two | the violet battle

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Tony stepped out of the portal, the distant sound of battle once again reaching his ears.

The field was full of people, one half battling to get through others and find the last stone to achieve their goals of wiping out half of the world.

The other half was fighting for their survival.

Behind him, the dragon stepped onto the soft grass, looking around curiously as her eyes zeroed in on the battle in the distance.

Tony, Natasha and Strange didn't have any time to loose as they started jogging towards the spot they were supposed to meet with Banner and Rhodey. Tony felt relief wash over him in waves when he saw Pepper with them, glad she had managed to stay unscatered for the most part.


He greeted the woman who was batching up a Wakandan warrior. The ginormous hall was full of doctors who were rushing around, trying to help every wounded person fighting on their side.

Helen placed the needle down as she looked up at the three, looking behind them expectantly.

"Banner is on the field, Hulk is doing an impeccable job so we cant pull him out."

“Good, I'll join the party but–? Strange, where's our One Chance?"

The three looked back, realizing they couldn't spot the dragon anywhere. Tony looked around frantically, ignoring Pepper's worried eyes from across the room as she was forced to lay down due to an injury. Tony was glad, she couldn't go to the field like that.

"Astrid?" Strange asked as Natasha brushed past them to peek outside.

"You sure she came through with us?"

"Who do you take me for, Stark? Of course she did."

Outside, Astrid was frozen as she stared down from her spot.

The battlefield was brutal. The ground underneath their feet had turned ashen as they kept climbing over bodies. She couldn't detect half of the creatures fighting, what were these things?

She felt nervousness shoot though her system. So many people, so much noise.

She had encountered a human or two while they had been hiking by, but it had been a long time when she had last allowed someone to look at her.

The noise of guns going off, blades piercing skin and screams of terror shocked her.

What had she agreed to exactly?

She had been blinded by her desire for company so bad that she had agreed to this nonsense without even asking what it was exactly.

Astrid was terrified of the creatures down below, she was frightened of the noise and the smell of iron, ash and gunpowder.


Her electric eyes fell on the woman from before, she detected the unease that flashed through her tired eyes before the emotionless mask fell into place once again.


Her voice was quieter and lacked the calm confidence from before, she had to get a hang of herself. Her bravado had been excellent before, she couldn't possibly let fear shatter that.

But she couldn't deny that she was terrified of the open field before her.

"We need you inside for briefing."

Natasha said, studying her now that she was out of the darkness. She still didn't know what to make of the fact that Doctor Strange had found them a dragon.

Astrid followed Natasha into the building that looked like a ginormous high tech warehouse. Her senses were attacked with the smell of rotting flesh, blood and antiseptics.

She felt lingering eyes on her, sensing the shock and fear that coursed through the wounded and scurrying doctors.

Astrid did her best to ignore them all, though she did feel awfully insecure under the criticizing eyes of hundreds of pairs of eyes. She knew if she could, her cheeks would be flaming red from the embarrassment to be gawked at like that. She knew she wasn't pleasing to the eye but could they all just stop staring?

“Holy shit.”

Her violet eyes snapped towards a man who seemed to be stuck inside of some sort of metal suit. His brown eyes were wide as he looked up at the towering dragon who didn't feel as high and mighty once she was out of the dark cave. 

“What's the verdict, Rhodey?”

The question seemed to shake him out of his trance.

“They've gained some ground over us, the Wakandans are great strategists which has bought us some time, but we are struggling. Cap, Wanda and Thor have managed to keep Thanos busy. He hospitalized Loki, so, we aren't doing too good. Vision is still secured in the hiding spot, so far, no one has breached the first line of guards.”

He said, eyes still straying towards Astrid who was still struggling with stage fright.

“Well, Jurassic World, this is your chance to prove that dinosaurs are friendly. The big purple bodybuilder is your target, the green one is your friend.”

Tony said, sliding the mask over his face as he hovered over the ground, pointing towards the purple alien who was hard to miss. His ironman suit was dented in numerous places, the dirt covered the gold and deep gashes marred his chest.

“Great. If anyone gets on my way, I won't be held accountable.”

She said, her voice way more confident than she felt. She ignored the gobsmacked looks as she followed the flying man in gold and red out, her tail slithering over the smooth concrete floor.

“Jurassic World is on the move, attention everyone still on the line, don't get in her way or you'll be a pancake.” Tony spoke into the comm while taking off towards the fight.

She took a deep breath, raised her black and violet scaled wings and took off into the sky filled with smoke.

