and Syrus.

  Once we were done we wen't on with classes till the end of the day. I walked out of class and walk to the forest to think.

  I wonder why I sense some type of unease around the academy.

  I zone out for a moment as I feel someone tap my shoulder as I jump and fall in the ground and found out it was Alexis.

  "Geez Alexis you almost gave a heart attack!"

  "What's wrong Ashley your usually not this jumpy. "

  "It's nothing Alexis just worried about the field test that's all." I lie to her as she flicks my forehead and I groan and rub my forehead.

  "Your lying to me I know that so come on spill."

  "I-I was just wondering about this uneasy I'm feeling but I guess it's me." I say to her as Alexis looks at me with concern as I hear foot-steps coming towards us as I look behind me for it to be Zane.

  "Zane what are you doing here?"

  "I was looking for you since I noticed something was bothering you that's why." Zane said to me as he walks over to us and looks at both of us.

  "What's been bothering you then Ashley?"

  "Just this type of unease that's all i'm just guessing it's just me." I tell him as I put my hands in my pockets as Zane and Alexis looks worried as I give them a smile.

  "It'll be alright you guys it'll go away before you know it anyways gotta go." I say as I run off to the Slifer dorm but got caught off as I see Lola and with some type of box as I guess it's filled with photos as I walk the rest of the way to the dorm.

  Once I made it to the dorm I went to my room and I open the door as someone jumps at me and I fall backwards with the person on top of me for it to be Atticus.

  "What the heck Atticus!?!" I yell as he got off of me and helps me up and I smack him right side up the head.

  "What were you doing in my room!?"

  "I saw someone go in your room so I went in there and saw no one and I looked around your room if I could see the person, and well I thought the person was coming back so I got ready to jump at them." Atticus informed me as I shake my head and enter my room with him as I look around and saw my locket was gone and so was my photo when I was small.

  "Ashley your picture with you and your friends is gone too."

  "Even the class photo of this year is gone also." I say mentally to Dark magician girl as I look at Atticus as he looks worried at me.

  "My locket, a photo of me when I was small and the picture My dad took of us before I left is missing and also the class photo of this year is missing too."

  "Why would someone take your locket and photos?"

  "That I don't know but we should go tell Chancellor Sheppard about this." I say to Atticus as he nods and we leave my room and head to Sheppard's office.

  Once we made it to his office I knock on the door and it opens automatically as Sheppard looks at us surprised as we walk up to him.

  "What are you two doing here?"

  "Chancellor Sheppard someone has broke in into Ashley's room and took her locket and some pictures that belong to her." Atticus said to Sheppard as he nods as he tells me to stay in someones dorm room for now as they investigate my room only for today as I leave with Atticus and go back to the Slifer dorm.

  "Are you going to tell Professor Banner?"

  "Yes he has to know what's going on." I tell Atticus as we make it to the Slifer dorm and I walk up to my dad's door and knock on it as my dad answers it.

  "Hello sunshine what do you need?"

  "Uh dad can we talk inside please." I say to him as he nods and let's me in his room and we sit down as he put's tea on the short table.

  "Now Ashley what did you want to talk about?" My dad said as he gave me a handles cup with green tea as I blow on it and take a sip and put it on the table.

  "Someone broke in my room earlier and took somethings and I have to sleep in someone else's dorm room for the night since some people will be investigating my room only for today." I tell my dad as he thinks about the situation that's at hand right now.

  "I see you can sleep Lola's dorm room for tonight since I guess she wouldn't mind." My dad said and I nod and drink the rest of my tea and leave his room.

  "So how did it go?"

  "Nothing bad Atticus he just told me go to Lola's dorm room for tonight."

  "Then i'll take you to the Ra dorm." Atticus said to me as I nod and we both walk to the Ra Yellow dorm.

  Once we both made it to the Ra yellow dorm we see Lola standing outside talking with a male Ra.

  "Hey Lola, Bastion!" Atticus yelled as he got the attention of both Ra's as me and Atticus walk up to them.

  "Atticus did you hear that students have been getting there rooms broke in."

  "Yes I've heard and Ashley is one of them." Atticus said to the male Ra as I wave a bit shyly as the male Ra looks at me.

  "Hello i'm Bastion nice to meet you."

  "Nice to meet you too." I say to the male Ra Bastion as we shake hands and then Lola cleared her throat.

  "So what are you two doing here?"

  "Oh my dad said that if it was alright for me to spend the night with you."

  "Of coarse it would be alright." Lola said as I give her a smile as the four of us hear a someone yell 'hey' and I turn around for it to be Alexis and Zane.

  "Hey guys." I say to both Obelisks as they walk up to the four of us.

  "Bastion make sure to tell the headmaster of the Yellow Ra to check on the dorm rooms after the students leave."

  "On it." Bastion said and left as I look at them a little bit curiously.

  "Sheppard send you two to spread the word?"

  "He did but when we were walking around we found this." Zane said as he showed me two pictures one of them is the class photo as lot's of students have there face's crossed off and the other photo was a picture of me looking at the ocean and it's been took from long distance.

  "Why is the one i'm in is took from long distance?" I ask my three friends and they come look at the photo as I question it of what it means.

  "Does it mean your being watched Ashley?"

  "It could be but this could mean that the people around me are being watched also. I'm really worried now." I mentally say to Dark magician girl as the others look at me really worried and I don't know what to do this time.

  "I think we should go to my room." Lola said as we all nod and head to her room as I see Jaden and Syrus with Bastion as we go past them and go to Lola's dorm room.

  Once we went in to Lola's room we all sat in a circle and I put the two photo's in the middle.

  "Why would someone stalk me is the question plus why is the class photo have many students crossed off?" I ask everyone as I look out the window with worry as Dark Magician appears next to me.

  "What will we do lady Ashley?"

  "I don't know but were made to play a dangerous game that we don't know how to play Dark Magician and we can do for now is play with this danger."

Heyo Grizzly bears I hope you enjoyed this chapter and as always love ya~ Grizzly

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