36 - Little Ha-neul

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Reaching the car she stopped. Sanada turned to her to see what was wrong.

"What is it babe?"

"Can we walk around for a bit?"

"You sure you want to do that? I can still pick up your scent Gi."

"I know, it'll go away in a bit." She searched his eyes for a 'yes' or 'no' answer while giving him her puppy dog stare.

"Okay, let's walk for a bit, then we'll eat and head back to the hotel. Stay close to me until your scent goes away, hear?"

"Yay!" She squeezed his arm in excitement.

The two walked around Gangnam for most of the day, quickly forgetting about the run in with the American. The Omega loved just being out with her mate. She got the typical stares with a few people, mostly humans, being bold enough to approach her and tell her how pretty she was. She kindly smiled and thanked them. Sanada tried to talk her into going into a few stores but she refused. Shopping was something she did only when she had a need and all the stores were crowded.

As they walked, she couldn't help but think about her real dad again. She thought about both of her dads for that matter. They both loved her unconditionally and made sure she knew it, even though one of them she would never get to see. She turned to her Mate.



"Is your dad still alive?"

"I don't know Gi.  After he left he only contacted me once and I never heard from him again."

"Oh."  As her voice trailed off, she thought that if he's dad was alive, that maybe it couldn't hurt to connect with him. But then her phone rang, snapping her out of her thoughts. "Who is this calling?" She thought maybe it was Kenji or her dad. Pulling her phone out of her bag it was another unknown number. She dropped the phone back in her bag.

"Who was it babe?"

"I don't know, there wasn't a na-" Her phone rang again.  She had a sinking feeling as she pulled it out the bag again. It was the same unknown number. This time the Alpha took her phone and answered it as they stopped and stepped off to the side and out of the way of others.


"Let me talk to Gideon. Now!"

"Who's calling?"

"This is her mother! Who is this?"

"Ah, the person I asked not to contact her.  This is her Mate and once again I will end this call as you will not be contacting her."  With that, Sanada ended the call and handed the phone back to Gideon. It rang again and Gideon promptly shut her phone off and dropped it in the bag.

"Thank you hon."

"Yup! Now let's continue enjoying our day."

It was almost 2 in the afternoon and Gideon was not only getting hungry, but tired.  She didn't do well with being in highly emotional states. Stress from her mom calling again and tapping into her Prime state was a bit much for her, but she wanted to fully enjoy her time with her Alpha.

They decided on the BBQ place they had went to before as Sanada had told Lee they would stop by again before leaving Korea. It was easy to convince her Mate since the two males were friends and she felt comfortable around him. Walking back in the car's direction, a group of young men were coming from the opposite way. This time it was Sanada who picked up their Alpha scent. He glared at them as they got closer, causing the young males to cower as they walked past. Gideon saw this and chuckled at her mate and how protective he could be over her. Her lingering scent was pretty much gone.

Reaching the cafe that he had parked in front of, she waited for him to dig his keys out of his pocket. She suddenly felt a soft tapping on her leg. Looking down, Gideon saw the little male Omega from the other day. Letting go of her mate's hand, she knelt down to the little boy as he made grabby hands for her. She smiled and scooped him up, giving him a gentle hug. He immediately snuggled into her, hiding his face in her scarf, tiny little hands weaving into her soft hair. He was asleep almost instantly.

"Toru...something's wrong with him.  Find his parents."

Sanada looked around for his parents and saw them inside the cafe. They were sitting by the window close to the door engaged in a deep conversation. He lightly tapped on the window to get their attention. The couple turned and quickly made their way outside.

"Oh my God! Thank you again. He was just playing under the table, we hadn't even noticed he moved!" His mom went to reach for him as the Omega gently handed the small child over to her. She was surprised that he was asleep. The Omega smiled. The little boy's mom gave her a strange look.

"Is something wrong?" Sanada saw the expression on the mom's face and spoke to her as her Mate collected their things.

"No, uhh I'm sorry you must be... nevermind. I don't know why he's so clingy towards you."

Gideon smiled and laughed, letting the other lady know it was okay. The little boy started to shift and cry, not feeling the Omega hold him. "It's okay little one. Here."

Gideon took the scarf she had around her neck and wrapped it around the little boy, her scent calming him back to sleep. She smiled again at his mom. "He can keep it. It will only stay scented for a few months. Give it to him at night, it will help him sleep."

His mom smiled but tried to return the scarf but the Omega insisted that the little one keep it. The mom informed the couple that her son had just finished chemo. Hearing this Sanada already knew what his mate would do, but she looked at him anyway with pleading eyes.

"Go on babe." He couldn't say no.

"Can I hold your little one again?" The Omega couldn't leave the child without helping him.

His mom transferred him back to the Omega. She closed her eyes and held him, her gentle scent surrounding all of them, his parents gasped. The Omega brought him in closer and began to purr as she nuzzled the the side of his soft face. After a few seconds she opened her eyes and saw the child looking at her smiling. He suddenly began to giggle as she smiled at him again. The little boy gently held her face as they rubbed noses. His mom shocked yet again at their intimate act reserved only for mother and son. Sanada was also surprised by the little boys act. She looked at his parents, the last remnants of gold fading from her eyes, she gave the child back to his mom. Her Mate couldn't stop staring at the Omega.

"Oh my God... Y-y-you're a Prime! You're a Prime!" The man's voice was filled with emotion as his wife began to cry, looking at the Omega in front of her.

