43 - Working With Your Mate*

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They reached the office by 7:30. The parking garage was practically empty which suited the Omega just fine. She moved to grab his hand after he opened the car door for her but caught herself. Since no one was around, she didn't care and intertwined their fingers together, walking behind him like she usually did. Sanada noticed and couldn't help but tease her again.

"You're holding my hand Ms. Okada."

"I know Mr. Sanada." She giggled at him, which caused him to smirk.

"You have that hoody?"

"Yes. It's in my bag."


Once they entered the main lobby, she gently released his hand and moved away from him but not by much, her actions caused him to growl. She moved back next to him as he went into the cafe. Gideon ordered a dozen assorted pastries, the larger ones she would cut in half. As she stood next to Sanada, the lady behind the cafe counter couldn't help but stare at her. Not only were her eyes captivating, but it was her first time seeing Sanada in the cafe. Especially with someone he seemed very close to.

After the lady had placed all the sweets on the tray container, the Omega turned to her Mate.

"You want another coffee?"

Sanada moved closer to her, his hand going around her waist, the lady behind the counter gasped. Gideon turned and looked at her, then realized why she did that. She turned to Sanada.

{Hey watch your hand hon.}

{It's going to be hard not touching you.}

Gideon tried to hold back her laughter. "So do you want another coffee or not?"

"Oh! Yes, please."

Gideon ordered him an Americano and her two peach green iced teas to go. The lady at the counter was so dumbstruck that Sanada cleared his throat to get her attention.

"Oh! I'm so sorry. You, my dear are absolutely beautiful, your eyes are quite captivating!"

"Thank You, how much do I owe you?" Gideon saw Sanada reach for his wallet.

{No! I got it.}

Gideon paid then handed the drink carrier to her Mate. Entering the elevator, he leaned over to her and nuzzled her which caused her to moan. She glared at him.

"You're not helping things hon."

"Hey, I'm going to enjoy you while I can."

Before the doors opened the Mates enjoyed a quick but tender kiss. Walking into the office, it was empty. Gideon breathed another sigh of relief. She carried the pastries to the break room, setting them in the middle of the table, she cleaned out the coffee pots. As she started 2 pots of coffee for the office staff, Sanada came in after placing their drinks on their desks and seeing how the renovation looked. It was just how he wanted it. They had removed half of the wall. The opening had a frosted glass sliding door, which he immediately opened. The desks were side by side but far enough apart that you could see it was two separate offices.

"You know they are going to start expecting pastries regularly now, don't you?"

"Yes, especially when I email everyone and say they're from you!"

She quickly got the coffee brewing and noticed the time. It was almost 8am and people would start showing up.

"Show me what they did to the office!"

"Ah, come on!"

As the two walked back to their offices, Sanada had a protective hand on her back. Three employees had already arrived and noticed that the two were there early. Gideon kept her head lowered as Sanada turned to an employee and smiled.

"Morning Saito-san!"

Mr. Saito stood there frozen. Mr. Sanada was in a very pleasant mood and greeted him like they were friends. He turned and looked at the other two employees in confusion. Immediately the chatter started.

Sanada led Gideon into the offices from his side as he had closed her door earlier and placed a 'Do Not Disturb' sign on it. She excitedly walked in and saw the frosted glass door and a beautiful fiddle leaf plant in the corner of her office in front of the narrow window she had. She squealed loudly and rushed over to the plant to see if it was real, which it was. Sanada simply laughed at her. He wasn't quiet about it and the three employees that were there heard him. His unexpected laughter had startled them. One employee thought something was wrong and rushed to check on him.

"Mr. Sanada are you all right?"

Gideon immediately hid behind the wall. Sanada moved towards his door, smiling to calm down the worried staff member.

"Yes Saito-san, everything is fine. There are pastries and fresh coffee in the break room, please let everyone know and enjoy them." Sanada smiled again as he motioned for him to leave his office.

Saito returned to his desk, his expression was like he had seen a ghost. The others rushed over to him. Now there were more employees in the office.

"Saito-san! What happened?"

"He-He-He was nice to me, he smiled at me and everything!! He said there are pastries and fresh coffee in the break room and to enjoy them." Saito needed a minute to pull himself together, the employees on the other hand did not, especially once they heard the magic word.


There was a sound coming from the main office that was like a herd of elephants as everyone rushed to the break room to investigate. It shocked them to see the platter of goodies and smell the fresh-brewed coffee.

Sanada let Gideon know the plant was a gift from Anno-san. Gideon's face lit up as she walked towards Sanada. Grabbing his hand, she led him back to the break room, letting go before they got to the door. As the employees saw him, they froze. He smiled and laughed at them as he crossed his arms over his chest and leaned on the door frame.

"Relax guys, enjoy the treats!"

They didn't know what to think, not only was he being friendly, but he had dressed in business casual like they were. Not his normal suit. Gideon ignored everyone, her head lowered so they couldn't see her eyes, she grabbed a plate and placed a large pastry on it. Wrapping it in plastic wrap, she searched for the sticky notes in the drawers. Finding one and a sharpie she wrote: 'Thank You for the plant!!' with a happy face under it. Sanada watched her flit about the kitchen. Seeing that it was almost 8, she knew Mr. Anno would be in the office any minute. She found a to-go coffee cup and a sealed lid and fixed him a cup of fresh hot coffee and grabbed 3 of the small creamer cups, 2 sugars and a stirring stick. Once she had everything, she turned to Sanada.

