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Three months later

Feeling kisses all over her chest, neck and cheeks, Samara chuckled to herself at the ticklish feeling. Because they weren't just kisses. They were open-mouthed sloppy kisses and licks at her skin.

Her hands reached for his chest, mumbling, "Why would you lick over my scars? That's disgusting! Not to me, but for you! It's unclean."

Rodwin licked the scars on her neck knowingly, making her laugh at the tickles. He nudged his nose with hers and mumbled, "Good morning, wife "

"Morning, husband." Samara stared at him with goofiness on her face as he rested his head against his palm, while hovering over her fully. His naked back was uncovered as the sheets had fallen down to his torso.

"Remember what the seer said," he murmured while staring at her in adoration. "Early dawn drools can heal them. Does it even look different when I do it during making love to you?"

Samara chuckled at his choice of words. He had told her how he had learned saying it that way from one of their neighbors during an evening walk.

"It does," she told him, honestly. "There's a different kind of greed I feel from you when you do it for the scars. The greed at the night is different."

He sighed heavily, his grey eyes twinkling in love. "I will try anything to make things better even though, everything is perfect even now. But if there's hope, then why not. And it is working, I can see the improvements."

She pecked his lips, looking in his eyes. "Do you have to go to the castle, today?"

"No," he said, making her smile widely. "The boys are taken to the other city for trekking and camps. I have made records and reviews yesterday only. The new Lord Commandant felt impressed and asked me to give a day to my sweet, beautiful and pregnant wife."

Samara blushed heavily and felt him palming her belly. "I must go and ask the butler for morning tea," she whispered while closing his eyes as he was still peppering love on her cheeks and neck.

"No. Stay. It's a holiday and I want another hour with my lady." He said while hugging her to himself, rolling down to her side to stop hovering her. "Do you want me to write a letter to the seer?"

"I am fine for the time being. Martha is like a mother to me. But if I need more help, I would write a letter myself to her. Mother had wrote in the letter, how she would love to come anytime I'd be needing her help."

Rodwin released a huge breathe, making her look at him.

"You still don't trust them. Do you? Even after they spent two nights and didn't dare put an order to the butler or maids, or the Knights. They were humble because they felt ashamed enough," she told him softly.

"I know," he whispered in his early morning hoarse voice. "Just the poison thing is still in my mind. Nathaniel's father denied it in his confession that he didn't bring any poison or mixed it in the juice. Your parents denied it too along with Samuel. I myself don't know what I should conclude from this. I will respect them for they are family. But I won't put my trust in them. I won't put you or our child on any risk," he mumbled while roaming hand on her belly.

Samara sighed heavily. "I understand," she whispered, not being able to say anything as he was right in his own way. "But one thing I never understood," she asked after a moment of silence.


"Why Nathaniel didn't become a beast when he tried every way to be so?" She said, looking at the ceiling.

Rodwin curled his lip in blankness. "I don't know. Maybe, just like seer said, Davis was a better choice. And after everything that happened, Nathaniel chose to amend while Davis turned a monster not just by body but by nature too. Nathaniel was less sinful, compared to him. Or who would have the guts to confess that he took lambs to the forest to tempt his inner beast and transform?" He said, chuckling at the imagination. "I wonder if he said any hymns while staring at the lambs."

Samara didn't laugh, even releasing another sigh. "He was helpless."

Rodwin's laughter silenced softly. "He was. Poor him, poor us. Sometimes, we choose to not think about the causes that could make a person do mean acts. He is a good man. Just a little confused and self-pitying. He is doing better with the Lords at the import of wools and wooden products. His mother is courting another man, who is also known to be a good man in the castle."

Samara blinked quietly. "Does he smile?"

Rodwin narrowed his eyes while looking at her. "Yes, he does. Many women at the castle look at him up and down. He smiles at me, though. Why do you ask?"

Samara gave him an amused look. "Nothing. I don't want him to stay upset or sad. What's in his heart must be shared to someone at least. You know what happened when Davis didn't even tell me that he. . ." She stopped when Rodwin clenched his jaws.

"That he loved a girl whom his best mate is in love with since childhood. I am having this conversation again. It is upon a person's nature to speak out his feelings or just hide them and keep dying inside," he told her while laying on his back and breathing heavily.

