Chapter 3

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The ninja were sleeping peacefully. Jay waked up by a strange noice. Thinking it was the alarm clock he groaned. Jay then got out of the bed to see what the sound was. When he left the room, Nya came to join him.

"Do you know what the noise is?" Nya asked rubbing her eyes, "I thought it was your alarm clock."

"I thought it was yours." Jay said smiling.

"I don't have one you silly boy." Nya said smiling and laughed.

"Oh." Jay said with a hint of blush on his face.

Hiss. Jay and Nya gasped and walked closer to the noise. Jay grabbed a broom as Nya gave him a strange look.

"What are you going to do with a broom?" Nya said and laughed, "Hit the snake with it? It probably can destroy the broom before you lay a hand on it."

"What is your weapon?" Jay asked taken back by how right Nya is.

"My samurai suit." Nya said smiling, "Beat that Jay."

Jay blushed again and said, "Cool. I think I need one."

Bang! The Jaya team turned their heads and looked where the bang came from. Nya and Jay stopped talking and walked slowly toward the noise. The they gasped at what they saw.

Kai? What happened to you...

Kai wasn't like any other Naga instead of being just green. He was maroon to gold ombré with a pattern of infinity and diamond symbols the opposite of whatever color it was on. Kai turned to face the pair, his eyes glowed a bit with it's ombré red covered around with golden scales. Kai let a low hiss.

Nya came closer as Jay said, "Back away it might be contagious."

"Contagious?!" Nya said grabbing Jay's broom right of his hands.

"Let's get Kai in the tea shop prison." Jay said.

"Finally, that actually came in handy!" Nya said then looked at Jay, "Now how are we going to get him there?"

"I don't know!" Jay said looking around for a weapon, "Any suggestions?"

"What you guys doing up?" Cole asked being followed by Lloyd and Zane.

"Shh!" Jay and Nya said at the same time as Jay continued the rest, "We are thinking of plan of getting Kai into the prison!"

"Why?" Lloyd said as he turns his head to the hissing noise, "Oh."

None of the ninja knew the slow movement of his tail around Lloyd and Jay's legs. Kai slithered closer coming faster and faster.

"We have to get out of here now!" Nya yelled and grabbed Jay who tripped but grabbed by Kai's tail.

The ninja saw the smirk on Kai's face as he let out a vicious hiss that made the ninja shudder. Lloyd and Jay tried to get out of Kai's grasp.

"Remember what Sensei told us do to with the Constrictai?! Relax!" Cole yelled walking back trying to getaway from Kai.

Jay and Lloyd relaxed finally and ran with the other ninjas. The ninja took deep breaths and started to think of plans to get the job done.

"Kai is coming around!" Jay yelled as he tried to catch his breath.

"Run to the dungeon!" Cole said, "Maybe we can trick him in there."

"Ok." Nya said, "Let's try that."

The ninja ran to the prison and waited for the Naga. They started hearing hissing and took deep breaths. The Kai came around the corner and Cole made noises to tempt the Naga into the cage.

At this seen, it looked overly stupid but no one knew what to do. Kai slithered in and tied Cole up with his tail. Kai's fangs were the only teeth in his mouth, as his human teeth hid, as he opened up his mouth. Cole couldn't relax, Cole was scared.

"Cole! Relax!" Jay yelled for his best friend.

Cole finally relaxed and hurried out of the cage and shut the door. Jay quickly locked it. The ninja took a deep breath and finally had a chance to think. Kai banged his tail against the bars and hissed.

"Did we just put Kai up in a cage?" Jay said taking it all in, "Did Kai actually even go in the smoke? How did he catch a virus! How do I even know it is a virus!"

"Jay calm down." Cole said as his mind swirled around at what just happened.

"Don't tell me to calm down! Didn't you see what just happened?!" Jay yelled as their alarm clock went off, "I am going to go cook!"

Jay marched off still breathing heavy and finally calmed down, as he started cooking. Nya whimpered as she saw Kai and went to her room doing who know what. Lloyd went to play video games but couldn't handle it since the prison was in the same room, so he went to do his chores. Misako was in questioned how Kai was different then the other Nagas and called Zane to help her study Kai.

The ninja didn't understand how Misako could be so busy without noticing other's pain. But all of them just worked hoping something comes tomorrow. Something better.

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