33 - The Kid Magnet*

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Gideon looked at her Mate and smiled before turning back around. This time she looked at the officers. They both gasped when they saw her eyes.

"Oh my God, your beautiful!" Officer Seong couldn't help it.

Gideon immediately looked back down, her ears red with embarrassment. Sanada was quick to notice.

"All right guys, you're embarrassing her." He moved closer and placed his arm around her shoulder, calming her down.  "So how have you guys been?"  Sanada quickly changed to the subject.

"Good, Good. What brings you to Korea?"

"Business trip, I had some properties I wanted to check out."

"Oh, Interesting."

There was an awkward silence and Gideon could sense the Alphas wanted to know about her but were hesitant to ask. She had to chuckle at them as did Sanada. He broke the tension.

"Ok Seong, Chin! Out with the questions."

"We're sorry Sanada it's just. Wow, she's beautiful."

Gideon glanced at them quickly, "Thanks."

"Where are you from?" Chin had a million questions to ask her.




"So Sanada, how did you meet this beautiful creature?" Seong felt it was safer to address his questions to him rather than his Mate.

"We just bumped into each other at the airport one day."

"You Old dog! You always were lucky!"

The officers received a call on their radios and had to leave. Sanada stood to give them hugs and Gideon told them to be safe. The curious little girl waved and told them good-bye too. Sitting down, Sanada turned to his Mate.

"Uhh, I think I want to go back to the hotel room." All the attention was getting to be too much for the Omega.

"Yeah, I think that's a good idea."

The two got up to leave drawing the little girls attention again.

"Wow mom, they're tall!"

Gideon turned and smiled at MinMin and waved.

"Bye unnie wolf!"

The Mates had to laugh at her cuteness. Walking up to the front to pay, the little boy Omega again unexpectantly ran at Gideon full blast, squealing and laughing he jumped at her. She gently caught him and held him in her arms as he wrapped his little arms around her neck in a hug, giggling uncontrollably. Gideon and the little one rubbed noses. The tender act was something that only mother's did with their small Pups, but she couldn't resist. Others around them saw the heart-warming scene and couldn't help but say something, coo or laugh. The little human girl saw this and was instantly jealous. She took off out of her seat running towards the Omega. Luckily Gideon had put the little boy down allowing him to run back towards his mom and dad.

"Hug me too unnie wolf!!"

The little human was screaming and running towards her when she lunged at her. Gideon swiftly caught her and spun her around. She giggled also, staring at the Omega.

"Do you have fangs?"


"Can I see! Can I see!"

Gideon extended her fangs and smiled so the little girl could see them. Sanada could do nothing but stand and watch, it amazed him how suddenly everyone wanted to hug or touch his beautiful melanin Omega. They were little kids and didn't mean any harm so he was fine with it as long his Mate was.

"Will you growl one more time? Pleeeeeeasse unnie wolf?"

Gideon chuckled. She growled then snarled and playfully snapped at the little girl. She immediately burst out in the most infectious laugh causing most of the people in the restaurant to laugh with them. Sanada placed a hand on his Mates back. Gideon knelt down and placed the girl on the floor who stole one more hug before waving and running back to her mom.

{Get me the hell outta here!}

Sanada laughed, grabbed her hand and led her out of the restaurant. Once outside she took a deep breath.

"God I should have stayed in the room!" The two looked at each other.

"Let's go babe."

Sanada quickly walked her to the car, people they passed staring as usual. Safe inside the car, Gideon relaxed.

"You ok Gi?"

"Yeah, that was just too much. I'll be fine."

"Lets get you back to the room."

"Oh! Can we stop for snacks first? I'll wait in the car." She smiled.

"Yes you will!"

There was a 7/11 by the hotel so he stopped for iced teas, fruit and chips. Making it back to the hotel, he could tell she was over interacting with others as she clung to him while they walked through the lobby. There were a lot more people than before.

{Toru, I need you to block me in the elevator}

{I got you baby}

Getting into the elevator, she stood behind her Mate, resting her head on his shoulder facing away from everyone. She didn't care if they stared or whispered. As the doors opened Sanada made his way out with his Omega close behind, walking rather quickly they made it to the room. Being back in a familiar space and with their scent, she relaxed. Sanada knew exactly where she needed to be.

"You need to get back in the bed Gi."  She didn't argue as she went directly there, placing her bag in a chair, she reached in it for her laptop and phone and tossed them on the bed. Taking off the pants and cardigan she crawled under the covers; a sigh of relief at being someplace safe. Sanada walked into the room, changed into a pair of sweats, his t-shirt and sat next to her. She immediately moved over to him as usual and he wrapped an arm around her.

"I don't think I should leave the room until we're going home. I rarely get that much attention." She let out another soft whimper, all the attention had stressed her out.

"You aren't going anywhere other than the bed and the bathroom."  

Gideon nuzzled into his neck, deeply inhaling his scent to relax her.  She wrapped her arms around him and was asleep in seconds which surprised him. He gently moved which caused her to shift and lay down against him. Sitting next to her he turned on the tv and quickly hit the volume button to lower the sound. Gideon began purring again letting Sanada know she had finally settled down. Suddenly her phone started ringing, he grabbed it from beside her, but the number didn't have a name so he didn't bother to answer it and set it on the table beside him. In the next hour her phone rang 14 more times. Now the Alpha was getting irritated. He wasn't sure if it was an important call. He texted Okada so see if he was familiar with the number. Okada messaged him right back that it was her mother's number.

Sanada shut Gideon's phone off.

The Omega only slept for a couple of hours, waking up around 2pm. Looking around the room, she moved close to her mate.

"Hey baby."


She stretched and curled back against him. "Did I seriously fall asleep?"

He had to laugh at her. "Yeah, you weren't in bed 5 minutes and you were out."

"Ugghh! I'm definitely not leaving the bedroom!"

"Hey Gi, your mom has been blowing up your phone."

"Are you serious?"

"Yeah, I shut it off."

"Where is it?"

He handed her the phone. Turning it back on she had 36 missed calls.

"You've got to be fucking kidding me."  Gideon cleared her throat and returned the call before Sanada could say or do anything.

[M] Gideon? Honey, I've been trying to call you all day!

[G] First off, don't call me honey. Second, what do you want?

[M] That's no way to talk to me!

[G] Don't. You have no right to tell me shit. Now what do you want?

[M] Hmmpf. Fine, I was trying to be nice.  We need to talk.

[G] About what?

[M] You have two half brothers that should get part of that trust fund!

[G] Are you serious right now?!  You mean to tell me, that you flew all the fuck way over to Japan to talk me into sharing a trust fund I knew nothing about, with people I don't even know?!  No! In fact, hell no!  You want any information on that trust fund, that no one else is entitled to, then you need to talk to the fucking lawyer. Not me and sure as hell not my dad!

[M] He's not your real dad! Look here dammit I'm your mother.

[G] He is my dad!  And how nice of you to finally realize that your MY mother. I always thought you were just the woman that occasionally pops into my life. This is the 4th time I've encountered your presence in the last 30 fucking years. So don't give me that mother bullshit.

Sanada snatched the phone from his Mate and she let him.

[S] I'm sorry but this call is done. You want any information, contact the lawyer like she said. She will also NOT be contacting you again after this and your number will be blocked. Is that understood?

[M] Who the fuck are you!?

[S] I'm her Mate, good-bye.

Sanada hung up the phone and blocked the number, placing the device on the side table next to him. Gideon let out a pained sigh. Sanada knew she was even more stressed than before and started rubbing her back.

"God that feels good. Thank you hon."

"Mn, don't talk to her again."

"I have no intention to."

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