46 - Can't Fight Back

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[R] = reporter
[S] = Sanada


[R]: Mr Sanada, is the reason you terminated the Satori tower deal because of structural issues?

[S]: As my assistant stated previously, we are focusing our attention on other avenues. Next question.

[R]: Will Sanada Corp. venture out to American soil?

[S]: No, not in the foreseeable future.

[R]: Are you looking to extend business in Korea?

[S]: We have been in contact with various developers in Korea to see if there is any potential there.

[R]: Is your assistant related to Mr. Jun Okada?

It was the same male reporter from last time that was rude to his Mate.  Sanada knew him well.

[S]: Ah Gobu-san, I see you still haven't gotten over that question. Next.

[R]: Are you still a handsome eligible bachelor Sanada-san?

The question came from a reporter with a popular woman's magazine. Last year Sanada was featured in the 50 under 50 article and named one of Tokyo's most eligible bachelors.

[S]: Ms. Haiyashi! Good to see you again. Hopefully your readers still find me handsome, but I'm quite taken.

That response just caused a storm of noise and set the stage for a new round of questions. Sanada raised his hand to quiet them.

[S]: Calm down folks, I have nothing to hide. Next question.

[R]: What is her name?

[S]: I said I had nothing to hide, I didn't say I would reveal it all. Next and last question, please.


Others around the office heard the deep voice and came to look. Immediately they were shocked, some quickly left to alert security. Rei had managed to get out of the office and ran towards the press conference.

Gideon would have no choice but to defend herself, even though she was weakened from healing Ha-neul, she knew what the Alphas were capable of. Gideon tapped into her power once again.


Gideon's voice was deep and her eyes red as her claws extended. The Alphas stepped back but didn't leave. The Omega's scent had already affected them and they were starting to lose control. Luckily they were just normal Alphas, but they were normal Alphas drawn by a Prime's heat scent.

Kenji moved, snarling warnings at the other two Alphas to back off. He had put himself between Gideon and the Alphas. Claws and canines extended, Kenji was ready to fight.


Gideon could see that they were struggling, their wolves were gaining control and things would get ugly any second. To make things worse, she was getting weaker the longer she was in her Prime state. Security had shown up, but they were human and not equipped to handle the situation, they quickly got the rest of the employees out of the area.

Rei, burst into the conference and ran up to Sanada. The look of fear on her face said everything.

"Excuse me this conference is now over!" Sanada immediately left, practically running towards the offices.  Anno-san asked Rei what was going on.

"It's Gideon!"

Anno-san ran out into the hallway and inhaled deeply. He too took off towards the office.




That was all she had the strength to do as she fought to stay conscious. If one of the Alphas managed to get to her, she knew it would be over. Gideon leaned against the wall for support as her knees weakened.

One of the Alphas thought that he could take on Kenji, but was mistaken. Even though he was slender, Kenji was very strong. The Alpha lunged for the Omega as his eyes flashed to solid red, the sign of a Feral Alpha. One swift move and Kenji had him pinned against the wall, quickly turning his attention to the other one that was still struggling to maintain control.


Sanada had made it to the office. The struggling Alpha backing down and away from the area. Anno-san was right behind him, ready to protect Gideon as well.  Seeing that Kenji had the out of control Alpha taken care of, Anno took hold of the situation.

"Sanada, get Gideon out of here!"


Anno-san had to yell at him again as he was in fight mode. Quickly snapping out of it, Sanada rushed to his Mate who was now on the floor. The Alpha could smell his Omega's fear before he reached her. Not saying anything, he scooped her up and rushed to her office. With the Omega now out of the area, the Alpha Kenji had pinned, started to regain his senses.  Anno-san had Kenji release him as the two of them stood close to him to make sure he didn't try to get to Gideon again.

"W-w-what the hell happened?" The Alpha was woosy and unstable as his head started to clear.

More security guards had come onto the floor.  Anno-san motioned for them to approach as he turned to the Alpha.

"Ito? How do you feel?"

