Discipline ~03/11/22~

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It’s no surprise that Night’s half of the family is different from normal. Her family is Spanish and it’s normal for the adults to discipline children that misbehave. Alice, when her children were younger, made it apparent to any other family member at a gathering that discipline of any kind was never allowed in her home. And for the most part, others agreed. Night when she got older and adopted Jin, she influenced the same rule in her home, especially after the abuse he faced when he was still living under his father's care.

Night’s side of the family was having a get-together for Cinco de Mayo, the young mother deciding to have the celebration at her and her husband’s home since it was a decent size. Her brother and her mother were there of course as well as her aunts and uncles, cousins and their families. The house was brimming with extended family and it was very lively, everyone bringing a dish of homemade Spanish foods. Jin, unfortunately, had come down with a really bad cold a few days before the party, so the teen quarantined in his room to keep from getting anyone else sick. He did ask his mama if she could bring him a plate whenever the food was ready to be served, to which his wonderful mother agreed with a smile and a kiss to his head. He was up and down for the whole day with a small fever, on and off with having a shirt on as his body wasn’t regulating temperature correctly. 

The sixteen-year-old rubbed his aching head as he sat at his desk, working on homework and drinking water for his sore throat. He decided to get what he needed to be done for his classes done early so he could lay back in bed and rest. Especially since he's been out of school the last couple days because of the cold... It was only the start of the afternoon and the party had been going on since that morning, the teen’s stomach rumbling out of nausea and hunger. Jin typed away on his laptop and sniffled, trying to finish the essay he needed to do for History when he heard a soft knock on the door. He wasn’t wearing a shirt at the time so he just grabbed a cardigan and threw it on, calling a soft ‘come in’ since he thought it was his mother. The door opened a little too quickly and a child ran through, face and hands filthy as he started touching everything in his room. The teen was immediately nervous as he was normally very closed off with his things. The kid appeared next to him suddenly and started touching things on his desk, going to grab his laptop-
    “N-no, I’m sorry, don’t touch that…” Jin finally spoke up, scooting his laptop away carefully.
    “But I wanna play on it.” His cousin pouted, reaching for it again. Jin settled for lifting it up this time, holding it away with a strained smile.
    “I’m sorry but I’m working on homework… Besides, you’re not supposed to be in here… I’m sick and don’t want you getting sick…” Jin explained gently, watching as the child pouted.
    “But I wanna play a game!”
    “I already said no, so please leave my room and go back to your mom…”

The little boy puffed his cheeks out and stomped his foot angrily, walking out of the room and closing the door behind him. Jin sighed and set his laptop back on the desk, growing a bit too warm as he took his cardigan off and continued working on his homework. His door suddenly flew open and the teen barely had time to react as an angry mother stormed into his room, her face red with anger.
    “My son said you hit him!” She spat, Jin shrinking slightly at the tone. He fumbled over his words a moment and coughed softly, his eyebrows furrowed in confusion.
    “Don’t play dumb! My son said you lashed out and spanked him!”
    “B-but I never did…” His voice was soft as he attempted to explain himself, his mother’s cousin not having it.
    “Enough lying! Be a good boy and tell me the truth!”
    “B-but I am…!”

Night’s cousin was furious and, the moment she took a better look at him, gasped dramatically.
    “Young man, that is inappropriate! Where on earth are your clothes?!” She demanded, shielding her eyes. Now, Jin was sick. He was on and off hot and cold so despite not wearing a shirt, he was wearing shorts. In his own room.
    “I-I’m sick, I’ve been getting hot so I’m wearing shorts… I-I don’t see the problem…” He stuttered out, his stomach doing flips with nausea at the situation.
    “That’s still wildly inappropriate and unnecessary! Cover yourself up this instant!”
    “I-I’m in my own room, I shouldn’t have to cover up in my own room…” Jin defended himself, closing his laptop. The older cousin didn’t take him defending himself very well, angrily lashing out by grabbing Jin by his arm and pulling him from his chair.
    “How dare you talk back to me, you need to be taught a lesson.”

This grown woman had the audacity to put her hands on the poor teen, holding him in a way where she could start spanking him. A sixteen-year-old teenager. Somehow, during the ‘discipline’, she managed to get his shorts down, smacking his thighs as well as his bottom. Yeah, that freaked him out.
    “M-mama…!” Jin squeaked in fear and did his best to push her away from him, sending her into his desk as he tripped over his feet and ended out in the hallway. He had slammed his bedroom door behind him and rushed down the stairs, half-naked and crying as he forced himself into his mother’s unsuspecting arms.
    “Jin! Sweetheart, what’s wrong? Why are you out of bed? Where are your shorts?” Night questioned in confusion, stripping her own cardigan off to wrap around him. And that’s when she saw them, the bright red handprints that she could see on her son’s pale skin, looking at the stairs in suspicion and anger. Jin was about to have a panic attack, body shaking and cheeks bright red in humiliation, hiding behind his mother when stomping could be heard coming down the stairs.
    “Where is he?! I’m not done with him!” The cousin’s voice could be heard, she soon emerging in the living room. Big mistake. Sure, Jin has seen his mother mad before, but this was a whole new level.

Night was pregnant, her hormones were already everywhere, but seeing her baby boy in obvious distress, she was furious. The mother as well as some of the other family members had started yelling at the assailant, curses flying out in Spanish. Abuela Alice came over and took care of her embarrassed grandson, leading him back up the stairs away from all the anger. She rubbed the teen’s back gently while he sobbed, sitting him down on his bed.
    “Shh mijo, everything is okay. Your family is on your side.” Alice shushed him quietly, kissing his head.
    “I-I didn’t do a-anything…” He cried softly, grabbing his shorts from the floor and getting them back on.
    “Oh, we know sweetheart. Cousin Maria has always been like this, thinking it’s okay to punish children who aren’t hers.” She brushed his messy black hair from his face and smiled, kissing his burning forehead. “I’ll bring you some medicine and a plate of food, you’re burning up.”
    “O-okay, abuela…”

Cousin Maria and her son were told to leave immediately, the woman scoffing and leaving without another word. Night threatened a lawsuit on her for sexual assault of a minor but soon dropped the threat, ruffling her blonde hair angrily.
    “Un-fucking-believable… You set one rule in this house and it means nothing to people…” She grumbled, soon mumbling Spanish under her breath.
    “Calm down mija, she’s gone and Jin is okay.” Alice told her, the older mother coming over and fixing her ruffled hair. Night smiled softly and nodded, taking a deep breath as everyone got back to their conversations and the party. The young mother sighed and excused herself for a moment, walking up the stairs to check on her son.

No one lays a hand on her baby.~

NightBear15 signing off…

~~ Entitled bitches... ~~

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