49 - Sleeping Beauty

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The two Alphas enjoyed their beers and had a much-needed talk. Not only as close friends but as Father in law and Son in law. Jun was glad and relieved that his daughter had him as a Mate. The Older Alpha knew Sanada would do whatever was needed and that he would ensure his daughter's safety. As the evening wore on, Jun knew it was time to leave. Even though she was still asleep, he kissed his daughter on the head. She surprised them both.

"Bye dad, love you too." With that she sat up, pulling the hoody off her head as she stood up. Knowing that she didn't have on pants, she kept the blanket wrapped around her lower half and gave her dad a hug.

"I'll be okay dad, Toru will take good care of me."

"I know Pup, but that doesn't mean I won't worry about you."

"How long have you been awake?!" Sanada tugged on the blanket she had around her

"Since the phone call ended." Sanada could only shake his head at her.

"I know dad." Gideon held him again, for the first time he could smell his daughter's scent. It was subtle and calming, just as the Elder said it could be. He hummed in contentment, pulling back he kissed her on the forehead.

"Oh Gideon... you are truly something else. Love you Pup."

"Love you to dad."

"Now get some rest, let Toru take care of you."

"I will."

One more kiss to the forehead, a hug for Sanada and Jun left for home. Once the door shut, Gideon was in her Alpha's arms.

"Let's get you back in bed babe."

Sanada didn't wait for a response as he picked her up and carried her back to the bedroom. She didn't resist as she wrapped her arms around his neck, rubbing her nose against him.

"Love you Alpha."

With a soft growl, he responded to her. "Love you to, my beautiful Omega."

With a sigh, she relaxed into him until he placed her on the bed. She quickly discarded the blanket and crawled under the covers. A huge yawn and she was laying down again. Sanada sat next to her, nuzzling her wonderful scent that had returned as he carried her to bed.

"You want something to eat Gi?"

"No, I just want to sleep. But you need to eat something, there's food for you in the fridge."

With a kiss to the side of her head, he stood up. "Will you be okay by yourself for a few minutes."


One more kiss and he headed to the kitchen to fix himself something to eat. He hadn't eaten anything since breakfast and was hungry. Opening the fridge he had only one word.


Gideon had prepared all kinds of things ahead of time for the two of them. All of the meals for him were labeled with sticky notes, there were also containers of broth for her. He had no idea she had done all this before making breakfast. He truly did have a rare and most precious Mate.

He popped one of the containers in the microwave. After a couple of minutes, he had a delicious hot meal. Not wanting to leave Gideon alone for long, he returned to the room. Walking in he saw she was now sitting up, waiting for him to return. She gave him a soft smile as he brought one of the chairs from the corner of the room over to her side of the bed. 

"When did you fix all of that food in the fridge?"

"Early this morning while you were still asleep."

"Thanks babe."


Gideon silently looked around the room before turning back to her Mate. "Why was my dad here?"

"I asked him to stop by, I was worried about you and wanted answers."

"Oh. Is that why you called the Elder?"

Sanada sat his plate down and crossed his arms as he smirked at her. She gave him the cutest little giggle. "Sorry, I heard you guys talking briefly."

"You were supposed to be asleep Gi."

"I was until you took me out of the bed. I was just too tired to care."

Sanada picked up his plate to finish eating. Gideon just watched him, yawning often. When he finished, she leaned over to kiss him then laid down,  curling up in a ball.

Sanada took his dishes to the kitchen and washed them real quick before returning to the bedroom. As he got close he could smell his Omega's wonderful scent. Walking to the bed he growled a happy growl. Gideon peeked at him, another little giggle coming from her.

"Thanks babe."


Sitting on the bed, Gideon did what was her now normal thing to do, she moved over to him and snuggled up against him. Sanada did his normal thing as well which was to rub her back. He knew she found it comforting and soothing and after the intense day that she had. He wanted to comfort her any way he could. She laid there as he checked his phone.

"Thank you Toru."

"For what kitten."

"For calling my dad and the Elder."

"I'm just glad she was there to tell me more about you Gi. You know you can tell me more about yourself."

"I know, it's just hard for me sometimes to open up. I'm not used to having an Alpha."

"Hmm. I understand."

"So what do you want to know about me love?"

Sanada was caught a little off guard by her sudden openness. He figured since she was offering he would take advantage of it. He quickly rattled his brain for every question he had always wanted to ask her.

"If you and Kenji are so close, why haven't you two established a Mate bond?"

