Round One

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Perspective - Earth

Deaths - none

"Crewmate. There is one imposter among us."

"Yo, what? One imposter?" Jupiter questioned. Mars quickly hissed, "Shooting stars! I don't think I adjusted some of the settings. There's supposed to be two!"

"Should we try again? Was that the only thing that was off?" Venus asked. Saturn then piped up, "I don't know about settings but I think my game is experiencing a lag." Pluto squeaked afterwards, "Me too!"

"I can't even move. Holy Celestial the lag is bad on my end," Earth announced, staring at her screen in utter shock. The entire screen was shaking and glitching out. It was by some miracle the audio wasn't breaking up too.

"You know what, how about we play for the lols, see what happens," Mercury suggested. Humming to himself thoughtfully for a moment, Mars meowed, "Okay, sure. Let's do that. Good luck to whoever is the imposter." By the sounds of it, everyone else was leaving the cafeteria. But Earth couldn't tell. She was still having major internet problems.

Then she completely lagged out of the game.

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