18 - Scented as Mates*

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Seeing that she wouldn't wake up anytime soon, Sanada carefully picked her up and carried her to the larger bedroom. He didn't feel comfortable leaving her in a room alone.  Gideon was still unresponsive as he laid her on the bed, covering her back up with the blanket. While she was out of it, he quickly grabbed some sweats and went to the bathroom to change for the evening. Keeping the bathroom door open a bit, he could keep an eye on her.

Ready for some much-needed downtime, Sanada sat next to her on the bed. Resting against a pillow he'd propped against the headboard, he figured he would do some work. A lot of the work that Sanada wanted to do could be done on the laptop.

Cancelling the meetings he had for tomorrow, that left the rest of the trip for the two of them to spend together, hopefully. For now, he wanted her to rest. If she was hungry later on, he would get something delivered.

Around 10pm, Gideon began to stir while he was watching tv.  He carefully watched her as she slowly set up and took off the cardigan she had on, throwing it on the floor.

"Gideon?" he softly spoke to see if she was still out of it.

'Hmn?" As she looked around the room, Sanada could see how disoriented she was. "Where am I?"

"We're in the hotel room."

She didn't say anything as she moved closer to him and snuggled up against his side, resting her head on his shoulder. Sanada was shocked, to say the least.

"Did I pass out again?"

"Yeah, How do you feel."

"Tired. Sorry about that."

"It's okay, as long as you're all right."

Gideon moved to look at him. "Will you shut the tv off?"

Sanada clicked it off and turned slightly. He was still reluctant to touch her.

"You can hold me Toru, I don't mind." He smiled and wrapped an arm around her she rested against his chest. He was really loving this side of her.



"You're my Mate, aren't you?" She moved to face him as he held onto her, his hand gently caressing her arm.

"I-I don't know Gideon. I'm very much attracted to you, so there's a strong possibility that we are."

"Call me Gigi." he smiled as he looked into her eyes.

"I talked to your dad earlier."

"I know, I heard you guys. So he told you what I am?"

"Yeah, don't worry, I'll keep you safe."

"I know, so do you really think we're Mates?"

"I think so, but without your scent I can't tell for sure."

Gideon looked at him then looked away, she knew she would have to let her scent loose to be certain. She let out a whimper at the thought of an Alpha scenting her.

"Gigi? are you all right?"

"If I do this, please don't hurt me." Gideon's eyes were watering out of fear and Sanada could feel it.

"Hey, you're ok. You don't have to if you're not comfortable with it." For the first time since meeting her, he caressed her cheek.

"But we both need to know." Sanada smiled at her, he was ready for whatever she would do. "Just don't move, if you move, my Wolf might think you're going to hurt me."

"Ok, do what you need to."

She held his face in her hands and looked him in the eyes. "I'm sorry if I hurt you."

She brought their foreheads together and moved so she was sitting in his lap, her legs off to one side. Scenting each other as Mates was an intimate process, especially for Omegas. It wasn't uncommon for them to be thrown into heat by their Alphas, so Gideon had to be careful.

"Put your hands on my hips and try not to move."

Sanada did what she asked. As long as he remained motionless, her Wolf wouldn't see him as a threat. If she was going to do this, she wanted to scent him as well. Gideon slowly moved her face to his neck and started nuzzling him with her nose, inhaling deeply. A pair of soft lips replaced her nose, her hot breath sending shivers through the Alpha. The Omega needed the Alpha to release some of his pheromones for her wolf to recognize him as a Mate. She moved and brought their bodies closer. Sanada was fighting from nuzzling her back. Her hands moved to his shoulders as their foreheads came together. After a few seconds, she moved to the other side of his neck and nuzzled him again. This time, his wolf responded with a low growl. Gideon stopped and pulled away from him, Sanada still had his eyes closed. She wrapped her arms around his neck and hugged her Mate. Slowly, Sanada picked up a strange and intoxicating scent. The scent of Sandalwood and roses wrapped around her. Removing her arms, she pulled away but remained in his lap. Shyly looking off to the side, Gideon displayed her neck to him, showing that she was ready for the Alpha to scent her. With her hands in her lap, her scent swirled around the two of them.

Sanada let out another growl as the scent of the Omega reached him. One more low growl from him and Gideon whimpered, fighting the urge to move away from him. She remained motionless as Sanada moved towards her, drawn by her scent. He gently nuzzled her for the first time as she began to shake slightly, but Gideon allowed him to continue. Not sensing any resistance from her, he moved closer. His grip on her waist changing as he wrapped his arms around her, pulling her into him, her hands went to his shoulders. Sanada was finding it hard to control himself and before he knew it, he licked a long slow stripe along the Omega's neck, causing her to moan. The moan turned into a growl as her grip on his shoulders tightened. He stopped and looked at her; she was still looking off to the side. Her neck glistened from the trail of saliva he'd left.  Enticing him further, her scent was getting to be too much as it began to make his mind hazy. She felt his fingers dig into her flesh deeper as she picked up the very faint hint of Alpha pheromones.

Sanada didn't know it, but he had triggered her wolf. Being what she was, it was in her nature to make sure the Alpha would respect her. Making them submit when scenting each other was something her kind did so that the process wouldn't get out of hand. Gideon knew what her special Omega scent was capable of, and Alphas like Toru could easily lose control and try to mate. Using her canines on him was a way to get his scent and Wolf back under control. If he went along with it, her Wolf would be at ease with him. If he resisted or tried to force her during this time, she would likely attack him.


She slowly turned and looked at him. Her eyes were red; Alpha red. Gideon snarled at him as her canines extended. Sanada didn't move as Gideon leaned into his neck. Her lips gliding over his neck, he felt sharp canines as they held him in place. Not deep enough puncture his flesh, but enough that he dared not move, his pheromones now under control. A few seconds later she released him. Gideon wrapped her arms around herself again and snuggled up against the Alpha. After a few deep breaths, Sanada had noticed her scent was back to being undetectable.

"I'm fine now Toru." Gideon looked up at him as he stared at her. Her eyes were sparkling and grey, not the normal beautiful brown he was used to.

"What is it Toru?"

"Your eyes, they're grey."

Gideon gave him a warm smile and snuggled into him more as his hold on her loosened. He nuzzled her again, but this time he was gentle about it.  Feeling her relax in his arms, a heavy sigh left her body.

"You're my Mate Gigi. You're my Mate..."

She moved off of him and laid back down next to him. He shifted to join her, pulling her closer so he could look into her eyes.

"Why are your eyes grey? Is something wrong?"

"No, nothings wrong."

"Will your eyes change back to brown?"

"Not while you're holding me, when we're close like this, they'll turn grey. They will only do that for you since we've both scented each other as Mates now."

"Really, I've never heard of an Omega's eyes changing colors like yours are."

"It's because I'm special."

"Special how?"

Gideon would only stare at him with piercing grey eyes. "I need to sleep Toru, it took a lot out of me to do that."

"Ok, Gigi."

Sanada pulled her close as she quickly passed out again. He fell asleep shortly after that, enjoying the thought that now, without a doubt, he finally had his Mate in his arms.

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