[67] The First Howls

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Thirteenth Night

The War inside his mind was more dangerous than War outside against Burnslenian Army.

Five days passed. Today, the sixth went as unproductive as it could be.

As a soldier, he fought hard and shoot arrows without any mercy, without any worry for his own life.

As a son, he was failing to follow an order.

From the childhood, his father had been strict to him whenever he had behaved recklessly and carelessly. They had a loving bond but only for the outer world and in the eyes of his father.

For Nathaniel, there was no bond of a father to his son. He felt like slave being given an order of making a deal of his life with the great rumoured devil himself.


The name itself would make him wonder if the story was even true.

But then, he had seen the claws. Hadn't he?

Facing his palm to the dark sky above, he observed the deep marks. He had not just given his own blood. He had also accepted the poison that a Werewolf's claws would cause.

The memory of the night, reminded of how his plan didn't go as smooth as he had planned. Only if he knew that Logan had read the books too.

He would have to inform father about Logan's curious eyes and ears.

The boy had found about everything his father had for him. From finding the temple in the cave to looking for the treasure that was the bite.

Fortunately, Rodwin had followed him and Logan couldn't explore more with a company. Had he really wanted a so-called treasure of riches, he would have asked Rodwin to look for the temple. He would have requested more.

But he knew about the bite and he didn't bother making Rodwin aware about it.

Clearly, Logan knew everything. But he didn't share it with his best friend for the good of everybody.

So, should he tell his father about Logan or not? His father might cancel his admission in the army. He might remove him from the batch and demote him by his political means. He knew his father. It was possible.

As long as, Logan was keeping it to himself, Nathaniel had decided to not share the trouble with his father.

But what about Davis who had followed Rodwin too?

Nathaniel picked up the pebble from beside him and threw it in the pond in frustration.

The plan had clearly failed. Two soldiers have followed one soldier who was aware of this cave secret. But for now, they didn't know that there was the first one before these three could enter the cave.

Davis had almost caught him if he hadn't stayed unmoving in the chilling water.

He only went straight towards the claws because they were catching the attention the most in the cabin. Davis couldn't even resist touching the blood on them.

Nathaniel chuckled sadly. Only if Davis knew, that the blood was of his colleague.

Not Logan, not Rodwin. But his.

At least, Davis went away empty handed unlike Logan and Rodwin who might have drank the rain water.

His plan had failed worse than he had thought. And he couldn't share each detail with his father. He didn't want to get a useless beating, helplessness or another official War between Kingdoms.

He would simply have to wait for the transformation to happen. What if it would happen on the next full moon night?

He couldn't understand anything even after knowing everything.

What was he doing? He just wanted to be a reputed boy who was everyone's dearest. Not some puppet to his father.


He was startled by the voice because it was none other than the intruder he hadn't actually expected.

"Whatever you did back there at the brothel! You need to end it all with Samara! You'll not court her anymore," said Samuel through clenched jaws while towering over him.

Nathaniel scoffed humorously while still feeling the burden of his father's orders in his heart. "I am not in the mood, Samuel. Go back to the tents."

Samuel gritted his teeth. "Jeffery told me that your friends, Earl, Preston, Lori... Whatever their names are. They were talking about my sister! Jeffery's sister! Lusting for them! How could you allow your friends to talk about Samara like that!"

"I am not her father. Am I?" Nathaniel said in annoyance. "They are men. They'll be like that all of their life. They talk like that behind my back. They will even if I stop them. Go back-"

Samuel grabbed his collar, pulling him up. Nathaniel snickered while cooperating in standing up. He chuckled sadly while looking at him.

"Look, Samuel. I am very much tired. Mentally. Emotionally. Physically. Let's do this tomorrow," he said while throwing the pebble on the pond.

Samuel pulled back his collar and shook him up angrily. "What is wrong with you, man? My sister is in love with you? You cannot just steal her heart and then, behave like a whore afterwards. Tell your friends to limit their conversations and thinking!"

"Are you drunk, Samuel?" Nathaniel chuckled humorlessly. "Do you not dream about Ida? We all are men. We get lustful. We get choosy. We make talks. It's normal."

Samuel flared his nostrils. "Do not tempt me to break that smirk off your face. Why do you think that I haven't seen the marks on your palm?" He asked calmly.