She glided over the people, her wings stretching wide and far as she casted an enormous shadow over the field. Some stopped fighting as they turned towards the new threat, lighting trailed after the bullets that were aimed towards the enormous creature.

The purple skinned alien turned towards her as Astrid landed a good fifteen feet away from him. He lowered a ginormous axe-looking weapon, leaving alone the man who was almost unconscious in the ground, his blonde hair falling over his unseeing baby blue eyes.

“And who might you be?”

Thanos' voice was full of curiosity as he looked at Astrid thoughtfully. His purple skin glowed slightly red against the flashing lights around them. Although she towered over him, she was still apprehensive. She'd never quite met anyone as large as him, every cell in her body was screaming for her to leave. To turn around, shoot into the sky and leave them in their mess. Even bring the man in her cave back.

Thanos was oozing danger, she could almost smell the crazy from where she was standing. His intimidating stare was now solely focused on the dragon, and she didn't like it that much.

“Hello, I'm Death, here to collect another soul.”

She said, cursing herself when her voice came out slightly more high pitched and accented than she'd liked.  She slowly started circling him, trying to see if he's injured anywhere. She wanted to get a feel of him, see what she was exactly up against. It wasn't like the Wizard had given her much information.

He chuckled, dropping the heavy-looking weapon on the ground. A glint burned in his eyes, something that made her even more uneasy. She could almost see the gears running in his mind, see the way he was trying to figure her out.

“Well, Death. Seems like you're just the kind of creature who's missing from my court.”

So he was trying to bribe her.

“I don't like people that much.” she confessed, head low and tail switching in agitation. Her wings were raised as if she was ready to bounce any moment. A pleased smirk stretched across hid face.

“Good, we don't have humans. I can offer you a life out of shadows, no more hiding from the cruelty of men. You will live like a Queen in your own corner of the land.”

She didn't buy it, and her heartbeat was skyrocketing. It was hard to keep her full attention on him when there were constant blasts going off around them, people screamed and took their last breaths.

She wanted to get it over with.

“Human nature is by far the worst decease on this planet, but fortunately for them, I lost my thirst for sunlight and richest decades ago. So if you didn't yet get it, the answer is a no.”

She grumbled, putting her foot down as she became to a stop right in front of him. She could tell her answer displeased him. A dark shadow passed over his eyes, so there was no recruiting, which meant she was an obstacle in his way.

Astrid pulled her head back, collecting all the magic that she had been preserving for fifty years. The wizard had to know this if he came to her, had to know that although she was in possession of a very powerful magic, she had hardly used any of it.

In fact, she didn't even know how to properly control it. Not the best plan in a fight, but one thing was for sure, her magic had always protected her and she was certain it wouldn't fail her now.

As she opened her maw, Thanos braced himself while raising his gloved hand towards her.

Violet, raging fire rose from her belly, lashing out towards the alien in hot fury. It might have resembled a fire, but it was boiling magic, angry for having been locked away for so long. Looking for destruction, looking to wipe away everyone and everything on it's way.

Astrid felt it when the aliens odd power clashed with hers, pushing her back as she forced her claws into the muddy ground, leaving behind long gashes in the earth.
Her chest was squeezing painfully, the magic threatening to consume her as she kept pushing it forwards with all her might.

She had underestimated the alien, had thought him to be nothing but flesh and bone. But his magic was strong, it was angry, too.

She could only see violet around them. The purple magic coccooning them both from the outside world. It slitherered around her feet, lashed out to the alien and causing a violet tornado around them that only grew in power. His figure became blurry as dust was lifted off the earth.

The shocking truth made her take a step back as she lost focus, snapping the connection between her and Thanos' magic.

She might lose. She might not live. Well, she had accepted her death a long time ago, knowing it was coming soon. But to go out like this? Weak and beaten by an alien?

He was tired, too. He stumbled forward, falling on one knee as he breathed heavily, swiping his hand over his face to brush the dust off.

Astrid was panting, her face lowered as she glared towards the alien.

If she was to die, it would still leave him weak. Which was enough for her. She really didn't like this Thanos guy.

Without giving him another moment to catch his breath, she puffed her chest, opened her jaws and allowed the last bits of magic to boil over.

The two collisions caused an earth-shattering bang, the shaky ground forcing her to fly a few feet in the air. She closed in on him, forcing Thanos on his knees. She could see the hatred and malice in his eyes before a bright light made her fly back, tearing her wings and scarping her dull scales.

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