Chapter 9: Slytherin vs Gryffindor

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Eva's POV:

The next day comes quickly and right now Pansy, Daphne, and I are getting ready in our dormitory. "I'm so excited. Apparently Slytherin has the best team this year in a long time and we've always been good." Daphne gushes as she brushes her straight hair.

I nod in agreement as I tie mine up like normal with an emerald green bow. Sapphire and Amethyst sit at my feet while I get ready. I put on a sweater with the Slytherin House crest that Aunt Narcissa sent me after we were sorted and a green skirt.

I slide on tights and some black flats, admiring myself in the mirror. "I love that sweater on you E, fits like a glove." Daphne compliments. "Of course it does, you know how Aunt Narcissa is. Her and Aunt Helena love to buy me clothes, I'd be shocked it was too big or too small." I laugh. 

They chime in as well. "Oh! Look at this, isn't it gorgeous?!" Daphne gushes, showing us the necklace hanging around her neck. I gasp. "It's beautiful! Did Theo give that to you?" I ask. She nods. 

"I swear, you got the sweet one. I highly doubt Blaise will do something like that for me when the arrangement is final." Pansy grumbles, still ogling the beautiful piece of jewelry. "He might surprise you Pans." She scoffs. "Yeah, but more than likely not in a good way." 

Daphne and I but burst out laughing at this. "Come on, the boys will be waiting on us." I tell them. They nod, putting their final touches on their looks by grabbing our cloaks, scarves, and gloves to combat the cold before we head downstairs. 

I was correct in assuming the boys were waiting for us. "Honestly, what took you lot so long?" Blaise grumbles. Pansy smacks him over the head. "Be nice. Come on. I'm hungry and I want to eat before the game." She suggests. We all nod and head out. 

"You look beautiful Princess." Draco tells me when we're a bit a ways down the corridor. I beam up at him. "Thank you! Your mother sent me the sweater." He laughs. "Why doesn't that surprise me?" 

"Because you know your mother and you know that I'm her and Aunt Helena's doll to dress up how they like." He bursts out laughing at this. I grin at him and we continue on our way to the Great Hall. 

When we get there we quickly eat breakfast before making our way to the Quidditch Pitch. "I'm so excited, I have ten galleons on our win." Theo grins. "Who did you bet against?" I ask. "Some first year Ravenclaw." He smirks. I roll my eyes. 

"Well don't jinx us or you'll never hear the end of it." Daphne tells him. He blushes and then sees her wearing the necklace and blushes even harder. Pansy and I exchange a smirk with Blaise and Draco. He's whipped. We don't have to wait long for the players to fly out. 

"Hello and welcome to Hogwarts first Quidditch game of the season. Today's game--SLYTHERIN VERSUS GRYFFINDOR!" Lee Fletcher calls into the mic. My friends and I cheer at our House's name. 

"The players take their positions as Madam Hooch steps out onto the field to begin the game." Jorden calls. "Why are they letting a Gryffindors commentate the game?" I ask. "Who knows." Blaise shrugs. 

"The bludgers are up, followed but the golden snitch. Remember, the snitch is worth 150 points and the seeker who catches the snitch ends the game." He says. We all wait in anticipation. "The quaffle is released and the game begins!" He calls when our two teams dive for the ball. 

Sadly, Gryffindor gets the ball first and scores quickly. "ANGELINA JOHNSON SCORES! Ten points for Gryffindor!" He yells our. I roll my eyes. Marcus now has the ball and his heading toward the other end of the field. 

I cheer on my friend and smirk as he kicks the girl who scared for Gryffindor, Angelina Johnson, out of his way. He shoots, but it is intercepted by Oliver Wood, the Gryffindor captain and keeper. He needs to go. I'll admit, Wood is good, Gryffindor in general is good, but we play dirtier. 

Johnson scores again. "ANOTHER TEN POINTS TO GRYFFINDOR!" Jordan calls out. We get the ball again and once again, when we go to score, wood is there. "Honestly! I need to talk to Marcus about shooting tactics, these are horrible." I grumble. 

I watch as my friend steals a beater's bat from the Bole and smacks a bludger into the Gryffindor keeper's chest, sending him to the ground in a heap. I smirk at this. "That's better." Draco laughs along with the rest of my friends. We finally score our first point. 

The next play for Gryffidore is interrupted by by Marcus and Adrien taking out Johnson. We get the quaffle back and score once again. My friends and I cheer. It's all tied up now. Terrance just needs to catch the snitch. 

I see Potter speeding after something, but he's path is halted by his broom acting weird. "What the hell is wrong with Potter's broom?" I ask. "Who care?" Draco smirks. My friends are all laughing and I soon join in as well. Whatever is happening to his broom is bloody hilarious. 

There's even a point where he's only holding on by one hand. I wonder if Marcus planned this, but I quickly shake it off. I love Marcus, but he has no clue how to do something like that. After about a five minutes of his broom trying to throw him off Potter gets it under control. 

Him and Terrance start soaring after the snitch, shoving each other the entire way. I hold my breath when they get into a steep nose dive. Terrence eventually pulls up, but Potter does, almost hitting the ground before he pulls up. 

He's right behind the snitch and he's trying to stand on his broom. "No bloody way." I say, my eyes widening. He's right on it's tail when he leans too far forward and goes flying. My friends and I laugh until he starts to gag. What comes flying out of his mouth makes my blood boil. 

"HE CAUGHT THE SNITCH! Harry Potter receives 150 points for catching the snitch!" Jordan yells. "GRYFFINDOR WINS!" Madam Hooch announces. The other House's erupt in cheers while me and my fellow Slytherins groan at our defeat. 

"I don't think that should count, I mean, catching it with your mouth?" Blaise asks as we make our way back to the common room. "I agree, but there's nothing we can do about it now." I grumble. One thing is clear after today. I hate Harry Potter. 

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