Chapter 4

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  "Let's just start the duel."

  "With pleasure to beat you." Chazz said as he get's ready to duel me as I put my deck in my duel disk.

  "Duel." We say in a union as Valkyrie appears next to me.

  "This will be a tough one, Ashley."

  "Well the it depends how I play." I mentally say to Valkyrie as I draw my cards and I got a good hand.

  "Since i'm a gentleman i'll let you go first Slifer."

  "With pleasure, first I will use the field spell Secret Village of Spellcasters and this allows me to summon any spellcaster without sacrifice, and if you have any spellcasters in your deck you won't be allowed to summon them for this round. Next I summon Water sorceress in defense mode and I'll summon Poison Magician to the field in attack mode, I end my turn with a face down."

  "What a Slifer move i'll show you what a move is. I send Armed dragon level 3 to my grave to special summon Armed dragon level 5!"

  Oh no this is bad! just calm down Ashley and you'll find a way to beat him.

  "Now i'm going to have my dragon destroy your Water sorceress!"

  Let's hope her affect can help a bit here.

  "Thank you for doing that now I can summon any dragon, warrior or Spellcaster to the field. "

  "It doesn't matter if you summon another monster to the field, as long as Armed dragon destroys a monster I can send it to the graveyard and can summon Armed dragon level 7. I end my turn."

  Okay it's now or nothing, I have to summon Poison sorceress to help me win this duel. I have to combine one them with a dragon to help me here. Just focus on the duel Ashley you can do this.

  "Alright here we go, I summon Crystal Seer Dragon in defense mode. Next I'll equip her with dragons claw that will make her attack and defense points go up by 500. I'll end my turn here"

  Since Crystal seer dragon has 2100 attack points it'll go up to 2600 plus with here defense from 1100 to 1600.

  "I'll have my dragon attack your Poison Magician toy!"

  "Oh how dare you call me a toy! Let me at him!"

  "Focus Poison Magician!" I mentally yell at Poison magician as Chazz's dragon comes closer.

  "I activate on of face downs my trap card Pinpoint guard, I can put a level 4 or lower monster from my hand yard, now I summon Kuriboh to come and help!" Kuriboh appears on the field and get's destroyed.

  Chazz now has the chance to summon Armed dragon level 10 and me with only 1002 life points.

  "Now I send Armed dragon level 7 to the grave yard and special summon Armed dragon level 10! And i'll just put a face down."

  He sure is cocky for just using one monster that's for sure but I wont let that distract me. Now if I draw Polymerization I can end this duel.

  I draw my card for it to be Polymerization and now lady luck is on my side.

  "Alright, I use Polymerization and fuse Crystal seer dragon with Poison magician to make, Crystal poison flame dragon!"

  "Your little dragon doesn't have enough attack points to destroy mine! it's only a toy to mine."

  Oh of how dead wrong you are.

  "Crystal poison flame dragon may have 2800 attack points but with Poison sorceress affect, every monster on the field with 'Poison' in there name gains 1000 attack points if the opponents monster has more attack points."

  "Then that means-."

  "That's right, now Crystal poison dragon attack Armed dragon with Poison flame!" My dragon attacks Chazz's dragon.

  "Oh and Crystal poison dragon's affect is that it causes you to take the same damage as your dragons attack points." Chazz looked very surprised as his life points go down to 1000.

  "And since you have no monster on the field I'll just use my spellcard, poison rose."

  "But-." His life points go down to 0 as I take a breath and the other obelisk's gasp as I shuffle all my cards in my deck and put it in my deck box that was on my belt. I walked away and went to the forest to relax a bit.

  "That sure was a duel!"

  "He's really good, better than I."

  "Ashley you have to stop doubting yourself! your a great duelist!"

  "I would have to agree Dark magician girl, Lady Ashley is a great duelist." Dark magician sided with Dark magician girl as I sigh.

  "There's a lot of things i'm lacking still." I sigh as I see Lola sitting on a rock as I sneak up behind her.

  "Ashley I know your there."

  "Dang it! Why is it so hard to scare you!"

  "Maybe because I'm to awesome." Lola grins as I roll my eyes.

  "Why are you out here alone?"

  "I saw you dueling with Chazz so I hid and watched."

  "You saw all of it!?" I was surprised she actually watch me full on duel.

  "Anyways I would like to ask you something."

  "What is it?"

  "Why do you always doubt yourself when your a great duelist." I stayed quiet as the wind picked up as me and Lola look at the sky for it to darken.

  "Let's go before we get caught in the storm!" We both start to run to the Slifer dorm trying our best not to trip over any branches. We were able to make it to the Slifer dorm and we went to my room as it starts to pour outside.

  "Well we're lucky we didn't stay out a little longer."

  "Yeah." I sit next to Lola as I see Pharaoh on my chair asleep as I smile.

  "Ashley did you write any songs when you were in the city?"

  "I did want to hear it?" Lola nods as I get up and turn on my music player that holds the background music for the song, I take a deep breath and start to sing.


  Once I got done Lola smiled and clapped.

  "Thank you, thank you." I bow as Lola giggles and I turn off my music player.

  "Hey Ashley do you think we'll see each other after this final year in Duel Academy?"

  "We will don't worry." I say to her as we both yawn.

  "Well it's been a long day and it's 7, I'm going to sleep now." I say as I lay on my bed and start to sleep. Waiting for the next day to happen.

Heyo my Grizzly bears I hope you enjoyed this chapter and sorry for the very slow updates but I'm trying to get these chapters out the best I can and as always love ya~ Grizzly

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