Chill ran down his spine, Nathaniel looked at him, his smile fading.

Samuel nodded in confidence. "I have seen how you have manipulated Davis into your group. That man secretly fancies Samara. Instead of observing him, you are ignoring his threats. . ."

"He left his friends to be with me." Nathaniel said clearly. "I didn't invite him. But yes, he is welcomed. There are no such things as groups. We are all collective here. But we choose with whom we can share our food plates with."

"If Jeffery heard your friends' conversation about both of ours sisters, I had eavesdropped your conversation with your father." Samuel said calmly, while smirking in confidence.

Nathaniel turned blank.

"There is a secret underlying mission. Isn't it? Whose ghost do you have to call upon? I have seen Lord Commandant's gazes often reaching for the dense forests. Your thumb while holding the arrow before you even think of launching, shakes terribly. That hesitation arrives in an archer when he is concerned for a deep secret. That something has been either bothering him or he has bothering that something."

Nathaniel gulped while looking away.

Samuel scoffed. "Ida told me that you were her first kiss," he said through gritted teeth, all of a sudden.

Nathaniel sighed heavily. "Samuel, I know you want to fight. But let's not do it now. We have to throw arrows tomorrow. We both have to fight together for one side in the War. We both have fathers who demand good performances from us. These mere bruises, this will only disappoint them. . ."

"Why would you kiss her?" Samuel asked angrily, raising his voice.

"Why would she even kiss me?" Nathaniel taunted back.

"Right. Neither are you a good archer, nor a good soldier." Samuel said angrily.

Nathaniel chuckled humorlessly. "Well, you really want to hear it? Don't you? She was deeply in love with me, when we were just fourteen. Deeply, Samuel."

Samuel grabbed his collars. "If I see you around my sister or my Ida, I'll kill you."

Nathaniel scoffed angrily. "Well then, forgive me. I will definitely do it, Samuel."

The punch hit him right on the jaw. Pushing him on the ground, Samuel kicked him in the stomach. The attacks continued mercilessly until his group mates arrived.

"Nathaniel! Nathaniel!" They kept calling him, shaking his face.

But he remembered, looking up at the stars with enormous internal pain in his body.

And then, he had heard the howls.














Nathaniel opened his eyes slowly, as the consciousness grew in his mind along with the pain in his leg.

Wincing slightly, he moved his eyes around. Lowering the gaze down on his breeches, he saw a blood stain not so big. But the pain was rising with such intensity. It looked like he would die of writhing if it kept increasing like this.

The loud grunts caught his attention. He looked at the front, at least ten steps, watching how Rodwin was pulling the body of the wolf with a rope. No. It wasn't a rope. Those were roots from the nearby ancient tree he must have broken from.

His face was all red from the strength it was taking to drag an unconscious wolf or maybe, dead.

Tears leaked from his own eyes when he caught the yellowish light behind the dense trees.

"What's the noise there?" He tried to yell.

Rodwin stopped immediately, leaving the wolf back there and came running towards him.

Nathaniel heart squeezed at the gesture.

Rodwin kneeled beside him, patting his cheek. "Yeah, Nathan. You woke up, pal? Those are the flames. A little fire broke out. Don't worry. It was to scare away the wolves."

"Where is Samuel?" Nathaniel asked in a hoarse voice, a sob reaching his throat.

Rodwin's lips parted at seeing tears on his cheek. His eyes straightened. "Samuel? You know where he is?"

"He is the one who did this," said Nathaniel through clenched jaws while looking away at the wolf. "Is he dead?"

"It's a she," said Rodwin quietly, making him widen his eyes. "She is hurt. The Prince has attacked her. She was dragging you."

Chill ran down Nathaniel's spine. "What?" He said shakily. "The blood on my breeches. . ."'

Rodwin's eyebrows raised in alarm as he immediately raised the Hem of the breeches. Biting his lip in slight shock, he looked up at Nathaniel who was squeezing his eyes and shaking head in a loss.

"She bit me. Didn't she?" Nathaniel choked out while staring at the wolf's body.

Rodwin gulped while observing the blood trails leaking from the puncture holes. It was as detailed as if she had done it very purposefully.

