Chapter 8

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  "Why did I ever agree to this?!" I exclaim pacing back and forth in the Obelisk Arena.

  "Chill out, Ashley. We got this in the bag!" Jaden exclaims as he stops my pacing.

  "We're facing my cousins that have decks that can blow me back to the city!" I exclaim as more thoughts race in my head and Jaden shakes me a bit to bring me back to reality.

  "Calm down. We're going to win so you can stay." Jaden says, looking into my eyes as I sigh.

  "You're right, but I just can't help it. The chances are overwhelming." I say as I notice the two male competitors. Jaden let's go as we both get in our spots and get our disks ready.

  "Today is an unexpected duel between these four! I now let this duel begin!" Sheppard exclaimed as everyone watches intently.

  "Sorry, Ashley but I'm going to start off with my favorite!" Jacob continues.

  "I'll summon Skeletal Guard in attack mode! You can already guess what I'll do next turn." Jacob says as chills go down my spine.

  "Lady Ashley, please keep calm."

  "I'll try Dark Magician." I mentally say as Ichi smiles.

  "Alright my turn! I'm going to summon Fangclaw Tiger in defense mode! And I'll throw down two cards. Good luck, Ashley!" Ichi exclaimed and I gulp.

  "Ashley, don't shut down now! You can do this!" I exclaim, trying to give confidence to my friend.

  "Alexis, I don't think you know the power behind those decks they are using."

  "I do know, Bastion. The Skeletal and Fangclaw deck, they can be a big problem if they know how to use them properly."

  "Especially with the big monsters ahead and could try a combo attack." Bastion says as I look at the shaken girl in the ring.

  You can do it, Ashley. Just do your thing just like always!

  "Who should start?" Jaden asked as I try to think.

  "You should, Jaden. I still need to figure out what to do." I say as he nods and smiles with confidence beaming off of him.

  "Alright! Time to get your game on! I summon the Elemental HERO Avian in Attack mode. Next, I'm bringing out the Elemental HERO Burstinatrix! I'll use Polymerization to bring out the Elemental HERO Flame Wingman! I'll throw down a face down and end my turn!" Jaden announces as I look at him feeling his positivity reach me a bit. I look ahead and see the two monsters.

  "My turn then," I say and draw a card as I look at my hand.

  This should work for now.

  "I'll summon Kidmodo Dragon and send him to the graveyard activating his special effect by allowing me to summon any dragon-type from my deck so I shall bring out Crystal Seer Dragon, I'll put down a card and that's it," I say as both relatives think for a moment.

  "Alright, I draw," Jacob announces.

  "His eyes just brightened!"

  "Calm down, panicking won't help, Ashley." Dark Magician Girl says as I watch closely.

  "I will bring out another Skeletal Guard activating their effect to allow me to send them both to the graveyard to bring out The Skeletal King! Next, I activate the spell card Reapers Touch to look at your hand and send one to the graveyard. Why don't we look at yours, Ashley?" Jacob says as my cards glow.

  "Hmm, tough decision. I'll send your Poison Sorceress to the graveyard." Jacob says and Poison Sorceress disappears.

  "Now I'll activate his ability which allows me to get rid of one spell on the field," Jacob says and my face down gets destroyed.

  "He sure isn't making this easy."

  "I can agree with that, Lady Ashley." Dark Magician says as I look ahead.

  "I'll be nice and use Bone Mirage which if you forgot causes 1,000 points of damage directed at your Life Points," Jacob says as bones come at me and fade.

3000 life points already? He really is trying to finish this quickly.

  "Are you done?"

  "Of course," Jacob answers me as Ichi glows at the fact that he gets his turn now.

  "Is that a bad thing, Ash?"

  "I'll stay quiet," I answer as Jaden smiles.

  "Bring it on, Ichi!"

  "Of course I will! I draw!" Ichi exclaims and looks at the drawn card.

  "Alright! I'm going to summon Fangclaw Snake and make him attack your Crystal Seer!" Ichi exclaims as Fangclaw Snake lunges at Crystal Seer Dragon and disappears, I drop to 1800 life points.

  "Thanks for doing that! Now Crystal Seer's effect activates!" I say as I look at my hand.