{Mr. Anno's office?}

He smiled at her, everyone in the break room taking notice. As she walked over to him he placed his hand on her back out of habit, neither of them thinking anything of it. Meanwhile, everyone's brains in the break room, broke. 

Reaching Mr. Anno's office, she could see that he had arrived but had stepped out. She sat the plate and coffee on his desk along with the sugar and creamer and the napkins she grabbed off the table and arranged it all nicely. Turning to Sanada, she nodded and the two left. 

Walking back to their now shared office, Gideon took up what was becoming her usual position behind her Mate. Right behind his left arm so if needed, his body could shield her with just one step. Making it into the office, she went to her desk. Sanada stood next to her and leaned down to talk to her privately.

"You going to be okay babe?"


She looked up and smiled at him as he kissed her on the nose. Walking towards his desk, he closed the glass door halfway, blocking her from everyone's view from his office except his.  All he had to do was look over and he could see her fully. Gideon got up to make sure her door was locked.

{What are you doing Gi?}

{Making sure my door is locked.}

{K, you need something, let me know.}

{I will}

Drinking one of her iced teas, she knew a bathroom break was right around the corner. Just then there was a knock at Sanada's door. Luckily he had closed it. As he got up to see who it was, he completely shut the sliding door, blocking his Mate off completely. Opening his office door, he saw it was Mr. Anno.

"Ah, Anno-san, please come in and have a seat."

"Well, you're in good spirits! The trip must have done you some good. You have the entire office buzzing."

"Oh really?"

"Yes. 'The hard ass Mr. Sanada' is now the 'Kinda cool Mr. Sanada'."

Both men laughed.

"Thank you for the pastry and coffee by the way, they were both delicious! The coffee was just how I like it."

"Oh, don't thank me, that was all Gideon's doing for the beautiful plant you gifted her."

"I see, is she here?"

"Yes, I have her away from everyone, at least till she's comfortable being around others."

"Ahhh, now I see the reason for the renovation work." Mr. Anno got up to leave, Sanada coming back from behind his desk to see him off. Anno-san placed a hand on his shoulder and spoke quietly.

"Congratulations again Toru on finding your Mate, you two really are perfect for each other. If you need anything else, please let me know."

"Thank you Anno-san. I really appreciate it and I'm sure she does also, she's very fond of you."

"Likewise. Keep her next to you until you two have the week off. How are you going to handle the press conference tomorrow?"

"I'll have Rei stay in the office with her while I'm gone. It won't take long."

"Good, Good. Well, you two enjoy the rest of the week. Take off after the press conference Friday, there's nothing else going on in the office that requires your presence. If it does, me and the other senior members will handle it."

The two males exchanged hugs and Anno-san returned to his office. Sanada sat down at his desk and emailed all staff that they were not to disturb Ms. Okada. If they needed anything from her, they were to email her directly. He marked the email with high priority status. Once that was done he opened the sliding door open again. Gideon quickly looked, seeing it was him, she smiled and returned to her work.

Gideon's phone started vibrating like crazy. It was Kenji and Rei. They both wanted to know what was going on and why no one was allowed to see her or enter her office. She knew Kenji already had an idea as to why so she messaged him back first.

Gigi: You already know why dork! Because I'm newly mated and he's still in his protective phase!!
Kenji: Oooooohhhhhhh, right. It's so weird that you and the boss are Mates. Jk!
Gigi: Weird?? You knew we were mates before either of us!!
Kenji: Ha hahaaaa

Checking Rei's messages, Gideon saw they were just a slew of panicked and incoherent words. She needed to come up with something to calm her down, knowing Rei, she would confront Sanada if she thought something was wrong with her.

Gigi: I'm fine! So calm down. I'll explain later. Right now I got stuff to get done, on a deadline.

Gideon included smiley faces and hearts, that would shut Rei up at least for the next hour.

The day was pretty quiet and Gideon accomplished a lot. She had translated and saved all the client contracts in the languages she knew. Each language had their own folder with all the contracts included inside of it. She saved it back onto the server so everyone had access to them. Checking her emails, she saw where she had been mistakenly included in a group message. It was an email about the status of her and Mr. Sanada, with a ton of speculations. Most of the emails were ones that were shipping them together and said she was the reason for the new and welcomed change in the boss. The rest were from jealous females and a couple of males that had hoped to date him, but it was all in fun. Gideon couldn't help it and wanted Sanada to see it. She got up and shyly peeked around the glass door, her mate was deep in thought and searching thru files he had in a drawer.


"Yeah babe?"

"Come here, shut the door behind you."

His brows furrowed, wondering why she was whispering. Walking into her office, he closed the sliding door.

"What is it?"

She was trying really hard not to laugh; she got up and had him sit in her chair. He started reading the emails. Gideon couldn't hold it and they both ended up bursting out laughing. Seeing that they were alone, she sat on his lap as he wrapped his arms around her waist and nuzzled her. He'd been wanting to do that since the morning.

"You might have to let the office in on our secret before you planned on it."

"Eh! Let them have their fun for now. As long as they are respectful, I don't care."

She gave him a quick kiss and quickly stood up. 

"Someone's coming to your office."

Sanada opened the glass door and went back to his side, closing it but leaving a crack so he could keep an eye on her. It was one of the ladies from the office and she was as nervous as a rabbit.

Sanada being a wolf, only added to her nervousness.

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