Samara turned on her side, keeping the sheets close to her chest while mumbling, "Forgive me. But it taught me a lesson. We must ask people questions if we know that there is something wrong. The full moon night in the castle, at the award ceremony, Davis danced with me. I felt a little unprotected and those were my walls guarding me. I should have understood sooner what it was."

Rodwin felt her snaking hands on his chest, making him look at her. "He is dead. I am here to protect you. Keep you safe. And Nathaniel is fine. He smiles and the women love him. He is the same popular boy again, among the department. Even if he feels lonely inside, him and Earl are still in touch. Also, Logan told me that he has started visiting the church too. His mother is looking for fine woman for him and he won't be lonely anymore."

"What about Logan?" She asked, putting her cheek on his forearm.

He chuckled lightly. "Well, he smiles like a lovesick fool all the time," he whispered while turning on his side to face her and stealing a loving passionate kiss.

"Just like I do, thinking of you, all the time."









Samara stared at the beautiful classic work done on the silk dress. She smiled while adoring the light blue color. Her mother-in-law had a great taste.

She closed the trunk while putting the dress on the nearby chair, so she would give them to the shop for dry cleaning. She would love to try them all.

Sliding the other trunk towards her, she opened it and gasped at more clothes. There were valuable bedsheets and pearl jewelry in two boxes. Lord Lester did inform her how Rodwin's mother was from a rich family from the castle. What a love story it would have been! There were more dresses with lace and big sleeves. Picking them up in folds, she put them on the chair. But immediately, her eyes fell on the envelope placed secretly under a dress.

Her eyes narrowed while she looked around immediately. "Martha, would you give me some privacy for a moment please?" She said while looking at the woman who was of same age as her mother.

The woman nodded. "Very well, Lady Lester."

Samara twitched her lips as the woman would never leave her discipled servant aura even when Rodwin and her were so humble to the servants.

Just as the door locked, she looked at the creamy envelope and ripped it open. Pulling out the two pages, she observed the rough cursive calligraphy. It wasn't written by Rodwin, she thought as she knew his handwriting.

She turned the envelope and read, "For Samara Hampton."

Her heart curled up in suspense. She looked around again and back at the two pages in her shaky hands. Opening them, she took a long breathe before reading quietly.

"Dear Samara,

I hope, you are as well as the stars are in the sky. Twinkling.

If you are reading this letter, I have already left this world. Gone to my Miranda and is happy with her up here. And I hope, Rodwin is with us too. . ."

Samara gasped, her eyebrows narrowing as she hurriedly got up and walked towards the door. Bolting it immediately, she sat on the edge of the King-sized bed and continued reading.

". . . Yes, it was I who poisoned the juice. I lied to my son that this juice was brought in by your mother. There was no juice in the basket. It was full of dinner bowls and tiffins. I made the juice in the noon when you both were away and poisoned it for me and my son. . ."

Samara's hands shook as she further read.

". . . From his childhood, Rodwin only listens to my guidance when I teach him with tears in my eyes. But when it was about joining army, even my tears didn't work. It was his dream to change the financial condition by getting into the castle and be around the King. For him, joining the army was one way. And he went for it. I cried when he eventually started earning praises on the completion of his two years of training. I cried when the rumours of War turned true. And just like a passing wind, he was gone. Those seventeen days were spent like sleeping at the edge of a cliff. That anytime a letter would come, giving me a horrifying news of my son's martyrdom. If only that letter could have come instead of an actual martyred son, who became one of the suspects. . ."

Samara covered her mouth while feeling her eyes tearing up.

". . . Life is unpredictable, people say. I believed in it, truly. Rodwin would never give me any horrible news. He hated making me cry. But that first night when he returned from the War, he made me massage his temples while he shared the horrors of Wars. The men he killed, the men who tried to kill him. The brutal injuries he saw his colleagues with. The rain and cold he suffered there with the less food. I lived it all with my son that night. My heart crumbled with each word of his experience. But then, he shared of what happened at the cave. He chuckled as if he was telling me a joke. I laughed too, nervously. Because a fool like me thought, my son was brave enough to impress three-four wolves and came back alive. Only if I knew, I was truly a fool to think so. . ."

Chill ran down Samara's spine when she turned the page.

