Chapter 2: Amethyst

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Eva's POV:

The next morning I wake up to sun shining through my window. "Morning Miss Evangeliya. Breakfast is ready downstairs when you are ready and Mrs. Malfoy sent a letter that is next to you. Anything you need ma'am?" Tippy asks me.

"No, I'm fine. Thank you Tippy, you are dismissed." With that I hear a pop and I know she is gone. Sighing I climb out of bed and head over to my closet and grab a dress. I admire my reflection before heading into my bathroom and doing my hair it it's usual pony tail with a bow in it.

Once that's done I go over to my bedside table and grab the letter neatly placed on it.


Draco, Blaise, and I will arrive at the Villa at noon. I am eagerly awaiting our reunion, I've missed you so.

Love you always,

Narcissa Malfoy

Smiling at the letter I walk over to my desk and place it in the top right drawer with the rest of the letters I have received from my friends and family over the years. Once it's in its place I walk over to my closet and grab a pair of flats.

After slipping them on I exit my room and head downstairs. I enter the informal dining room where a place is set for me. As soon as I sit down my favorite breakfast appears in front of me. Chocolate chip pancakes with bacon and a glass of orange juice.

Eating quickly I finish in no time. I'm glad Grandfather isn't here to witness me eating. He'd be ashamed. Once my food is finished my plate disappears. I check the time. 11:50 AM. I need to get going if I'm to meet Draco, Blaise, and Aunt Narcissa. "Tippy!" I call.

I hear a pop behind me and I turn around. "Yes miss?" "I'm headed to the Villa. Inform my Grandfather then follow." I say. "Yes ma'am." She says and with a pop she's gone. I hate that sound. Oh well, I'm used to it.

Sighing happily I walk over to the fireplace and put on a protective cloak to shield me friend the ash of the fireplace. I take a handful of the floo powder. "Dobreva Villa." I say clearly before throwing the powder down. I am soon engulfed in green flames.

When they die down I recognize the beautiful living room of my home. Smiling I step out of the fire place and take off the cloak, placing it on the hook next to the fireplace. I'm about to walk away when I hear the flames roar up again. I grin as I turn around.

There stands my best friend, my cousin, and my godmother. "Well, right on time as always Aunt Narcissa." I say. "But of course darling, come here. I want to get a good look at you." She says. I walk over to her and she embraces me before holding me arms length away.

"You've grown so much over the summer Eva. You're growing into a beautiful young lady." She tells me. "Thank you." I say, blushing. Then I turn my attention to Draco and Blaise and my grin widens. I race towards Draco and we envelop the other in a hug.

"I've missed you so much." I say. We pull away and I am pulled into a hug by Blaise. Once we finish I turn to face the two of the them. "Never, under any circumstances, leave me by myself for an entire summer. It was dreadful." I say. The two of them laugh.

"Don't worry Princess, it won't happen again." Draco says, wrapping an arm around me and grinning down at me. "Good." "Such the drama queen Angel." "Shut it Blaise." I snap. The three of us laugh. That's when Aunt Narcissa steps up to us.

"Alright you three, come along. You mother as well as Mrs. Greengrass, Mrs. Parkinson, and Mrs. Knott are all waiting for us in Diagon Alley. We shouldn't keep them waiting." Aunt Narcissa says. "Of course Auntie. Shall we boys?" I ask, smirking.

I loop arm through both of theirs after I slip on the protective cloak. the four of us then walk into the huge fireplace. "Diagon Alley." Aunt Narcissa yells, throwing the powder down. The green flames envelop us and we are soon in Diagon Alley.

Aunt Narcissa leads us through the crowd the the ice cream parlor. Inside is Daphne, Pansy, and Theo with their mothers. Pansy and Daphne squeal once they see me. I break away from Draco and Blaise and embrace my two girlfriends.

"I've missed you two so much. You'll have to tell me about your trips. I'm dying to hear the details." I say. "Of course." Daphne giggles. "Alright everyone, listen up. You can all go shop as long as you stick together." Aunt Helena, Blaise's mum and my mother's sister, says.

"Yes ma'am." We say politely. Once we have confirmation we exit the shop. "Come on, this way Angel. I want to show you something." Draco says. Confused I follow him into the pet shop. "What are we doing here Draco?" I ask.

"Well Princess, I feel bad for missing your birthday so, your gift from me and my family is whatever animal you want. I know you have Sapphire and Emerald, but maybe there's something that you've wanted for a while." He says, suggestively and I grin widely.

"Oh Draco, you know I've wanted a Husky puppy for the longest time." I say, engulfing him in a hug. I race around he shop to where the dogs are. I finally get to the perfect one. She's beautiful. "This one." I say.

"Of course dear. I'll get you a leash and we'll get the paperwork." The shop keeper tells me. The Husky is let out of her cage and I am handed her leash. "What will her name be Miss?" The shop keeper asks me. I study her hard. I fixate on her purple eyes. "Amethyst." I say.

"Beautiful name dear. Here you are." With that we walk out of the shop. I have an arm around Draco and an arm holding the leash. Our friends are waiting outside for us. Daphne and Pansy automatically begin to faun over the puppy and I can't say I blame them. She's adorable.

I grin at Draco. Best late birthday gift ever.

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