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"Are we there yet?" a female voice asked. A male responded curtly, "No! Now shut your trap!" The beautiful night sky shone above two travel companions. Both were felines, planet cats in fact. Both were burnt gray with zigzagging streaks of reddish orange. But this was not their true fur color as the female wiped her face clean, revealing tan and white. "This is the last time I pretend to be someone's mother!" she hissed, "I mean seriously! What was the boss thinking?!"

"Would you shut up already Proxima?" the male snapped, whirling around. His tail lashed back and forth angrily as he glared at his companion. Claws tapping against the cold rock underneath his paws, he snarled, "Just shut up! The boss could be anywhere! Do you want him to hear about our embarrassment of a mission?!"

"Embarrassment? Oh, please do tell Whiplash. What do you mean by embarrassment?" a booming voice echoed in the air. Whiplash and Proxima froze with fright. They knew that voice anywhere. The two planet cats lifted their gaze to the looming darkness that towered above them. Then two fiery orange eyes opened.

"Sir!" Whiplash and Proxima yelped in fear. They dropped down in a bow, bowing before their boss. Sitting up from his makeshift nest, the dark colored cat's fiery gaze flicked back and forth between his minions before he rumbled, "Well?"

"Oh great and mighty Tonantzintla, we are so sorry," Proxima whimpered, keeping her head down. Trembling beside her, Whiplash added, "We weren't able to get the bait-"

"Forget about the bait! Your main mission was to scout!" Tonantzintla snapped as flames burst out from his thick black fur. Sighing heavily, he calmed down enough to ask coolly, "What did you see?"

"It's a nice little galaxy," Proxima squeaked. Elbowing her in the gut, Whiplash answered, "There are plenty of star cats, young and old. You shall never know what hunger is ever again sir." A loud purr rumbling in his throat, Ton rasped, "The hunting ground of hunting grounds."

"It's perfect for a black hole as great as yourself sir," a new voice spoke as another planet cat crept out from the shadows. Dipping his head respectfully, Ton meowed, "Well spoken Toi-C, my faithful lieutenant." Looking around at the three planet cats assembled before him, he hissed, "Prepare to move out!"

"Yes sir!" all three declared, saluting their boss. They then set off to prepare for their long journey. Hoisting himself up on a meteor shard, Tonantzintla turned his fiery eyes to the night skies of the universe above. Running his orange tongue over his sharp black teeth, he murmured, "Let it be known across the universe that the almighty Tonantzintla is on the hunt! And nothing can stop me!"

The black hole cat tipped his head back and howled with laughter, one evil enough to rival against those of the best villains. He meant business and he was a high level threat that no one should ever face, not unless they were crazy.

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