Review for @Skyeloverforever

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Hello! This is the review of a book named "Getting the 'Blessing' of the sea" by Skyeloverforever. Bewarned, this may have been one of my harsher reviews.

Review by 360_Productions


Wattpad is acting crazy and won't let me post the cover. Here's a link to the story instead. It will be in the comment section so you can click on it.

1. Cover=22

The writing at the bottom was a little hard to read, and the name at the top is small. I don't expect any cover to be perfect, so I didn't take too many points off. If I see the cover correctly, the bottom image is female Percy and the top are mermaids, who I presume to be from H20, Just add Water.

The cover has room to improve, but don't despair. I suggest you go to a cover shop and use one of those covers while your skills improve.

2. Description + Tags. 23

The Giant war is over, Leo is probably dead but we can't be for sure because Death Breath said he couldn't find him in the underworld. The Gods tried to give us, the seven or whats left of it, a gift but we refused until Leo was found or we where 200% sure that he was dead. Mom's pregnant and her and Paul agreed that they wanted to move somewhere were the baby would be safe, somewhere away from the Gods, away from the Greek world. We where going to Australia until my little sister (yes, it's a girl) was born and she turned one. Then we could move back to Manhattan. We where going to be staying at Pauls sister's house.Also, where flying to Australia.



Enjoy the books!!!

There are a few spelling and grammar mistakes in the description. It gives away the basics of the plot, but not too much. The description is written in a very unique style, and that is one of the author's strengths. However, I would write it a different way, and try to captivate the reader's attention instead of telling them what's going to happen in the book. The flow of the writing could improve, but I stand by my rating.

3. Hook/ Beginning= 23

/1/ Mom and Paul seriously want me to die

The chapter name really drew me in. It reminded me of the way Rick writes, like in The Lightning Thief or Magnus Chase and The Gods of Asgard. The writer really captured Percy's sardonic and sarcastic personality, and stayed creative doing it. There were spelling errors in the chapter, though, and that's why I gave it a 23. The organization of ideas could have been neater, but that could partially be due to Percy's ADHD brain.


There were several grammar and spelling mistakes throughout the story. Not to be harsh, but there wasn't a single paragraph where there was not a mistake. I counted, you can go and check. The most common mistakes I saw were

-Mixed up where, we're, were

-Not capitalizing proper nouns

-Comma splices/No commas at all

-Run on sentences

Spelling and grammar are places that the author needs to work on. Once you identify your weaknesses, you can improve them. If you're ever in need of an editor, or someone who can fix up spelling mistakes, just PM me. (I'm talking to the author of the story.)

Plot Holes= N/A/ Doesn't count

I observed a few plot holes in the story. I assume that it is summer, or around August since the Giant War ended on Percy's birthday. That makes it Winter in Australia, because the seasons are different than the U.S. Also, Sally is the one who told Percy not to go on airplanes. So why would she completely disregard that?

A story should make sense from all aspects. However, this is a fanfiction. The rules of time and space are often thrown away. Therefore, I did not include this in the overall score and grading.

Overall Score=87

There are some areas that you can improve in, but you show a lot of potential. Don't let this review discourage you. Keep writing, and never give up!

Do you guys think I was too harsh? I didn't want to sugar coat anything, but I didn't want to be too blunt. Comment your opinion so I can improve.

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