Review for "Map of my Heart"

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I am so very sorry that this review took so long. I took a small break from "The Small Writer's Hangout", but forgot to announce it. Here's your review, by the wonderful YouGotThisFandoms


"Map of my Heart" by DisneyTsumTsum2

Cover 20/20 

*Sigh* Sometimes I wish the cover grading went above twenty, because honestly, the cover just fit so PERFECTLY in the story! I just loooovvvveeeddd it. Gorgeous perfection, honestly. I couldn't find anything wrong with it (So far, after all I only read the chapters that were out) The font, the colors, the background. Everything tied together wonderfully. There simply isn't anything for me to criticize there (Sorry if you were hoping for something)

Description 19/20

 I think the summary is very well written, and properly explains what the story is about 


An enigmatic, adventurous boy, 

An artistic, lively girl,

 A week in Europe, 

And an overprotective and caring twin brother. 

What could possibly go wrong? 


 A photographer and journalist, 17 years old Aileen Price is all about living her life to the fullest. So when she is offered the opportunity to go to Europe for a week- of course she agrees... a photoblog of Europe could be the make or break of her career. Maybe even get her the job she wants. But there's a catch. Liam Rivers was excited about his graduation trip with his high school best friend, Chase. But when Chase was injured and couldn't go on the trip, he gave his ticket to his twin sister... 


 How beautifully written was that people? The only real problem I have with it is only at the beginning. It sounds just a little choppy (For me personally) to start with a Photographer and Journalist. Maybe just do one instead and then mention the other one later? Still great though. Anywho also All of the tags went well. The only one I didn't understand was the #YA tag (Which might have been a mistake..?)

Beginning 19/20

I thought it was pretty good, although it didn't pull me in immediately (which is a very difficult thing to do anyway) I truly enjoyed the story as it went on. The beginning is basically a longer version of the summary, which is fine, but I (as a reader) would like to see a surprise thrown in there with something that we hadn't known, but otherwise Great Job!

Conventions 18/20

So I actually had to read through the story twice (It was that good) to find any. There will always be a few errors, but this has clearly been well written and well edited. It was very fluid and easy to read. Only because nobody is perfect with their grammar (Especially me) I gave you a 19. There were a few choppier sentences however, which are most certainly fixable. 

 "While I was sweating because of the start of the summer heat- but he had a blanket draped over his lap" - From the First Chapter of "Map of my Heart"

 This sentence doesn't make sense (It was one of the few I found) You wouldn't add "but" if you already had a "While" and the it would be a comma not a hyphen

 Like this: 

"While I was being sacrificed to the sweltering heat of the new summer, my brother was snuggled up in a blanket; expertly ignoring the furious warmth that burned my skin. "

(360_Productions here: Not sure if that should be a semi-colon, but I'm am also not an English teacher.)

Also, I am in no way an English Teacher, so if I didn't catch something someone else did I apologize.

Characters 19/20

 I liked the interaction the main Characters had with others. However, I do hope we get to see more character interaction with the people they met while there before they leave London. I am fond of both Liam and Ai already (especially the fact about their nicknames). 

The only problem I think I have is them spending only two days in London (Which would be a rather expensive trip) and having their relationship grow that much from a few days. Yes I do understand that they are spending an unfathomable amount of time together on this trip, but if they didn't like each other beforehand, I'm not so sure it would move that fast. 

Then again, this is teen fiction and also a beautiful, well written story. One thing I do love though is Ai's relationship with her twin, I think it very well demonstrates what having one sibling is like. Of course if they had more siblings that would be a different story. They are relatable. I would say that, and not only that but they aren't stereotyped. Meaning they aren't seen as one thing and nothing else. 

Aileen is sarcastic, sure, but she's nice when she wants to be. She's loyal, she's somewhat brave. There are more than a few things that describe her and that's what really makes a character real.

Overall Score 95/100

It really is an amazing story and I almost instantly loved it. It has a great plot line, only a few grammatical errors (and simple ones mostly at that) and an amazing cover. I really did love the story and I wanted to pick out one of my favorite quotes because frankly I can. It is, quite honestly, a book that is worth reading. 

"𝕀𝕟𝕤𝕦𝕝𝕥𝕤 𝕕𝕠𝕟'𝕥 𝕙𝕒𝕧𝕖 𝕥𝕠 𝕓𝕖 𝕔𝕣𝕖𝕒𝕥𝕚𝕧𝕖 𝕥𝕠 𝕕𝕖𝕝𝕚𝕧𝕖𝕣 𝕒 𝕞𝕖𝕤𝕤𝕒𝕘𝕖" - Aileen 

(I can relate to her so hardcore though)


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