2 - The Elevator*

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*edited 12/6/20

Gideon quietly made her way to her father's office building. The walk allowed her to enjoy the city sights and sounds. She was glad that she'd dressed business casual instead of bummy sweats and a tshirt. Gideon always made it a point to visit her dad at work whenever she was in town. The employees were nice to talk too, especially her dad's receptionist Ms. Fujimoto. If Gideon had had a Japanese step-mother, she would have wanted her to be just like Ms. Fujimoto. Entering the building, she noticed new security guards at the front desk, she figured it would be best if she checked in instead of walking straight to the elevators.

She bowed politely and asked if Mr. Okada was in. The guards both looked at each other, wondering why this foreign woman wanted the President of the company. Gideon could tell by their expression what they were thinking. She got her phone out and quickly dialed Ms. Fujimoto. While speaking to her, she turned her back to the security guards so they couldn't hear what she was saying, but they continued to stare at her. Once Gideon ended the call, the front desk phone rang. As one of the guards answered, he began bowing to the caller on the phone.

"Am I free to go now?" Gideon was always polite when she spoke to others. She had her reasons for it even though she could have easily ripped the guards a new asshole, but that wouldn't have solved anything.

"Yes, Ms., sorry for your delay."

"Ah, It's no problem. Thank you for being so mindful on who enters the building." She bowed and headed to the elevator. Just when the door was about to close, she glimpsed a man hurrying towards it. She quickly stuck her foot out causing it to spring back open. Looking up she saw it was the man she had bumped into at the airport. She bowed politely to him and smiled.

"Seems we meet again Ms." The man had a steady yet pleasant voice. Gideon immediately picked up his Alpha scent since it was only the two of them now, and an un-mated one at that which surprised her because of his age. She was glad that she had learned how to mask her own Omega scent.

"Yes, it does. What floor are you going to?"

"8, Thank you."

"My pleasure. Are you enjoying your day?" Gideon had no problem making small talk, it was part of her job. Her dad had taught her how to gauge people by not only how they reacted but how they responded to unimportant chit-chat.

"Yes and you?"

"Yes, Thank you for asking." The elevator quickly reached the desired floor.  As the door opened, the man motioned for her exit. She smiled and exited, making her way to her father's receptionist, the man however went in the opposite direction. Gideon quickly entered the office and walked over to Ms. Fujimoto, embracing her in a hug. The older lady smiled, happy to see the young woman. Gideon presented her with a gift of Coco Dolce gourmet chocolates from the States, the older woman's face lit up.

"Ohh, how sweet of you Gigi! Thank you!"

"You deserve it! Is my dad busy Ms. Fujimoto?"

"Yes, he has a quick meeting in about 10 minutes."

"Oh! Is there someplace I can hide? He doesn't know I'm in Tokyo!"

The older lady laughed excited for Mr. Okada's surprise visitor. "Yes dear, down the hall in office C, it's empty at the moment."

"Thanks! Will you text me when he's free?"

"Oh yes dear. Now go before he sees you!"

Gideon hurried down the hall, passing the man from the elevator once again.

"Good luck with your meeting!"  She smiled as she rushed passed him. 

The man smiled, glancing back at the woman yet again.

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