". . . Two days passed and the third night, I heard my son getting up from his bed, walking out in the backyard and walking further into the forest. As a curious and worried father, I followed him and saw the horror. It's not that he was the beast they all were talking about. The night of the full moon, Rodwin returned from the feast and slept peacefully. I had started staying awake and guarding him. To keep check on whenever he would leave again. He didn't transform ever again after that third night I mentioned above. On the night of full moon, Rodwin was asleep after returning from the function when I heard a distant howl.

That's when I knew, there were two. . ."

Tears leaked from Samara's eyes while her blood turned cold.

". . . The night I ran to your home for help, was the one when Rodwin had stayed awake with me. We had to put in the new stock of vegetables I bought from the town and clean the wooden cabin for horse. My son fell asleep a little late. And when the howl echoed, he heard it too. He was gone and I was worried again. He was attacked that night. Samuel was there, Nathaniel was with us. Both of them were told to be out of the hall when growls were heard in the castle. A belief risen in my mind.

That's when I knew, that there were three. . ."

Samara looked up in thought, not understanding anything. Yet her blood was frozen.

". . . Worried and scared, I told the seer everything. She made pastes for Rodwin's injuries as well as told me to never turn back on him. She kept it a secret because I told her that he hadn't turned since the first night he did. It was a one night thing. One by one, more deaths happened. Even if Rodwin was out, he would return home with enthusiasm and charisma on his face. Unlike the glassy look I had seen in his eyes that night as if he was possessed. . ."

Sucking in a huge breathe, Samara released it roughly.

". . . Studying his demeanor, his acts and laughter, I couldn't understand if anything was wrong. Neither did he hurt any wolf, nor he was bitten. But all my questions were answered when the seer informed me the stories you and Violet had studied and concluded. She told me about Pylas and his search for a heir. As a witness, I concluded that the disease had spread to every soldier who was present in the forest that night in the Sherfield. All ten of them. But when I saw Nathaniel's acts of taking lamb to the forests, my conclusions changed. . ."

Samara gulped hard while taking another paper.

". . . I made assumptions one by one just as I started understanding things. I spied on my own son and eavesdropped many conversations. One of them was the one where Violet told me how the beast would be burned at stake. I was scared. Because Rodwin had started turning angry lately. He seemed frustrated and upset. One time, we fought over not leaving this village and he threatened to kill all of my cattles. He wanted to leave this village. That was the first time, I thought if my son knew what he was. . . "

". . . I don't know about why these soldiers went to the cave, the pond or even to the War. It was their will and their destiny. I don't know if Pylas' story was true or if what I saw that night in my son's eyes was red or just an illusion. All I knew that I had to save my son from becoming a monster. But how when he hadn't even changed again. I still had to do something. Soon, Rodwin and you got betrothed. And I knew, I couldn't ruin your life like this. I needed to save you, Samara. So, I gave me and my son, the poison. . ."

Samara squeezed her eyes shut while letting out a light sob.

". . . What are even Werewolves? Never thought about them. Never cared about them. Until the War happened and the Aftermath. Only one question revolved in my mind. My son didn't even know that he was given one day of becoming Pylas' descendant and so were other soldiers. Was I even right when I thought this? Or am I just illusioning? I wonder if this letter is an illusion too. I am going mad. Aren't I? It's not like this beast was the only sinful being in this world. We all are capable of being sinful. Just like how I poisoned my child. Just like how I killed Ida. . ."

Samara felt her head swirling in extreme shock. Her jaw dropped in horror.

". . . What could I do as a father? The beast who killed Preston and Lori wasn't the same Werewolf who clawed at Jennifer. The one who clawed the young girl was my Rodwin. Ida attacked him and I reached the venue, recognizing my son's beastly eyes and shreds of clothes hanging on his feet in the dark. The brave girl pierced him at the back with such force, the humanity in me was dominated by a father's love. I stabbed her with the spike she tried to kill my Rodwin. I deserve the poison, Samara. I committed sins and I am supposed to punished. . . "

Samara stared at the letters with her tears dropping on them. She wiped her cheeks and felt her legs shaking as she continued.







". . . But not every person is the same in this world. Some commit crimes and feel the guilt. But instead of killing themselves, they do good deeds to make God forgive them. . ."










"Nathan! Check the boxes! They smell terrible! Guess, this box of pickles would go back!"