"I-I-I don't...God my head!"

"Hold on son, we'll get you out of here, you'll feel better once your head clears."

//Gideon's office//

Sanada gently laid his Mate on the small loveseat. This scene reminiscent of the first time he held her.

"Gideon?" Sanada's voice was now soft and tender as she started to move. She shot up and looked around.

"Toru!!" Gideon was against him in seconds, crying from what almost happened, her body shaking uncontrollably. The Alpha enclosed his Mate in a tighter hug.

"You're okay baby, you're safe now, you're safe."

Gideon could do nothing but cry as she held onto her Alpha for dear life.  Sanada released his pheromones to help calm her down.  After a few seconds, the shaking stopped, soft whimpers coming from her.  Sanada noticed that her scent was now gone due to the amount of fear she had been under.  With both the affected Alphas now being taken care of by nurses in the clinic 3 floors below, Kenji and Anno-san went to check on Gideon. 

Rei meanwhile had skillfully taken control of the press conference that had been cut short. Dismissing the reporters so that suspicions were kept to a minimum and without giving away any information on the situation that had just taken place. She made her way back to the office area to check on her dear friend.

As Anno-san and Kenji entered, Sanada looked up at both of them.

"Thank you, both of you. Especially you Kenji. What happened?"

"Gi needed to use the restroom so Rei went with her, on the way back, she ran into the Alphas. We had no idea they were on the floor!  Otherwise I would have gone with her to cover her scent."

"How is she Toru?" Anno-san was worried about her.

"She's pretty weak, but she'll be fine. Seriously Kenji. Thank you."

"Someone want to fill me in on what happened out there, other than two Feral young Alphas?" Now that he knew she would be fine, Anno-san needed answers. Kenji decided to fill him in to allow Sanada to continue comforting her.

"Gideon's scent was just barely noticeable. They must have picked up on it when she went to the bathroom. They cornered her before she could get back to the office, plus she froze once she saw them. That's when she linked me. Security got everyone out of the area, I had Rei shut in the office."

"How can her scent cause such an intense reaction? I've never seen Alphas lose control like that." Anno-san was generally curious as he thought she was already mated. A mated Omega's scent had just the opposite effect, instead of attracting, it repelled Alphas.

Sanada and Kenji looked at each other as there was a knock at the door. Kenji already knew who it was.

"It's Rei. I'll take care of her." Kenji left to deal with the increasingly agitated human. The last thing he thought Gideon needed was Rei demanding answers to questions no one wanted to deal with at that moment.

Gideon began to move, she had tuned everything out as she focused on allowing her Alpha to help calm her down. Sitting up, she inadvertently looked at Anno-san for what was the first time since returning to Japan.

"Holy shit..." Anno-san had to take a seat, in fact he needed to take a seat as he gazed into the beautiful pair of grey eyes. Sanada shifted slightly to make sure Anno-san was alright. Gideon now had hidden her face into her Mate's shoulder, turning her head away from the older Alpha. Anno-san had to chuckle in disbelief.

"Anno-san?" Sanada wasn't sure what was so funny.

"Toru, Toru, Toru..."


"Well, that explains what happened then."

"What Anno-san!"

"Gideon is a Prime."

"How... how do you know?"

"Those beautiful grey eyes. The grey eyes of a Prime Omega."

"So you know?" Sanada felt Gideon exhale as her body settled against him further.

"Oh I know a little, my dad used to talk about them. Those grey eyes are a dead give away."

Gideon shifted again. Being with her Mate, she was starting to feel a little better. She moved to sit up again, looking at the older Alpha fully now, she smiled at him.

"How do you feel Gideon?"

"I'm a little better, Thank you for helping me Anno-san." Gideon turned to her Mate. "Where's Kenji?"

"He's out talking to Rei.  As soon as you're able to walk, we're leaving." 

Gideon rested against him.  "I want to wait till everyone leaves the office, I don't want to go back out there if people are around. Not now." Sanada gave her a reassuring smile.