"Yes. I saw the blood on her canines," said Rodwin, blinking in thought. "I need to do something before any dog disease could catch you. There might be some poison," he said while removing his shirt and inner vest.

Just as he was about to tie it around Nathaniel's leg, he was denied.

"Don't. Tend to her, first. She is hurt because of me," said Nathaniel while looking at him.

"But your wound. . ."

"No! I asked for it, Rodwin. I had been a fool. Very fool. I came to the forest. . ." Nathaniel sobbed while looking away.

"You are in pain, Nathan." Rodwin said while picking up the wet sand and pasting it against his wound on the leg. "The sand from a fertile land has healing powers. But, the teeth holes need to be taken care of."

"No!" Nathaniel looked at him pleadingly. "I am fine. Don't worry about me."

Rodwin twitched his lips while getting up. "Just wait here!" He said while running towards the she-wolf.

Wrapping his shirt around the wolf's paw, he pulled it hard along with roots. The wolf couldn't move. For once, he also tried to push her from behind but nothing happened.

Nathaniel watched silently, curious to witness Rodwin's doings.

"She isn't moving an inch," said Rodwin through grunts, his face going red with blood.

"How did you bring her here from that pond?" Nathaniel choked out.

Rodwin put hands on his waist while thinking about it. His eyes widened when he realized. "I didn't see it before but now, I know. She was cooperating. She was pushing ahead with the two back paws."

Nathaniel's lips parted as he saw Rodwin taking the shirt from the she-wolf's paw and turned around to run behind the row of dense trees.

For a moment, Nathaniel felt chills on his spine as the environment turned silent. Only him and the wolf were here. She had bitten him. She gave him what he wanted. She gave him what he needed.

Was this the sign he was looking for? The sign from Pylas? Had he chosen him finally?

Nathaniel couldn't understand but he was getting to a conclusion. A bite and staying alive. That's what he needed. He had to stay alive.

So, he kept his calm, thinking of all the good things, thinking of going back to the village. He would meet his mother, his colleagues and Samara. He would have a long luxury sleep. And then, soon, he would be forget the horrors of War.

His eyes burned up while he shook his head.

No, he won't be forgetting it. Because the very horror had been soaked into him for life. The bite was paining and making him writh terribly. But he knew that he would make it to the tent and soon, be alright. It was just a bite.

But then, the transformation would come. He would have deal with the horror of blood lust and preying.

The very thought, sucked in all the blood from his face. He kept staring at the wolf.

As if she would wake up and raise her head to look at him, any soon. As if she would just walk to him and tell him that he was chosen as Pylas' descendant. As if she would bless him to carry on the legacy and to give the heir.

Loud footsteps occurred.

He saw Rodwin returning from the pond. The drenched shirt was the highlight in his hand that he was holding carefully.

Nathaniel shifted on his place, watching him running towards the wolf and hurriedly twisting the wet shirt right above the wolf's head. The water dropped on it's big head and eyes. Rodwin squeezed it more to have the water dropping on its mouth too.

"Nathan, are you well there?" Rodwin yelled while squeezing the cloth more.

Nathaniel's eyes went towards the flames. They were lowering down. "I am fine," he choked out while wincing hard.

Rodwin nodded while taking a second round to the pond. Nathaniel watched him squeezing water drops again on the wolf's mouth and eyes.

"Could you bring me water too?" Nathaniel said while gulping hard.

Rodwin looked around to think of something. He couldn't just make Nathaniel drink water squeezed out from the shirt he had been wearing from last two days. Poor wolf won't see him again but he might have to see Nathaniel his whole life.

"Do it with the shirt," Nathaniel yelled and almost died from the strength he put in saying those words.

Rodwin nodded to himself and ran back towards the pond, behind the rows of trees.

Nathaniel watched the wolf again, keeping eyes on it. "Have I been chosen?" He whispered absentmindedly. "Where were you even dragging me to? To the cave? Or you were just giving me the bite? Or just pushing me into the pond?"

Rodwin returned, making his eyebrows raise. He slowed down while keeping his outstretched hand straight.

"In a scabbard?" Nathaniel asked in shock. "A fucking metal sheath?"

Rodwin smiled cheekily while giving him the long scabbard. "Yeah. I remember the Prince dropping it on the ground while he was attacking the wolf. It's metallic and long. Quite heavy."

