[7] Becoming Wise

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A faint sense of being watched gave her goosebumps as Samara walked towards the table where her dream man was writing the names of buyers of wooden sticks.

Looking around while keeping her face as charming as it always looked, she thought of her lateness while observing the half-empty carts. The sky was turning rainy grey from glowing golden, making her fastened her steps to complete the task soon.

Approaching the table, she patted lightly to catch the attention of the young man who was busy in attending the line of village men. A glance of confusion which softened immediately, made her smile sheepishly.

"Look, who has approached me," joked Nathaniel while his friend attended the men in line. He stood up and held her hands to greet her properly. "The love of my life. What brings you here, Samara?"

Samara smiled and shook her head. "My love for the food," she replied. "We are out of the woods and need at least two-three bunches or your love would die of hunger."

She watched as Nathaniel's brownish hair were smoothly combed by his fingers and he looked aside thoughtfully. "Two-three bunches? For that, you would be needing a cart," he suggested.

Samara looked around all of a sudden, again feeling being watched which her skin crawl. She swallowed nonetheless and smiled at Nathaniel. "No. I will be able to hold one and can drag two. I am good at practice," she said while squeezing his hand, making him feel the strength in her hands.

Nathaniel chuckled while holding her waist making her face pale.

"Everyone's around, Nathaniel." She looked around and noticed some of the villagers looking at them, even the soldiers. But just as Nathaniel looked back at them, they all continued their work. "What are you doing?"

Looking at her worried face, Nathaniel smiled. He cupped her cheeks and stared in her ocean blue eyes which were still conscious from all the attention. "You don't have to worry, Samara. There is no fault in showing them that you will be mine."

That made her smile yet the continuous gaze continued to lower her spirits. She smiled nervously at him. "Thank you."

Nathaniel hummed while kissing her forehead and turning around to write the entry on the paper. He turned back to nod at her.

"I have written. Get to one of the carts and ask for help. One soldier will accompany you home. If not, tell him that I am watching."

Samara bit her lip shyly at his confident words. With a last nod, she turned away to approach the carts where lines were still long and empty carts were being replaced by the full ones.

She went to the one with short line, consisting of three women only. But all her mood dropped when she saw Rodwin handing the carts to the women and sending soldiers along with the needy ones.

Her mind gave her the chance to think about changing the line. She looked around and noticed the long rows and shook her head in defeat. Rodwin was oblivious to her presence and was obediently doing his work.

Soon, the woman ahead of Samara was provided with bunches and finally, she herself stepped ahead to only notice that Rodwin wasn't looking at her.

Her eyebrows narrowed and a sick feeling engulfed her heart when she remembered their last meet. She had mentioned about her hatred and cursed him death again.

She gulped when the other soldiers too understood the situation and quietly continued their work. She blinked when Rodwin cleared his throat.

"Three bunches in the name of House Hampton," she squeaked out while Rodwin, didn't bother to nod, and stood up to bring the bunches.

She watched as he put the bunches at the end of the cart effortlessly. Samara couldn't understand the reason behind the fall of his mood. It would be written in histories that he wasn't flirting with her, today. But what made her heart sank was that he didn't even gave her a glance.

Something was wrong with him.

The other soldiers noticed the tension and one of them suggested, "Samara, you don't have to struggle," as he watched Samara picking the rope and stepping back to pull so the bunch can fall on the ground. "One of us would accompany you to home," he finished.

Samara smiled weakly and glanced far at Nathaniel. "There is no need," she replied politely and was about to say more when Rodwin grunted.

She looked at him and observed the anger dripping from his nose. He looked at her while his face showed the anger.

"No. She is taking the cart," he said while gazing at her coldly that had haunted Samara. Looking away, he breathed and muttered, "You may get aside, Lady. You are holding my line."

Samara's heart quivered in shock at his ignorance and immediately glanced at his friends who only gave her sympathetic smiles. She observed his pretending exterior and knew it covered an unknown anger. But she didn't have to care unnecessarily for him and gave her submission to this thought.

"I shall check for the free cart, then. Thank you, soldier." She muttered curtly and stepped aside to look around for the carts.

"Samara, if you want I can accompany you. The carts would need proper roping and a rider. You know it will take time," suggested the same friend of Rodwin.

She thought deeply and looked at him. Her gaze shifted to Rodwin for a moment and felt unwanted.

What was his problem? What was her problem, actually? When he teased her, she would get angry. When he wasn't, she was feeling extremely low.

Maybe, she was kind. He would be angry because of some stupid reason and she was worrying for that reason, nonetheless.

Because she knew, that reason might be her.

Suddenly, it hit her. She observed his face, glistening with sweat, red in unnecessary anger. She sighed and guessed that he might have seen her with Nathaniel, moments ago.

Maybe, it was the reason that had upset him. She felt bad for him. But knew, nothing could be done. He needed to be taught that she was made for Nathaniel, not him.

But there could always be a good thread between them. A thread of friendship. She didn't just have to be his enemy or cruel woman that he loved.

Because she knew, she couldn't digest his ignorance. Her heart was too innocent to play with him in the long run.

"But how I am supposed to feel comfortable with you when I don't know you," she said while looking at the soldier. "You are very kind. But pardon me, I beg for someone whom I won't feel discomfort with in taking to my home."

The soldiers laughed while gazing at Rodwin whose face was utterly blank. Samara blinked in hope as she looked at him.

"I know Rodwin. It would be helpful if he comes with me. Moreover, he lives just four houses away from mine."

