A Slydale-Dread Family Christmas ~03/02/24~

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~~ Did someone say Christmas? Two and a half months late but work has been kicking my ass these last few months XD~~

    "... I won't even get to see him before Christmas...?" Jin asked, his heart shattering in a thousand pieces. The new news he received from his mother left him stunned, deflating into the couch with a sad scoff.
    "Unfortunately not, honey bunny. Coach is having the team practice extra hard leading up to the game Christmas Day." Night frowned, taking a seat next to her devastated son. "You know uncle Alex wants nothing more than to see you and Serenity before that game, but it just can't happen."
    "B-but- What about we go and see him in Philly...? I-I can't just not see him for Christmas...!"
    "Jin, I know you're upset, but traveling all the way to Philadelphia with a newborn is just disaster waiting to happen."
    "Mama, i-it's- This is so unfair...!" The teenager stood suddenly and stormed toward the hall, disappearing up the stairs to his bedroom. Night sighed and rubbed under her eye stressfully, holding her hand to her head. She wishes he took the news a little better than that...

Hartz walked out of the kitchen with a raised brow, glancing at the ceiling when he heard a door slam upstairs.
    "So, I'm guessing you told him?" The father asked his wife, drying his hands on the dish towel.
    "What gave it away?" Night spared a soft chuckle, leaning against the arm of the couch. "This week is going to be a disaster, I can already feel it. Jin tried convincing me to travel to Pennsylvania."
    "During this season? And with a newborn?" Hartz laughed softly, walking over and kissing his wife. "He'll come to terms with the news eventually. Hopefully before Christmas."
    "Yeah, I'm sure. I do know he's gonna be wearing the hell outta that jersey the rest of this week."
    "Some form of Eagles gear, that's for sure."

Upstairs, Jin screamed into his pillow angrily, expelling all his frustrations from his body. It helped him feel better, sure, but he was still upset. He dragged his face out of the cushion and wiped his eyes when they felt wet. Christmas was supposed to be an excuse to see his uncle since he never saw him in person often anymore, but now even that was taken from him. The teen gets it, as the Eagles have been in a slump lately, but he wanted his uncle Alex...
    "Damn it...!" Jin cried in frustration, his pillow back against his face as he curled up in bed. This week is gonna be nothing but hell...


Jin sat dejectedly on the couch Christmas Eve, staring at the moving figures of the football game occupying the tv. Baby Serenity slept peacefully in his arm which kept him grounded from shouting at the game.
    "Come on, you gotta catch that..." He mumbled bitterly, scoffing when one of the receivers dropped the ball. He's been devastated all week since he wouldn't see his uncle, spending the first days of break in his room. Night was out grabbing some final things for dinner tomorrow and Hartz was shoveling the driveway and the sidewalk after fresh snowfall, leaving the teen sitting alone in the living room with football.


Serenity stirred and whined when he moved to grab his phone, Jin rubbing her back to calm her down as he checked the time. He found a text from his uncle along with a picture and he smiled slightly, opening his messages.
    'Practice going well these last few days. Ready for the game tomorrow.' The message read, along with a photo of him inside the training facility. The front door opened and Jin looked over, smiling slightly at his dad when he walked in.
    "Hey kiddo! How's the game going?" Hartz asked, shuffling off his snow-covered boots and hanging up his coat.
    "It's going okay... The Lions are winning so that's good... I need the points for my picks..."
    "That weird 'pick'ems' part of ESPN? What's the point to it?"
    "It's just to see how good your predictions are through the weeks..." Jin shrugged and kissed his sister's head softly. The young father smiled slightly and sat down on the couch with a groan.
   "Didn't understand football in high school, still don't seven years later." He chuckled, rubbing his neck. "You get that from your mother."
    "Uncle Alex too, dad..." Jin laughed, looking at the tv again when he heard the touchdown. "Yes... Keep that momentum..."

Night walked through the door but a few minutes later, smiling at her boys.
    "Hey there! Watching the Lions game?" She asked as she shook flurries from her blonde hair.
    "I am, dad's just here for emotional support..." Jin snorted, his father pushing his shoulder with a noise of disapproval.
    "Hey, don't rat me out like that." Hartz huffed, pursing his lips in a pout. Night laughed and moved to set some of the bags in the kitchen.
    "Oh, Jin, there's some more bags in the trunk. Do mama a favor and fetch them for me please."
    "B-but, the game...!"
    "Do as your mother says. I'll pause the game for you." Hartz told him, scooping up Serenity and hitting the pause button on the remote. Jin pouted and stood up with a stretch, walking to the front door and slipping his boots on. He grabbed his coat and set off out the door, walking up to his mother's car and opening the trunk.
    "Boo!" Jin screamed when two hands suddenly reached for him from under the trunk door, making him fall back into the snow. Laughter filled the air, familiar laughter as the initial shock wore off, green eyes dragging up to see his uncle sitting and smiling from the trunk. The teen's jaw dropped as he quickly picked himself off of the driveway, hugging Alex tightly.
    "Oh my god...! How- How are you here...?!" The utter disbelief washed away when he could actually feel him, confirming this was in fact real.
    "Coach gave us Christmas Eve off! So I drove over first thing this morning to spend time with mi familia." Alex smiled, crushing his nephew in a tight hug. "Oh I missed you mijo. You been behaving?"
    "Besides trying to convince mama and dad to drive us to Philly to see you, yeah..." Jin admitted, pulling away so Alex could get out of the trunk. The man got out with a groan, cracking his neck before shutting the door.
    "Driving to Philly during this time of the year? And with your baby sister? You're crazy."

The two shared a laugh before making their way up the front steps, walking into the warm house.
    "Look who I found...!" The teen announced with a smile, Hartz looking behind him with furrowed brows.
    "Well I'll be damned.  Alex, you're a sight for sore eyes!" He laughed, standing as carefully as possible with his newborn in his arms. The two men shook hands and Night walked out of the kitchen, smiling at her son.
    "I see you found your early Christmas present, baby boy! How do you like it?"
    "I love it...! I had no idea...!"
    "Neither did I." Hartz chuckled, passing baby Serenity to her uncle when he held out his arms.  Alex took her carefully into his arms and rocked her gently, a sly smile gracing his tanned lips.
    "No one had any idea because I didn't tell anyone I was coming. Scared the shit outta your mamá while she was at the grocery store."
    "Made me scream in front of so many people..." Night grumbled, directing a pointed glare at her older brother. Alex smiled innocently and red eyes found the tv, finding the Lions game that was still currently paused.
    "Ah, the Lions game! Mijo, shall we sit and watch it together?"
    "Yeah...!" Jin smiled, shuffling his shoes off and jumping onto the couch.

Night watched with a smile, reaching and taking her baby girl from her brother carefully.
    "Well, you boys have fun. I'm gonna put Serenity down for her nap and get lunch started." She walked over and kissed her son's head before kissing her husband. "Glad you're here big brother. I'm sure you just saved his whole Christmas."
    "I think so too." Alex smiled, hugging her gently. Jin smiled and stole the remote from his dad, pressing the play button.
    "Come on, uncle Alex...! I started the game back up...!"
    "Alright alright, I'm coming." The Wide Receiver chuckled, walking and collapsing on the couch. Night smiled softly and laughed, walking in the direction of her bedroom to put Serenity in her crib. Jin smiled and watched the game with enthusiasm, looking excitedly at his uncle.

Man, what a surprise...

NightBear15 signing off...

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