He also brought the wet shirt and squeezed it upon his wound. Washing the blood off slightly from the water.

Nathaniel gulped down the water hurriedly. He breathed out loudly while putting the sheath away. He winced as he saw the water cooling down the heat he felt around the wound.

Rodwin sighed heavily while saying, "The fire's going down. The wolves would soon be here. We need to leave. But this wolf might die if she stays like that. . ." He looked at the injury. "Your wound needs to treated too."

"No. You won't tell anyone about it. If father comes to know about it, he will send me back to the village," said Nathaniel while looking at him. "This War is important for me, Rodwin. I won't give up."

Rodwin observed the determination in his eyes. "Fine. But why would you be in this side of the forest. Your father had denied repeatedly for us to. . ."

"I needed to piss. And then, Samuel arrived. That son of a bitch. . ." Nathaniel muttered while looking away and clenching his jaws.

"How can you hate him and at the same time love his sister?" Rodwin asked while sitting near his legs.

Nathaniel shook his head, smiling sadly. "I don't really love her, Rodwin. I admire her. I fancy her. But love is a big word. Samara understands me but I have been hiding a lot from her. She won't understand my world. The way my life works. . ."

"But she loves you," said Rodwin, his eyes narrowing.

Nathaniel closed his eyes and sighed. "I will end it up with her after the War."

He saw Rodwin's eyes lighting up. "What happened with Davis?" He asked knowingly.

Rodwin looked away and shrugged his shoulders. "I don't know, honestly. Everything is going well. Davis is maybe wanting to make most of the War. He is trying to talk around and know more men. He admires you, I see."

"Not more than his best friend," said Nathaniel while looking at him. Only if he could also reveal that Davis fanciec Samara too. But suddenly, he remembered the seventh night. "Logan is quite reading these days, sitting silently in his tent. He keeps writing. . ."

Nathaniel saw his fists clenching.

Rodwin shrugged his shoulders. "He is exploring too. Maybe, writing his journals. We really aren't interrupting each other's moments. We all likes to space out in all the time we get in this War. This is why, you went to piss out near a pond rather than a nearby tree."

Nathaniel chuckled sadly. "True, pal." His smile faded when he asked, "Did you tell your father to wait for you?" His heart broke when Rodwin shook his head.

"We haven't had a good bye. He didn't want me to join army. I forced on the decision and made it here. He must be shrinking back at home," mumbled Rodwin while observing the muddy sand.

"How does it feel to not listen to your father's orders?" Nathaniel asked innocently.

Rodwin chuckled, knowing the greed with which his colleague was asking this question. "Not great. Especially when father is right. And my old man is always right. He wanted me to be a farmer. Just a simple, poor, happy life."

Nathaniel looked away in wonder. "What if fathers aren't right?"

Rodwin chuckled sadly. "Then, you rebel."

Before Nathaniel could even think about it, a faint growl reached their ears.

Both of them stilled.

Rodwin hurriedly looked back to see the wolf stirring. "She woke up!"

Nathaniel sucked in a breath as the wolf writhed in pain. Her heart was beating so fast, it was visible with the way her furry chest was moving.

Rodwin got up and walked towards the wolf before it could even move. He went closer and starting scratching its ears, whistling slightly.

"The big bad wolf is hurt. Isn't it?" He cooed just like how his father talked to the cattles. "Do not worry, lady. Time heals all the wounds. You just need time for the wound to dry and heal. Though, the sword might have reached your organs."

Nathaniel watched as Rodwin picked up his wet vest, opened it and made it as long as possible. He tied it around the wolf's stomach even added two of his socks to make it long enough.

"Now. Now, the stink from my socks of two days before and the scent of me must keep you awake. The pain will go away," said Rodwin while roaming hands on her head, making her blink slowly.

Faint howls escaped her in pain.

"Did you hear that?" Nathaniel asked all of sudden, his face paling.

Rodwin was about to ask about it when he too heard the growls.

The wolf raised its head slightly and let out a loud howl.

"Rodwin, back away from her!" Nathaniel shouted worriedly.

Howls occurred as two wolves came running from near the pond.

Rodwin widened his eyes and stood at his place, not moving an inch. He was blank as to what to do.

