21 - Super Clingy Omega*

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Gideon playfully slapped him on the arm as he opened the door to the room. Gideon went straight to the spare room to shower and change into her pj's. Afterwards, she brushed out her hair and did a french braid down the middle. Walking back to what was now their bedroom, the exhaustion was catching up with her as she crawled into bed. Getting under the comfy covers, she was asleep within seconds. Even though it was only 6pm, she was tired. Sanada came out of the bathroom not long after that, wrapped only in a towel, he saw a bundle under the blankets and smiled. He put on sweats and a t-shirt and sat down next to her. He would work on some things while she slept. Soon as he opened his laptop, she moved closer to him and let out a soft whimper.

"Gigi?" She didn't respond, he gently shook her which caused her to stir and peek from under the blanket.


"Are you feeling okay?"

She set up and laid her head on his shoulder, causing him to nuzzle her forehead.

"Yeah, I'm just really tired. What are we doing tomorrow?"

"Nothing much, I have an old friend I wanted to see since I was here."

Gideon had been inhaling his scent while he was talking. She looked up at him with a smile. Sanada lifted her face and brought their lips together in a hungry kiss. Gideon responded as her tongue wanted in the Alpha's mouth which he allowed. She continued the kiss for a few more seconds before breaking it. The Alpha growled at her but she just scrunched her face at him. He shut his laptop, placing it on the table he turned back towards his Mate.

"Why'd you break the kiss?"

"You know why Toru, I already talked to you about that."

"But it's just a kiss."

"The kiss isn't the problem, it's you."

"What are you talking about?"

"Toru...I know you're not a normal Alpha."


"Don't worry, no one told me. I just know you're not. You can put me into heat, regardless of my scent being present or not."

Sanada didn't say anything, he lowered himself onto the bed with his Mate still in his arms, the Omega laying on his chest.

"How do you know that Gigi?"

"Because Toru, you're the only kind of Alpha I can Mate with." The Omega raised up, the two looking at each other. Her hand moved his hair out of his red eyes.

"How can I put you in heat, your scent is masked."

"Because hon, your wolf is horny as hell right now. Your pheromones are going double time."

"You can smell that?"

"Yes. I think that's part of the reason I'm so clingy."  With that she gave him a peck on the lips and laid back down. She turned as he set up again.

"Is it going to bother you for me to do some work?"

"No." She moved so her back was pressed against the outside of his leg, falling asleep in minutes.

Around 9pm his phone rang. It was Mr. Okada again.

"Evening Jun"

"Evening Toru. How are you two doing today?"

"Jun, Jun, Jun... Gigi is more than just an Omega."

"I see, so she told you."

"Yes, we've been having some interesting conversations."

"Good, she's very special Toru."

"So I'm learning."

"Did she stay inside all day?"

"No, I had a meeting that I had to attend, but it didn't go well, the place was old and had a courtyard with lockbane planted in it. It affected Gideon."

"Oh no! Is she all right?"

"Yes, she smelt it before I even could. She's sleeping now. There was an incident with a young Alpha."

Jun laughed. "What happened?"

"Oh a young pup couldn't resist her in the dress she had on and smacked her on the ass."

"Oh my! Poor pup."

Both men laughed causing the Omega to stir and wake. She moved close to her Mate.

"Hey babe."

"Mn...is that my dad!"

"Hold on Jun. You want to talk to him?"

"Mn!" Gideon quickly took the phone from Sanada

"Hi dad!"

"Hey Gigi! How are you feeling?"

"I'm tired but ok."

"How are you getting along with Toru?"

"Good, it's just awkward that he turned out to be my boss."

Jun had to laugh at his daughters' openness.

"Have you been staying close to him?"

"Yes. I don't really leave his side when we're out, plus I'm annoyingly clingy. I'm not used to being so clingy."

Sanada kissed her on the head as her dad laughed again.

"I'm glad you two are getting along and trusting each other. You two also need to talk about what you'll do when you get back to Japan." 

"I know, I'm sure we will before we get back."

"When do you return?"


"Ah, well enjoy the trip. You two need it to bond now that you've recognized each other as Mates."

"I will dad, here's Toru." Gideon returned the phone and laid back down, snuggling against him


"Ah Toru, you two enjoy the rest of the trip. I told Gigi you should use it to bond as Mates."

"We will, Thanks Jun. Talk to you when we return."

"Good bye."

Sanada set his phone and laptop on the nightstand and laid down with his Mate. He caressed her face, something he was loving to do.

"How are you feeling babe?" She moved as close to him as she could get, his arm wrapping around her.

"I'm fine, I know I've been super clingy today. Omegas get like this when we first recognize and spend time with our Alphas. Plus I'm tired and other things."

"What did I tell you? Don't apologize for how you are. I love you being clingy, and what other things?"

"Your scent is stronger. Toru?"


"What will happen with us once we return to Japan? Will you have me move in with you?"

"Mn. I was going to talk about all that tomorrow. Are you reading my mind?"

"No, not yet."

Sanada leaned in and gave her a kiss. "I would love for you to move in with me. There are Mates that live apart, but-"

"No, I don't want that. You see how needy I am. Besides, we've both waited long enough to finally find each other."

"True, so you'll live with me?"

"Of course, even though I just moved into my apartment. I can break the lease."

"You are so agreeable."

Gideon moved in for a kiss, she was having a hard time resisting being intimate with him as his desire for her was undeniable. Toru thought she would break it but she didn't so he tried to deepen it by sliding his tongue into her mouth, she allowed it without issue. Even though she allowed it to go further than before, she still ended it as she felt her eyes change.

"Your eyes are grey."


"God, I can't wait to Mate you." Toru had a firm hold on her.

"I know. Speaking of Mating. I need you to keep your distance at work."


"Because the last thing I need is for you to put me into heat in the office. The more time I spend with you, the more of an effect you are going to have on me. As you can already see."

Toru gazed into the intense grey eyes.

"Will your eyes change to another color, other than red and grey?"

"Yeah." She snuggled against him, she was needing sleep.


"Well what?"

"Oh Gigi...You are a handful baby."


"Yeah baby?"

"There's one more important thing about us Mating?"

"What is that?"

"Don't freak out on me when I mark you."

"What did you say?"

"You heard me..."

"I didn't know Omegas marked during Mating."

"They don't, but I do."



"If your mom didn't raise you, how did you learn so much about Primes?"

"The Omega Elder taught me. I stayed with her for about a year. She taught me everything I needed to know and more."

"Like what?"

"That my dear, you'll know when you need to." Gideon playfully bopped him on the nose with her finger.

"Come here you!"

Toru gently moved on top of his Mate, his hand caressing her face as the two looked at each other. Gideon would share one secret with him.

"Close your eyes."


"Close your eyes Toru."

He did as she asked, as she giggled.

{Can you hear me?}

Toru eyes flashed opened as he gasped.

"Did you just do what I think you did?"


Gideon burst out laughing. Toru couldn't help it and playfully started biting her neck.


Her yelling startled him as he looked at her. She was panting, her grey eyes had a blue tinge to them but were wide with fright.

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