A Christmas Cactus for Mary

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There was something wrong with Harold. After nearly sixty years of marriage, he didn't seem to know Mary any longer. All he wanted to do was sit in his recliner all day, staring into space. Television didn't interest him. The shows he usually watched were no longer on; he rarely turned the set on in the morning to watch the news. When Mary put on Wheel of Fortune and Jeopardy!, Harold didn't blurt out the answers as he usually did.

Mary was worried. She and Harold had a long life together. They grew up in the same rural town, fell in love during high school, and married after he came home from the war. They raised three children together while he worked in the factory, and she was a kindergarten teacher. When Mamie, George, and Elizabeth secured themselves in their own lives, the couple moved to Florida, where they lived in a condo overlooking the Gulf of Mexico.

The years crept by; the couple endured good times and bad with a fortitude that kept them together. Now Mary grew more concerned as each day passed. Harold was not the same. He barely smiled and never kissed her good morning. He turned his face away when she called out a cheery greeting and acted as though she weren't there. What had gotten into him, she wondered?

With Christmas shortly upon them, Mary began to decorate the house. Perhaps something would spark in Harold's memory when he saw the familiar knickknacks and ornaments. He was so fond of the holidays, making much of the children's presents and pretending that Santa arrived. It was a tradition he carried over to the grandchildren.

The family would arrive in two days. What would happen if Harold didn't recognize them? The little grands would not understand, and their adult children would become concerned. Mamie would instantly know what was wrong and insist upon doing something about it. She was the boss of the family; she always knew what to do. Mary didn't want Harold to go away. Oh, she knew it would be best for him to live in a nursing home, but she intended to spend her whole life by his side. Nervously she gnawed on her lower lip. If only Harold acted normally, they could get through the Christmas season without much ado.

Sighing, she turned her attention to decorating the tree. It was sad to place the ornaments on the branches without Harold's help and advice. All he did was stare quizzically at the artificial Scotch Pine without recognition. Nothing she did could bring Harold out of his perpetual stare. Mary tried to entice him to hang his favorite Santa Claus face--the one George had made of plaster of Paris in the first grade. She faithfully saved it in tissue paper to preserve it throughout the years.

The following day when Mary awoke, Harold was gone. His shoes in the closet, but his pajamas lay on the bathroom floor. Where could he have gone? Mary worried as fear ran through her heart. Pressing the garage button on the intercom, she inquired if their car remained parked in its regular spot. It was gone, the cheerful young attendant replied. Her husband had taken it out earlier.

Now Mary became frightened. Pacing the room, she stopped before the floor-to-ceiling window to stare at the road. Why had Harold left? Where had he gone? Nervously, she worked her lower lip with the edges of her teeth. What if something happened to him? There were many stories on the TV news of older people going out and losing their way or driving into ponds. Oh, Harold! Mary's mind screamed as a tear escaped her eye and slid down her wrinkled cheek.

Picking up her cell phone, Mary punched in 911. She had to report Harold as missing so they could immediately put out a Silver Alert. So intent was she in describing him to the operator that she didn't notice the door crack open.

Just by chance, she turned from the kitchen island as Harold entered. Her eyes opened wide. She hastily told the 911 operator that everything was ok; her husband was home. Quickly she went to him and took the traditional Christmas cactus he held out to her in both her hands.

"Merry Christmas, Mary," Harold exclaimed as she stood before him with tears running down her face. "I bet you thought I forgot."            

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