He walked towards the table, stumbling on the sandy pathway as one of the other assistants had put his feet in the way.

"The ground! That is where you deserve to be, dimwit! Your father's is an announced criminal! And you must be the same! Can't let you work here like a prince! Can we?" The man said with an arrogant smirk.

Everyone looked at Nathaniel as he got up while wincing hard. His knees were hit terribly. Not even giving the men the look who were laughing, he kept walking towards the box while dusting his breeches.

The Lord observed keenly and nodded at each other.

Nathaniel felt his blood boiling hard. He clenched his jaws and breathed hard, checking the jars of pickles. A twitch came upon his leg, above the cuff of his feet, right where he was bitten. But he knew that he wouldn't turn. Even after trying every way.

The Gods had protected him. They didn't want him to become a monster by body too.

After all, he didn't have to turn into a monster to commit sins. Just like his father. Then, why would Pylas even think of accepting him? Especially the soldier who wanted nothing but to become an archery head, rather than a leader of some foolish werewolf clan his father thought was a real thing.

He sighed and nodded. "Put the box back into the cargo. Two jars are leaking, one is broken visibly and the pickles smell foul!"

"Thank you, Nathan." One of the Lord said while sitting far on his table. "I will put it in the record. Go check the other cargo that is about to arrive. And my daughter, was forcing me to invite you and your mother for a dinner." The man told him when he neared him and no one else could hear them. "She fancies you, I feel."

"It will be pleasure to join you at the dinner, Sir." He told, making the Lord smile.

Nathaniel smiled back and walked away to go out of the office and wait for the next cargo to arrive at the port.

His smile faded into a straight line of contentment.

These little hardships were letting him sleep peacefully at night.







". . . Some don't even know how close they were to become a monster. . ."











Violet wiped the sweat off her forehead while loosening her collar.

"Ah! Not allowed! You need to stay that way! Or the Commandant would insult you in front of everyone!" Jeffery laughed while walking towards her.

Violet grinned at the sight of Samuel walking beside him. "What are you both doing here?"

"Came to volunteer as an archery master since your master is on leave for the day," said Samuel while following her as she took them under the shadow of big wide tree.

Jeffery offered her the bottle while chuckling, "He is lying. We all completed our session for today and were passing from here. Lord Commandant asked us to pay visit to your women if any of you wanted any information."

Violet huffed. "I know everything already. Except this one question. Should I cut my hair myself or let those men cut them on Commandant orders? Because the way they do it, I am afraid if my ears will be saved or not."

"Better cut them yourself," replied Jeffery while glancing at Earl.

"I will help you." Samuel offered lazily.

Violet was amused. "Oh I will look so manly, I am sure. Father says, all I need a stubble to look like him."

Samuel chuckled hard. "No. He jokes. You will look beautiful."

Violet shrugged her shoulders, happily while Jeffery asked, "I wonder if I was the wolf. Would I hide or tell at least someone?"

Samuel let out a scoff. "I would have definitely shared it with you, mate."

Jeffery raised his eyebrows. "Would the soldier be aware if he turns at night? Did Davis know?"

Samuel clenched his jaws in reliving memories. "Or course, he knew. He changed with all of his wish and might. He turned back with his own choice. It was in his control."

"I feel as the soldier would have understood anyway. Davis must have noticed how he couldn't touch silver or his wound were healing under the moonlight. Or how his dreams were actually some bitter reality." Violet said quietly.

"Healed? The new scars are still here," Samuel said while patting his wound on the chest. "Davis had nearly stabbed my heart."

"Me too, could hold silver and sleep well. Jennifer used to keep an eye and we were safe. But what if I hadn't found Erasmus that night. Either I had been killed by Davis or burned on the village. Because Samuel wouldn't have performed an escape like Logan helped Rodwin in," he said, laughing slowly.

Samuel raised his eyebrows. "You hope, it never comes to that. Even after taking six arrows for you and those other five. . ." He laughed at his own words. "How could we have become wolves? These plays are for the ones who believe in magic, especially the dark magic. I don't. You don't. Because minding our own business and staying honest is the true spell to live simply."

Violet shook her head, not wanting to remember the days and nights.

"Let's not talk about the Werewolf anymore. It's over."

. . . To be continued


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