Chapter 7: Flying Lessons

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Eva's POV:

It's been over a month since I've arrived at Hogwarts and I am thriving. I'm top of my class, all the teachers love me for my politeness and work ethic, and I've made several new friends. Some in my house and some outside my house. The first person I became friends with is Marcus Flint.

It was a shock that he took to me so easily since he's notorious for being unlikable, but he's become like a big brother to me and has threatened everyone who even dares to look at me the wrong way. After Marcus you have Adrian Pucey.

He's a charming guy who's funny and good to hang around with when my friends are catching up on the homework they procrastinated on. Not only have I got the Quidditch Captain and one of his best chasers as my friends, I've roped in the entire team as well. Then I have my out of house friends.

No Gryffindors or Ravenclaws, but a few Hufflepuffs. One of the being Cedric Diggory. He's the fourth year Hufflepuff Quidditch team Seeker. He's incredibly nice and good to talk to. Other than that I of course have my best friends in my close knit friend group.

We've basically taken Slytherin by storm. Me being me, I have the entirety of the house fawning over me. I'm basically royalty here. I've even heard people call me the 'Slytherin Princess'. Their words, not mine. It doesn't matter to me anyways. 

"Did you hear? We have flying lessons today." Blaise grins. I laugh. "Ready show up those amateurs aren't you Zabini?" I ask. He just grins obnoxiously at me. I don't think I've ever seen a smile so arrogant. 

"Of course Angel, by the time we hit fourth year I'm betting you that you'll be the best chaser in the school, Draco will be the best seeker, I'll be the best keeper, Daph will be the second best chaser, Theo the third, and Crabb and Goyle the best beaters." He beams. I laugh. 

"Can't argue with that, but I bet you that by second year I'll be the bet seeker and Evie will be the best chaser. Might take you some time to get on the team Blaise." Draco teases. We all laugh while Blaise proceeds to toss a pastry at him. 

After breakfast we head outside the castle and I almost groan when I see that we have this with the Gryffindors. Don't they know to not put our two houses together at this point. I mean, any other house would do really. "Good afternoon class." 

"Good afternoon Madam Hooch." We all call back. "Welcome to your first flying lesson. Well, what are you waiting for? Everyone step up to the left side of your broomstick. Come on, hurry up." We quickly do as instructed. "Stick your right hand over the broom and say 'up'." 

I lift my hand. "Up." My broom flies into my hand. I grin and look over at Draco who also has his broom in his hand. To my dismay Potter has his as well. It takes everyone else a few tries to get them. Weasley's even smacks him in the face. My friends and I laugh at this. Idiot. 

"Now, once you'e got hold of your broom, I want you to mount it and grip it tight. You don't want to be sliding off the end." I mount my broom. It's one of the school's old brooms so I don't know if I feel safe flying around on it. 

"When I blow my whistle, I want each of you to kick off from the ground hard. Keep your brooms steady, hover for a few moments, then lean forwards slightly and touch back down. On my whistle, three, two-" She blows it and Neville Longbottom starts to float off the ground. 

He looks terrified the higher it gets. "Mr. Longbottom! M-M-Mr. Long-MR. LONGBOTTOM!" Madam Hooch yells as his broom carries him away. I roll my eyes. "You thing he would have the sense to land like how she told us." Pansy grumbles. I chuckle. 

"Please, he doesn't have that sort of common sense Pans." I remind her. "Just watching him is making me sick." Daphne whispers. "I know right, surprised he hasn't thrown up yet." Theo agrees. Suddenly his robes catch on statue and he falls to the ground. 

"EVERYONE OUT OF THE WAY!" Madam Hooch yells. We all part as she runs to his side. The Gryffindors all race over to check on him. I see him moving, he's fine. I then spot something on the ground. "Drake, what's that?" I ask, pointing to it. 

As Madam Hooch rushes Longbottom to the Hospital Wing he walks over and picks it up. It's a Rememberall. "Did you see his face? Maybe if the fat lump would have given this a squeeze, he would have remembered to fall on his fat arse." Draco laughs. 

My friends all follow alone with their own chuckles. Potter steps up. "Give it here Malfoy." He tells him. "No, I think I'll leave it somewhere for Longbottom to find." Draco says, expertly taking off from the ground. "How bout on the roof." He calls. He's now pretty high in the air. 

"What's the matter Potter? Bit beyond your reach?" He calls. Harry angrily mounts his broom. "Harry, no way. You heard what Madam Hooch said. Besides, you don't even know how to fly." Potter ignores Granger and takes off after Draco. "What an idiot." She mumbles. 

"Give it here Malfoy or I'll knock you off your broom!" Harry yells. "Is that so?" Harry speeds at him, but Draco dodges. "Have it your way then." With that Draco hurls the Rememberall. Potter races towards it while Draco lands next to me, smirking. 

"You really love showing off, don't you?" I ask. He grins at me. "Of course Princess." I just smile and roll my eyes at his antics. Potter manages it catch it right before it hits a window. When he lands the Gryffindors surround him, cheering for him. 

"Harry Potter!" McGonagall's voice calls out. I smirk as his victorious smile deflates. "Follow me please." My friends all laugh as Potter follows after the Transfiguration Professor. "Wow, getting rid of Potter was easier than I thought." Draco mutters. I roll my eyes. 

"Please, McGonagall loves him, she's probably just going to slap his wrist a little." I tell him. Little did I know Harry Potter would be an even bigger nuisance in my life after that. 

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