Gideon simply smiled but didn't reply. The Prime stepped closer as she bopped the little one gently on the nose causing another cute giggle. Sanada couldn't help but smile also at his adorable cuteness as the little one looked at him also, his eyes sparkling. Sanada placed a gentle hand on Gideon's back, letting her know they should probably go. She smiled at the young couple again and looked at the little one.

"Bye-bye Ha-neul."

"Bye Byeee Gigiiii!"

Everyone looked at the two that they knew each other's names. His mom was finally able to speak.

"How do you know each other's name?"

Gideon smirked and tapped her temple, letting her know that they could link each other. A quick kiss to the little one's cheek and the Omega turned to her Mate so they could leave. Sanada turned and waved to the young couple as they both hugged their little boy.

Getting into the car, Gideon's stomach growled loudly causing her to burst out laughing. Sanada looked at her and pulled her in for a hug.

"You, my Omega, are something else."

"I know. Thank you for letting me do that for him. He's such a sweet baby."

"Not like I was going to be able to stop you Gi."

"True. Now feed me!" She giggled at him and scrunched her face, as he kissed her on nose, the two headed for some BBQ.

Arriving at his friend's restaurant, Lee happily greeted them and took them to a booth. The restaurant wasn't crowded which put the Omega at ease but she still wanted her Mate to sit next to her, blocking her from the openness of the sitting area. He joined the couple as they all enjoyed a meal together and nice conversation. After eating, the males sat for a couple of hours chatting. Gideon decided to check her phone again. This time there were a slew of messages and missed calls from Kenji, Rei and the unknown number. Sensing something was going on, she linked her Mate letting him know she needed to get back to the hotel. He squeezed her hand to show her that he heard her and started to wrap things up with his friend. Before leaving, Sanada promised to stay in touch and Lee promised that he would visit Japan soon. Gideon even offered to cook for him when he came.

After the males exchanged hugs, Lee only smiled at the Omega as he could sense Sanada's protectiveness over her. She gave him a warm smile and thanked him for everything. Heading back to the hotel, she checked her phone again, messaging Kenji to give her a few minutes and she would call him. Her Mate picked up that something was worrying her.

"Everything ok baby?"

"I don't know, something's up with Kenji and Rei."   She smiled to reassure him she was all right.

Pulling into the hotel and up to the valet parking, Gideon already had their bag in hand as she waited to exit the vehicle. As the valet attendant opened the door for her, she patiently waited for her Mate to reach her. Taking his hand, they made it into the hotel and to the elevators. It was a Monday, so the place was filled with business people. Making it up and into the room, Gideon quickly dialed Kenji's number. It was around 5pm so he should be free to talk. Before it was finished with the first ring he picked up.

"Gigi! you are not going to believe this!"

"What? Is someone hurt? Is everything ok with you guys?"

"No one's hurt but Keiko and Rei got into a huge fight!  Keiko kicked Rei out of their apartment!"

"She did what?! Whoa! How's Rei doing?  What happened?"

Gideon had made her way to the bedroom and sat on Sanada's side of it but towards the foot. She waited for Kenji to calm himself down. Even though he was an Alpha, he had the temperament of a male Omega. Sanada kissed her on the head, then changed into sweats and a t-shirt. He grabbed his laptop and sat against the headboard.

"Rei had enough of Kieko and her boyfriend going at it like rabbits.  She yelled at them to knock it off and Keiko's boyfriend went off on her. Keiko told her if she had an issue with it to get the hell out!"

"Oh my God... Where's Rei now?"

"She crashed at my place, she's been looking online for places but they're all so expensive."

"Is Rei there with you now?"

"No, she took her brother with her and is packing her stuff."

"Ok Kenji listen, take my spare key and tell Rei to stay at my place.  She can take over the lease if she wants. The next two months are already paid for, she doesn't have to pay me back. I'll transfer the lease over to her Wednesday."

"What about you?"

"I'm...I'm moving in with Toru when I get back." Gideon held the phone out as Kenji screamed and yelled into it. Sanada laughed at the two.

"Holy shit...wait. You two didn't mate did you?!"

"That! Is none of your damn business. Just get Rei moved over if she wants the apartment. So how were they at work today?"

"Ohh Gigi...Keiko walked out!"


Gideon was standing yelling into the phone now, almost bursting Kenji's eardrum. The sudden outburst got Sanada's attention.

"Holy Shit... Why did she do that?"

"She came in with him, grabbed her personal stuff and threw her badge on the desk. I tried to call her but she's blocked all of our numbers. I even went to her place to talk to her and she told me since I was helping Rei, I could fuck off! Rei said the two of them are moving into his place. Since Rei can't afford the apartment by herself, she's been looking. She's going to be so happy to have your place Gi!"

"This is soooooo heavy.  I tried texting her but she never responded."

"Nope and you might as well stop, because she changed her number."

"Wow...okay. I have absolutely no response to any of this. Well, let Rei know that the apartment is hers.  She might as well have her brother help her move her stuff into my place, just box up what I have and set it by the door."

"Ohh she's going to be so relieved. Wait your moving in with Sanada that soon!"

"Yeah, we were going to move me over when I got back, I don't even have enough for one car load. You guys can eat the food that's in the fridge." Sanada was nudging her with his foot.

"Hey Kenji, I need to go. Text me later and let me know what's going on. Tell Rei I'm sorry Keiko did that to her. Talk to you soon. Bye Kenji-kun!"

"I will, bye Gigi-Chan!" 

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