"'Cause we're not close in that way. We talked about it once, even tried to date each other but it was just way too awkward. It was like trying to make out with your brother."  Sanada chuckled but only briefly.

"I'm glad he was with you today Gi."

"So am I."

"Gi, If you were able to have pups safely, would you?"

"In a heartbeat."

"Would you be open to adopt a pup?"

Gideon turned to look at him and smiled. "You're wanting a pup, aren't you?"

He looked down at her. "No, I'm just curious if you'd be open to it. Right now all I want Gi, is for us to be happy together. To mate fully and for you to be healthy afterwards."

Gideon didn't say anything more as she turned to rest again. She really wanted to sleep but could feel that her Alpha wanted to talk.

"So did you hear everything the Elder told us?"

"No." Now Gideon had had enough of talking. She really needed to sleep to get her strength back. She adjusted her scent slightly. She would calm her Alpha down to a point that he too would get sleepy.

"Gi? What are you doing?" Sanada let out a huge yawn. Gideon sighed in frustration as she sat up, taking his face gently in her hands, she gave him a tender kiss. Pulling away from the kiss she looked him deep in the eyes.

"I love you Toru, I really do, but I need to sleep. I promise, I'll answer more questions that you have tomorrow. But for now, please let me sleep."

Sanada pulled her close and nuzzled her. "I'm sorry baby. Do you need me to put you to sleep again?"

"No." She gave him a quick peck on the nose then laid down, snuggling up to the side of his leg. He decided to lay with her even though he wasn't sleepy, at least that's what he thought. Pulling his Omega in close, she adjusted her scent once again and he was asleep within minutes.


Stretching, the Alpha noticed his arms were empty. He turned over and noticed the bright morning light. Laying on his back, he placed his arm over his eyes, shielding them. Inhaling deeply, he could smell a delicious aroma and knew his Omega was up cooking breakfast. Soon there was a weight on the bed and a warm nose nuzzling him. He grabbed hold of the body next to him and rolled over so she was on her back, his face was buried in the crook of her neck.

"Mmmm, you smell good Omega."

"So do you Alpha."

Sanada moved to look her in the eyes and saw a very noticeable blue ring around them. "Gi? What's up with your eyes."

"Same thing that was up with them yesterday morning. You're sending me into heat. Now that I'm home safe, and rested, my wolf has relaxed enough that my heat can start again."

"Come here." Sanada shifted again to hold her comfortably. He brought their foreheads together, breathing in her scent deeply, his mind went back to everything the Elder had told him about mating again. Gideon picked up on it.

"I trust you Toru."

"I don't want to lose you Gideon. Not like that."

"Then don't."

Gideon had total trust in her Alpha. Even though she knew he would go Primal, she had enough faith in their bond that she would still be able to reach him before he went too far and was lost to her.

"So when will you be going into a full heat?"

"Soon. Breakfast is ready, I need you to keep your strength up. Come on!" Gideon wiggled out from under him and stood by the bed with her hand out, waiting for him.

"How soon?"

"Very. Now let's eat."

Sanada took her hand as she pulled him out of the bed, he immediately wrapped her in a hug from behind, again burying his face in her neck. This time he snarled at her.

"Fuck Gi...you smell amazing." She had taken the hoody off and was only wearing a t-shirt and undies, the shirt barely covered her ass. Stil braless, her breast swayed seductively as she walked. She led him to the kitchen. Gideon already knew she would be in heat within a few hours, but she just wasn't going to tell him that. Walking through the house he noticed how curvy she looked and that her hips seemed fuller.

"You want coffee?"

"Yeah babe." Focusing on the dining table he saw delicious dishes already waiting for him. "Wow, this looks awesome. Thanks kitten."


"You know your scent is getting stronger Gi?"

"You know you're absolutely sexy?" Gideon gave him a sexy smirk.

Yeah, she was definitely going into heat, he could tell by how playful she was getting. While she waited for his coffee, she fixed herself one the broths. She needed to conserve energy for mating. Returning to the table she sat his coffee in front of him and gave him a kiss on the shoulder. Taking a seat across from him, she cradled the hot mug in her hands.

"You not eating babe?"

"No, I'm not really hungry." Quickly downing the broth, she took her cup to the sink and returned to her Alpha. "Leave your dishes in the sink, I'll wash them later. I'm off to take a shower. A brief nuzzle and she was off. His eyes followed her until she was out of view.

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