Rodwin immediately grunted. "No. I am on duty. Get to the carts, your man has suggested," he said loudly.

Samara's mouth opened in shock and she clenched her jaws. "Helping me is your duty. My man has the power to complain about you to the Lord Commandant. Not just him, even I can myself go to him. . ."

Helplessly, Rodwin jumped off the cart. His nostrils flared in anger as he picked the one bunch and held the other two with another that he had shifted into one bunch.

The soldiers laughed while Samara giggled.

"These ladies surely know, how to play," said one of them as they watched Rodwin going with Samara. "He was making fun of Maguire. Now, knows when happened to him too."

"What made him angry by the way?" asked the others.

The soldier stared at Nathaniel who was stretching on his chair while yawning.

"Someone, not so new."


She jumped back in fright as Rodwin threw the bunches dangerously close to her feet. She pressed her lips tight and immediately pushed him in his chest.

"What worm is crawling up your bum?"

Rodwin glared back at her, getting successful in looking intimidating as she immediately frowned.


He breathed angrily. "Wisdom it is. My mind has taken a wise turn and came to a conclusion that there is no true love, nothing like faith in love. All it is moronic womanizers for whom women fall for. And you are one of them," he pointed while flaring his nostrils.

Samara's mouth opened in shock at his words. "How dare you? It is my life to chose the one I love. Who are you to call him a womanizer?"

Rodwin looked away in arrogance and shrugged his shoulder. "The wise man, here."

Samara gripped the collar of his shirt and pushed his again angrily. "Have you ever look at yourself? You are the one who molests me and he is the womani . . ."

Rodwin silenced her by his menacing gaze as he walked threateningly towards her. Holding her shoulders angrily, he leaned his face closer with furious eyes.

His voice fought through gritted teeth as he spoke, "I kissed you. I touched you. Only you. Because I loved you, Samara," he gulped while noticing her lips quivering in uncertainty. A hot breath escaped his mouth and he continued, "But he doesn't. You are not the only woman, Samara."

Samara's lips parted as she shook her head. "It's not true."

But he nodded with a wicked smile, "A man who fucks more than one woman, is a womanizer."

Samara squeezed her eyes shut and whimpered as he left her shoulders and stepped back. He was about to turn when she held his wrist.

By her harsh breathing, he already knew that she had started sobbing.

"Why? Why do you hate me for loving him, Rodwin? We don't have to hate each other because of him. I don't know if he is, what you call him. But I have faith in him and you don't have to hate me for it," she choked out.

She held his wrist more softly and stepped in front of him, showing him her eyes full of tears.

"We can be friends, Rodwin. If no love, there can be friendship. Hate will lead us nowhere but darkness."

Rodwin jerked his hand away from her and gulped furiously.

"I have to go. . ."

Giving her a last glance of bitter wisdom, he left the backyard but not before taunting the life out of her.

". . . even if darkness there is."


Samara bit the inside of her cheek while thinking deeply about Rodwin's behavior. What did he mean by darkness, then? Was he really accepting that he had started hating her?

Her nostrils flared in anger as she stared at the table with unshed tears in her eyes. That man always had to ruin her moments, her happiness. She didn't know, how to handle this.

When she had genuinely forwarded a hand of friendship, he should have accepted it. But, he had to show his arrogance.

Therefore, she would too.

Being polite had only displayed her as weak. She too would watch as how he would live with this hatred inside him for her.

"The table is about to crack."

She gasped and immediately straightened herself as her brother gave her a taunting smile. She lowered her eyes with a depressing look on her face.

"What made my sister, so angry? The bunches, the labour they needed or the labourer?"

Her eyes widened as she looked at him. She gulped in embarrassment. Did her brother know that. . .

That Rodwin loved her.

"You don't know anything," she murmured while playing with the spoon in the bowl full of soup.

Her brother shrugged while breathing in the warm smell of soup.

"I know about everything," he said while gazing at her keenly.

A chill ran down her spine as Samara saw the knowing look that he gave her.

'Ignore the howls.'

She stared at him, trying to read his mind. His brother knew all the stories of the war. His brother knew about the howls.

Why did she felt that he was actually referring to things more than just Rodwin's feeling for her?

"How are my Hamptons digging for gold?" said her father while joining them.

"Samara brought the Woodstock," said her brother while glancing at her.

"You brought them yourself?" asked her father at observing her foul mood.

Her brother laughed, "No. Her childhood enemy, Rodwin."

Her father chuckled as she felt her cheeks warming up. She coughed while filling her spoon and sipping in avoiding speaking.

"Then, she should be happy. Rodwin is a blessed soldier. The young man would do great ahead. But then, when little girls like my Samara curses him, he ends up missing the chance for the general staff," he commented.

Samuel's ears perked up as he leaned further. "General staff? But father, I haven't been attending the training. What if I lose the chance too?"

Samara watched quietly as her father swallowed and gave him a stern look. "You better get back to the training. You may sit there plainly, but be there. Being away from Lord Commandant's eyes will left you behind," said her father.

Samuel nodded, alert and ready to join the training then and there. His face turning stunned in the thought that dwelled, completely different from the one he gave to Samara moments ago.

She raised her eyebrows and stared at her father. "What about the climate in the woods, father? Did you find more footprints today?"

Her father let out a chuckle that seemed creepy as his eyes seemed stoned. Even Samuel seemed uncomfortable with the reaction. He too awaited the actual reply and finally, their father explained.

"The creature has claws." 


"Are Samara's feeling normal? Can one feel like her, desperate to make good with the man who loves you but you don't?"

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