  "She lets me summon any dragon-type monster levels 4 through 7. I'll bring out SunBurst Dragon in attack mode." I exclaim as SunBurst appears and goes into an attacking position.

  "Okay, I can work with that, I'll use one of my face downs, Emergency Claw, this spell card lets me summon my most powerful monster! Say hello to Fangclaw of Bodmin." Ichi says as I gulp.

  A beast worth 3500 attack points and Skeletal King at 3000! just think.

  "I'm up! I'll use the field spell Skyscraper! This gives my Flame Wingman a 1000 attack pint boost! Flame Wingman attack Skeletal King with Skydive Scorcher!" Jaden yells and Flame Wingman attacks Jacobs Skeletal King, his life points go down 3800.

  "Oh and due to my Flame Wingman's ability, you take damage equal to your destroyed monster," Jaden informs and Jacob's life points are now 800.

  Time to show them what I got.

  "I end my turn," Jaden announces as I breath.

  "I'm up! I summon my Dark Magician Girl in attack mode, next I activate my spell care Sage's Stone, It allows me to special summon Dark Magician!" I say as Dark Magician appears next to Dark Magician Girl and SunBurst Dragon.

  "Let's carry on, I use Polymerization to fuse Dark Magician Girl and SunBurst Dragon to make DarkBurst Dragon!" I announce and both of their faces go pale, knowing what will come.

  "You really did get better, cousin! A dragon who has 4000 attack points!"

  "I'm not even done, Ichi! DarkBurst Dragon gains 600 attack points for each dragon in my graveyard, I thank you for that. Now, DarkBurst Dragon attack Fangclaw of Bodmin with Dark Flames!" I command as DarkBurst Dragon spews dire towards Ichi's Bodmin and his monster gets destroyed along with his life points going down to zero.

"Now your turn, Jacob, Dark Magician, Dark Magic Attack!" I announce as Dark Magician's magic goes towards Ichi and his life points reach zero also.

  "That's the end of that!" I exclaim as I hear cheers and claps, then it hits me. I feel my heart soar from the weight that was lifted in this duel.

  "Wait- we won!" I yell happily as I look at Jaden and he hugs me.

  "That was awesome, Ashley! I'm glad I'll still be able to make memories with you!" He yells as I laugh noticing his cheeks turn pink.

  "Ashley! Jaden you did it!" I hear Dad yell and Jaden let's go of me quickly, I look towards where my Dad is and smile.

  "Alright, everyone! Off to class!" Sheppard announces and we all head to class, happiness fills my heart on the win.

  We all come into class and I notice the spirit that follows Jaden around is looking at me. I avert my eyes away and try to pay attention to the class.

  "We're done for the day, do your assigned work," Dad announces to everyone as I stand up and shake Jaden awake.

  "Come on, Jaden."

  "Hm?" Jaden sits up properly as Pharaoh comes towards me.

  "Hey, Pharaoh," I whisper as I pick him up and pet him, Dad walks over with us but the vibe he was giving off was a worry one.

  "Ashley, Jacob wants to speak to you in private at the docks."

  "Okay," I say and I give him Pharaoh as I leave Jaden behind, heading towards the docks.

  "Why would Jacob have something to say?"

  "Could be the reason why he came in the first place," Valkyrie answers me and I nod, it was a reasonable topic to talk to someone in private for but it feels so out of place for some reason. The docks appear ahead as I see my cousin looking into the depths of the sea till it meets the horizon.

  "Jacob, what do you need to tell me?" I ask loudly he turns to me and I see a deck box in his hands. I approach him as I notice a heavy feeling instantly shows it's self.

  "You feel it too, don't you?"

  "Yeah..." I answer quietly as I look at the ocean and I feel a hand on my head.

  "The reason why we came is that there is a danger here and you are the target," Jacob states as I freeze at the sudden claim.

  "You knew?"

  "Yes I did, that's why we came, we didn't want to lose you also like we lost Tia Maria to that evil." He explains as he presents the deck box to me.

  "Ashley Rose, do you know who you are?"

  "Who I am?"

Heyo Grizzly bears! Hopefully, you enjoyed this chapter!~ Grizzly Girl

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