"Gideon?" Anno-san moved a little closer now that he had composed himself better. "Why are you so weak, you should have been able to handle those two males as a Prime?"

"I used too much of my energy before returning home. That's why I'm so skittish. I had no idea there would be more Alphas in the office, if I had known, I would have stayed home. I'm sorry for causing trouble, are they okay?"

Anno-san could only smile at her as he stared in amazement. The fact that he was looking at an actual Prime Omega was beyond words. "They'll be fine dear, we're more concerned about you at the moment."

"Thank you." Gideon turned to Sanada. "I want Kenji." He could see tears starting again.

"Ah! Stay, Toru, I'll get him." Anno-san left to get the young Alpha, giving the couple a moment together.

"Thank you Toru! I should have stayed home, I'm so sorry." Gideon laid into him again.

"Hey, stop babe. No one knew about the Alphas, it's not your fault so stop apologizing. You're safe, that's all I care about." The Alpha held her close. He had no idea she had been so weak. It explains why she didn't want to leave the hotel room and why she was so terrified at the airport. Kenji slowly walked in, making sure to keep some distance from Sanada as he knew he would be even more protective of Gideon. Seeing him, the Omega was up and wrapped around him before he knew it.


Kenji felt her shaking against him as he hugged her back. "I got you baby girl. Told you I'd keep you safe."

{Thank you Thank you Thank you. I love you so much!}

{Love you too sis. Glad you were able to get the other one to back off.}

{Thank you big bro. You saved my life Kenji-kun}

{Always baby...always}

As Gideon finally released Kenji from her death grip, she wiped the last of the tears from her eyes. Now she just wanted to go home and rest. Sanada stood and approached Kenji as well. The two came together in a hug as Rei and Anno-san entered.

"Gigi!" Rei embraced her friend in a hug as everyone present seemed to be in a state of hugging.

"Thank you so much Rei! You're the best human body guard ever!" Gideon was so thankful for her best friend.

"Thank God you're okay!"

As the two women hugged, Sanada gave Anno-san a much-needed hug also. "Thank you old friend. Thank you!"

"Of course Toru, we can't let anything happen to that rare gem you have there." Anno-san winked at Gideon.

Rei broke the quiet moment. "Everyone is back in the office, they want to know if Gideon is all right."  Sanada and Anno-san looked at each other and smiled.

"Thanks Rei, we'll go talk to them. Gi, you going to be okay if I leave for a moment?"

"Mn." Sanada kissed her as he headed out of the office with Anno-san.

Gideon and her friends embraced in a group hug. "Thank you guys so much!"

Sanada and Anno could hear all the chatter as they neared the cubicle area.  Anno addressed everyone present.

"Okay everyone, calm down please." Quickly the staff settled and focused their attention on the bosses. Sanada decided to put everyone at ease.

"All right everyone, I know you all have questions with what took place. Everyone will be fine after they have rested. So, let's have your questions so everyone's mind can be at ease."

There was only a brief moment of silence when Rei, who had come out of the office to see what was going one, spoke up.

"What will happen to the two that attacked Gideon?" Rei was still in her 'body guard' mode as she stood there with a stern look on her delicate face, arms crossed her chest.

"Rei, they didn't actually attack her. As most of you know, Gideon is a wolf. She has mostly kept that hidden but today she wasn't able to. If she had known there would be other wolves in the office that she was unfamiliar with, she would not have been here. But, none of us knew that others were going to be here today and things happen. The two males that were affected by her scent are currently being cared for in the clinic downstairs. Afterwards, they will be sent home to rest. No, I repeat, absolutely NO disciplinary action will be taken against them. It was just an unfortunate accident. Luckily, no one was seriously hurt."

"Will Gideon be okay?" Saito-san asked for the ladies that were around him as they were too shy to speak.

"Yes, she will be okay.  After everyone leaves for the day, I will take her home so she can get some rest. She'll be fine when she returns to work next week."

