56 - Cherry Blossoms & Jasmine

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Morning came as Gideon snuggled up against her Alpha, her purring waking him up.

"Morning kitten."

"Morning Alpha."

Gideon sat up and stretched her muscular arms up to the ceiling, looking at her from behind, Sanada could see her tattoo once again. They had undressed completely before they went to bed as they didn't want anything between them.   Plus having the skin to skin contact with her Alpha, would help Gideon heal faster. Morning stretch over, she returned to nuzzle him, inhaling his scent deeply. She pulled back to look into his eyes.

"Gi? Babe your eyes are gold again."

She sat up and scrunched her face. "You know, they've been doing that ever since you brought me to this area.   Also, when I inhale your scent or if I'm extra close to you.  I don't think it's me Toru, I think it's you."


"Yeah, I don't remember the Elder saying anything about this, but maybe you're doing it unconsciously.   You're still releasing your pheromones to help me heal but they shouldn't put me in a healing state like this."


"Indeed."  Gideon wasn't sure that was the reason but for now, she wanted to enjoy time with her Alpha.  She leaned down and gave him a tender kiss. "Hungry?"


Another kiss and Gideon grabbed her underware and put on the yukata. She headed to the kitchen area to fix them both breakfast. She stopped, seeing how his 'auntie' and uncle had been so kind to them, she thought of fixing extra to invite them over to breakfast. Walking into the kitchen she immediately opened all the windows and the patio door so she could look into the courtyard while she cooked. Looking through the fridge, a beautiful blue butterfly fluttered in. Sanada heard her giggle. Hearing him approach she turned and looked at him.


Sanada smiled, It was a large blue morpho butterfly, one of his mom's favorites. It soon flew off, out one of the windows. He walked over to her and wrapped her in a hug.

"Why do you have all the windows open?"

"I don't know, seemed like the thing to do, plus I love the air up here. Why?"

"My mom used to do that."


Sanada gave her another tender kiss, causing the Omega to purr out of happiness as her scent wrapped around him. He gave her a contented growled in return.

"Do you want coffee hon?"


"Hey?   What do you think about inviting your auntie and uncle over for breakfast?"



"I'll go and see if they are up."

While her Alpha was gone, Gideon put on a pot of water for tea. Now to find the tea bags. She searched everywhere but didn't see any, when she turned back around to the counter, there was a container of tea sitting next to the teapot. Gideon looked around and inhaled, she picked up the ever so faint scent of cherry blossoms and jasmine. She smiled. "Thank you!"  Who she was saying 'Thank you' to, she didn't know.  She opened the container and inhaled the aroma of the tea.  It had a  wonderful and light fragrance, perfect for breakfast.

Coffee brewing and water almost at a boil, she pulled items out of the fridge and quickly got started on breakfast. Gideon felt her Mate getting close as happy voices accompanied him. The Elders had agreed to join them for breakfast.

"Morning! Tea will be ready in a minute!" Gideon had a bright smile on her face as the morning sunlight filled the kitchen.

"Oh why thank you dear for breakfast, you didn't have to do that."  He's uncle was glad to be eating food made by someone else for a change.

"I know. But your family and family should always share meals if they are close by."

Auntie Midori looked at her then at Toru, he just smiled to acknowledge what she was thinking. His mom used to say the same thing.  As the three of them sat at the table, Gideon was glad for the open concept kitchen, she hated kitchens that were shut off from the rest of the house.  She brought over the teacups, kettle, tea container and a coffee cup and sat the serving tray on the table. Uncle Ube looked at the tea container then at the other two. They were all shocked.


"Yeah hon."

"Where did you get this tea container from?"

"It was on the counter by the tea kettle."

"Okay...but where did it come from."

"Uuhhh, I don't really know, it was just there. Is something wrong with it?"

"No." Sanada smiled to play off the uneasiness that all of them at the table felt. While the men chatted in hushed tones and Gideon continued preparing breakfast.  Auntie Midori looked over at her. The morning sun streaming into the open window, created a beautiful silhouette, but that isn't what captured her attention.  There was another faint silhoette behind her, the shape was all too familiar but Gideon didn't notice it. Midori smiled and quickly turned, hoping no one else had seen the wispy figure.

Auntie couldn't contain the happiness she felt and needed to tell Toru. She interrupted the men. "Ah! Toru, come help me get some kimchi, I want to have it with breakfast!"  Sanada thought it odd, but got up to help her anyway.

As soon as they were out of earshot, Auntie pulled him close. "Toru!!"

"What auntie, you didn't really need help with kimchi, did you."

"Of course not! I'm not that old and feeble! I saw her!"

"You saw who?"

"Your mother! She was standing behind Gideon."

"Auntie...come on."

"I'm serious! That tea proves that your mother's spirit is in the house! Have you noticed anything strange?"

"Actually yes, there was a blue butterfly in the kitchen this morning, it landed on Gideon's hand."

"Ohhhh this is a good sign!!  Your mother approves of your Mate! I'll tell you a secret. Sometimes I see her out in the courtyard, and there is laughter of little kids, but it's only her."

"Auntie! You never told me this!"

"Of course not you brat! You never come to visit, just talk on the phone. Come, we should get back."

"What about the kimchii?"

"It was just a lie! Come on!" 

Sanada and his auntie walked into a kitchen filled with laughter. Uncle Ube had been telling Gideon funny stories about Toru. As they sat down, Gideon brought over the last of the breakfast dishes. She began to serve uncle and auntie first when she stopped and sniffed the air.

"Mmmmm, there's that wonderful scent again."

Sanada and uncle sniffed also but didn't smell anything. "I don't smell anything babe."

Gideon giggled, she knew her scenes were more sensitive. Suddenly a breeze went through the opened dining area and everyone smelled it.

"It's so wonderful!  It makes me think of warm huggs and snuggles!" Gideon giggled again as the scent filled the house.

Sanada had to excuse himself. He needed a moment alone as he felt his eyes begin to water. The scent was his mothers. Cherry blossoms and jasmine. He walked out into the courtyard, his back to the house. He took a deep breath and closed his eyes. That's when he heard it, the laughter of little children. Mixed in with the laughter, he thought he heard his name being called. He turned, catching a glimpse out the corner of his eye. It looked like the pink kimono his mom used to wear. He shook his head to clear it and returned to the dining area.

{You okay Toru?}

{I'm fine kitten.}

Breakfast was good and they enjoyed wonderful conversation as they learned more about Gideon. Auntie Midori made Toru promise to take Gideon to the hot spring.  After the Elders left, Gideon busied herself with cleaning up while Sanada went to change so that they could leave for his grandparents.  While he was in his room changing, he smelled his mother's scent again. He was reluctant to turn around but he did. There she was, but only briefly, the beautiful smile he remembered, present.


She was gone, along with her scent. Toru let a tear escape as he gathered his emotions. His aunt was right. He could feel his mother's presence and that she was happy for him.  He knew in his heart that the blue butterfly was his mom giving her approval of his Omega. Dressed, he made his way to the kitchen, the blue butterfly again hovering over Gideon.  Sanada smiled, walked up to her and hugged her.

"I love you Gi."

"I love you too dearest." 

Another kiss and she went off to change. Sanada took this time to walk around the house, memories flooding the present.  He was glad he brought his Mate out here. He had to admit that she was right, it was a shame to not enjoy this place. They would definitely be spending weekends out here, especially since his mom's spirit was present. 

How he missed her, but feeling and seeing her made things easier for him. Now he wanted to head up to his grandparents. Before he left to return to his mate, he closed his eyes and inhaled deeply. Her loving scent wrapped around him causing him to smile.

"I love you mom."  

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