He picked up the roots he had tied to the wolf's body and started pulling her as to show them that he had been the one bringing her far from the fire.

The wolves watched him keenly.

"What are you doing!" Nathaniel gritted his teeth in terror.

Rodwin turned his head to glance at the wolves as he grunted hard. He caressed the wolf's head. "See, she is all fine. Just a little hurt. We are friends already," he tried to speak, with a light tone.

His father had often told him that the language of heart had no barrier. It would reach to any being no matter what.

"I am trying to help," he said calmly, though his own heart was about to burst from nervousness.

But suddenly, he saw a torch from the far. And it was coming closer.

When it came closer enough, he recognized the Prince.

He kept the wolves busy with his talks while he caressed the wolf s head. "She is smaller than you both and calmer. I am sure, she will be fine soon. Are you three, brothers and sisters? You all are white. Though, a black wolf would have been more scary. You have a little patch of ginger on your paw," he said while looking at one of the two wolves.

Nathaniel couldn't understand what Rodwin was doing. He knew that the boy was afraid. After all, his nervousness on the face was so obvious. But then, he himself saw the Prince approaching.

As if he had jinxed it by noticing him.

The wolves had heard the lit torch. They turned around to look at the Prince who now seemed blank.

Rodwin hurriedly picked up the Prince's sword he had taken from Jeffery who had attacked one wolf by using it and left it there.

He had pulled it out and kept away to treat the wolf's wound.

Taking the chance, Rodwin kept the shiny sword closer to the wold's neck and let out a roar. The wolves looked back at him, giving the Prince a chance to back away.

"I saved your friend," he said loudly. "Now, let me save mine."

The wolves were staring at him. But just as the Prince tried to run away, one of the wolves turned around and jumped on him.

Rodwin let out a huge shout and threw the sword, snatching the wolves' attention. He kneeled in front of them to keep them entertained.

"I understand that we broke your reverie," he said actively. "We brought a War here. As animals, how hard it would be for you all to hear the cannons and fights. I am very ashamed for whatever is happening at your home. We disturbed your peace."

"Don't watch him! Fucking run away!" Nathaniel shouted at the Prince who immediately ran away, not making much noise.

If the wolves wanted, they could have chased him. But they were busy in being intrigued with Rodwin's gestures.

"I apologise on behalf of the whole army," said Rodwin while bending his head and shaking it. "We are very much sorry for how we broke your peace. We intruded badly. You have all the right to get upset "

"The Prince's gone!" Nathaniel said loud enough for Rodwin to hear and light enough for the wolves to not. "Enough of the play! Now let's leave! The wolf behind you is rising too!"

Rodwin felt his heart beating faster in fear. For a moment, he thought if he should get the sword back. But the wolves were almost caught in his act. Now, all he had to do was get time for him and Nathaniel.

"Stand up, them!" Rodwin said in the same tone while bowing his head again.

Nathaniel bit his lip to not make out a single cry as he got up on his feet hurriedly. With one foot, he moved and limped in all the pain.

"Just a matter of time," he kept telling himself and kept walking away.

Rodwin bowed again and joined hands. "I promise that if we win this War, there won't be a War again at this place. At least, I won't let it happen with all my might. But then, the Kings are fools. They make decisions. So, you never know. All you can do is follow orders for the sake of earning livelihood."

The wolf behind him risen slowly, limping on its paw, making him stiffen slightly.

The two wolves howled at her while she nudged her head in Rodwin back, making him rub his hand on her head.

"You will be fine. It's just a sword. Nothing happens unless it cuts you apart. But look at you, you are in one piece as perfect as before," said Rodwin while sighing in nervousness.

He tried to step back and kept doing it as he realized that the wolves weren't saying anything.

"I will remember you in my prayers. You will be alright," he yelled while bowing head again. "Remember me in your prayers too. I need blessings. More than anything! Good bye, fellas!"

He turned around, picked up the sword and started running faster without any thought. By then, Nathaniel had covered quite a distance.

With Rodiwn's help, they had reached half the distance towards the tents very fast. The howls were gone and soon, they had reached the tents safe.

After reaching the tent, Nathaniel made sure to get his wound treated secretly.

While Rodwin sent the sword back to the Prince's tent through one of his personal guards.


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Please spare the mistakes. Couldn't reread it.

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