The shy timid Ms. Akibara spoke up "Is she the one you were talking about in the press conference?" The room fell silent as they all waited for an answer. Sanada and Anno-san looked at each other again and this time the two laughed. Anno, patting Sanada on the shoulder. Rei, being the eager beaver that she was, happily jumped about and clapped in anticipation.

"Yes Ms. Akibara. Okay, Okay! I've read your emails shipping me and Gideon together, some of them were very adorable. Let me say this once. Gideon is my Mate, so yes, we are together. I just asked that you stay respectful."

The office erupted in cheers and squeals at the wonderful news. Sanada couldn't hide the faint tinge of pink in his cheeks from the slight amount of embarrassment he was suddenly feeling. Anno-san saw no reason for any of this to continue and thought that Gideon should be taken home to rest.

"Okay folks, calm down again. I'm sure you're all glad that they are together. Now that we've all had a tense day, let's start our weekend early. Everyone! Please take the rest of the day off on behalf of the Senior members, get outta here! It's Friday, enjoy your weekends. Gideon will be well cared for, I know you've all grown to like her!"

"Oh Mr. Sanada we're so happy that you finally found someone. You're so much nicer now since she came here!"

The statement came from an employee in the back.

"Why 'Thank You' to whoever said that. I'm glad she's here also. Please, take the rest of the day off and enjoy your weekends!"

The office erupted in more cheers as they quickly gathered their things. Some shook Sanada's hand, others bowed respectfully and a few brave souls even hugged him. Both he and Anno-san stood there and bid each of them a good weekend as they left. Once things had died down he made a beeline for his Mate. He wanted her home and in his arms.

//Gideon's Office//

Kenji had Gideon sit back on the loveseat as he could tell she was still weak. He was glad to finally have some alone time with her.

"Talk to me sissy, what's going on with you. The only other time I've seen you like this is when we brought you home from the States."

Gideon curled up to him on the couch, resting her head on his shoulder as he put a protective arm around her. "I healed a little boy before we left Korea...I - I haven't had time to recover from it."

"No shit...whoa Gi. You should have never come into the office!"

"I was fine Kenji until the Alphas showed up!"

"Sorry sis, it's just...you need to put yourself first for a change."

"I know, I know."

"So, is Sanada treating you right."

"Oh yes! He's awesome Kenji. He is absolutely awesome. He spoils me rotten."

"Good! Gideon, please get some rest this weekend. I don't want to hear how you've weakened yourself again. I mean it Gi."

"Sanada is a strong Alpha, I'll be back to normal in no time."

"You better be! You're the only sis I got!"

Gideon snuggled up to him more.

"So....why is your scent even noticeable Gi? You two have already mated, those Alpha's shouldn't have been an issue." Gideon sat up to talk to him as she was starting to fall asleep.

"Well... Toru was putting me into heat again. I didn't mate all the way the first time. I couldn't."

"Oh baby..."

Gideon could only look at him. "Toru...remember what I told you the Elder said about True Alphas?"

"Yeah...what does...ohhhhh shiiiiiiiit...no way!!"

Gideon looked off to the side as she shivered a little. Kenji had to calm himself down. "You mean Toru is a fucking True Alpha?!?"

"Yeah..." Gideon was back to being a small and vulnerable Omega right before Kenji's eyes.

"Oh baby, he fucking hurts you Gi...I will NOT promise his safety. I mean it!"

"Kenji...I trust him. I trust him. You should too."

"Fine...fucking fine!" Kenji let out a long and labored sigh "So, you were planning on mating for real while you're gone, aren't you?"

"Yeah, I have to Kenji."

"I know I know, it's just...fuck! Please be careful Gideon, that whole Primal shit scares the piss outta me!"

"Me too... but he's my Alpha and I love him."

"I know baby girl."

"Please try not to worry too much Kenji-kun. Toru can also heal me as a True Alpha, so I'll be fine, just not right away."

"He fucking better or I'll neuter his ass!"

The two couldn't help but laugh.  

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