59 - New Life

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Leaving Sanada Corporation was bittersweet. The staff had grown to care for Gideon and the new and improved Sanada-san. Sanada reassured everyone that the senior members were just as approachable and they were. The friendly atmosphere of the office would be maintained.

When Kenji and Rei found out that Gideon was opening her own cafe/coffee shop and that Sanada would have a property management office right next door, the two quit also. Kenji of course would work with Gideon at the cafe, just like the two had always dreamed of. Not only was he an employee, but also part owner. Gideon surprised him with his part of the restaurant almost immediately. Rei, was now Mr. Sanada's new assistant.

The cafe was quickly closed for remodeling. Kenji and Gideon thought the dessert case was an awesome idea. They added booths along one wall and lots of plants. The small kitchen in the back was enlarged to make room for a bigger fridge and freezer along with ovens. Gideon planned on doing lots of baking. A week before they officially opened, her and Kenji photoed and instagramed everything. Kenji took care of the social media platforms for not only the cafe but for Sanada as well. All of that had created quite the buzz and excitement. Once the remodel was complete, they held a soft opening a week before the actual grand opening, inviting family, friends and everyone from Sanada Corp. Sanada's good friend, Lee and Ha-neul along with his parents came to visit.

The soft opening was a success. Everyone raved about the food. Afterwards, Gideon cooked dinner for Lee as promised. Ha-neul and his parents stayed for a few extra days. Both couples bonded quickly and became fast and dear friends. On opening day the cafe was flooded with both old and new customers.

In the following months, the apartment complex was completed and Sanada managed to make it successful as well. The best thing was that their new jobs were only a few blocks from their home, and when the weather was nice, Gideon insisted they walk to work. Lunch time they spent together as Sanada would come next door and join his Mate for their mid-day meal. Rei and Kenji joined them as well, but sometimes the two of them went off and did their own thing together.

As promised, almost every Friday after work, they left to head to the house in the mountain village. On the previous trip, Gideon had gone into heat. They enjoyed a weekend of intense lovemaking at the small cabin in the woods. A week after they returned, Gideon noticed her breasts and hips were fuller than ever. One morning in the shower, she felt it, a faint flutter in her lower abdomen.

Rei and Kenji on the other hand, actually grew a lot closer. One day Rei had taken ill and Gideon asked him to take her to the clinic to make sure she would be alright. Turns out that Rei wasn't ill, but slowly going into a low grade heat. For some reason, Rei never presented and was actually a wolf. She didn't know this as she had been adopted and the history of her birth parents were unknown. Kenji barely made it to the clinic due to her faint but noticeable heat scent. When he arrived, he rushed her into a room and promptly guarded the door. They managed to quickly get her heat under control. The doctor said it was rare but not uncommon for someone to present so late. Rei needed a few minutes as she adjusted to her heightened senses. After a couple of hours she was allowed to leave. As soon as she opened the door Kenji was there waiting for her.

Kenji's eyes glassed over as he lunged at Rei, she stood there not knowing what to do as he nuzzled into her neck, pulling back his eyes had gone red and he spoke only one word to her.


The following weeks were a big adjustment for all of them. Rei and Kenji moved into one of the apartments Sanada managed. It took some time but the two were taking things slow, Kenji and Gideon helping Rei adjust to her new life as an Omega. A very feisty and headstrong Omega. Gideon shared her knowledge with her that the Elder had taught her as well.

The cafe was doing wonderfully. Business was steady to the point they needed to hire extra help. Gideon's desserts were now available for special order and that was keeping her busy. Sanada was also busy managing the apartments and acting as general contractor. The older two complexes were slowly being remodeled and he was overseeing the entire process.

Gideon's dad and Ms. Fujimoto were frequent visitors, together. They were often found either tucked away in a quiet corner or out on the patio engaged in conversation. Gideon was happy that her dad had found someone to spend quality time with, plus the two had known each other for some time. They went so well together that Gideon hoped they would establish a Mate bond.

Gideon's brother also kept in contact, in fact after he and his twin brother graduated from high school, they were both accepted into a Japanese university. The siblings were ecstatic! Now they had the opportunity to grow closer. Before they graduated, both studied Japanese intensely, Gideon helped them out when she could. They had planned to just be there for their first year; which they lived in the dorms. After their first year they loved it so much they both decided to stay and finish out their degrees. Gideon was excited! The introduction of her half brothers to the rest of the family went smoothly. Tomo and Sanichi took them under their paws and taught them various 'Alpha things'.

She helped them find an apartment to share for the remainder of their schooling. She surprised them by paying for it, with the stipulation that they keep their grades up. What they also didn't know was that Gideon had talked to the trust lawyer and set them both up with their own trusts. She took a portion of her's and split it. When they graduated college, she would tell them about it. Until then, she was everybit the older sister. Both of her brothers had gotten scholarships due to their good grades and she wanted them to focus on their studies and learn the language and culture which is what they did.

Her and Sanada meanwhile were still very much in love. They enjoyed their quiet evenings and intimacy. One day however they received a disturbing phone call and had to leave for Korea immediately. Since the first time they had met little Ha-neul the three had grown close, constantly linking each other. The little boy and his parents were frequent guests and visited Japan often.

They were informed that the family had been involved in a terrible car accident days ago and the only one to survive was Ha-neul. What Sanada and Gideon didn't know was that his parents had designated them legal guardians should anything happen to them as neither had family.

This they found out once they arrived at the hospital. Both just wanted to make sure the little one was fine as they had both gotten very attached to him. The doctor told them he had been in a coma since the moment he was brought in. Why they didn't know as he was fine except for some bumps and bruises, the car seat he was in saved his life. One nurse approached them later on, she said she thought his coma was because of the sudden loss of his parents. It was his way to deal with and cope with their sudden deaths. The nurse had seen this thing before with young pups. They would go into a deep sleep to deal with overwhelming emotions, then they would be healed from it. How long he would remain like this they didn't know.

They carefully entered his room, seeing that he was sleeping, the two whispered as they talked.


Gideon couldn't speak. She never dreamed of raising a child. When she found out she couldn't have any of her own, she brushed off the idea of kids all together. But, there was something she had been planning on telling her Mate but with the emergency, she didn't have time.

"We have a child Gi..." Toru's voice was filled with raw emotion as he spoke.

Gideon stared at him, her eyes starting to water. She threw her arms around him and the two hugged each other for what seemed like hours. Once she could breathe and the tears had slowed, she kissed him.

"Seems we have ourselves an adorable little boy to raise. And you my Omega will be the best mom ever."

"Actually Toru, we have an adorable little boy and a precious little girl."

Sanada looked at her. What he didn't know was that the wishing well and the night they made love in the hot spring, Gideon was almost completely healed. During her last heat at the cabin in the woods, she had healed enough to conceive and she did just that. She wanted to be sure so she had taken off work one day and visited a doctor. The doctor, who was a much older wolf and had recognized what Gideon was by her eyes, confirmed what she felt in her heart. She was indeed pregnant, the pregnancy was a month along. The doctor also let her know that because she was a Prime, her pregnancy would only last for 5 months. So even though she was technically 1 month along, for her it was more like 2. The doctor also told her that she was only the third Prime he had seen in his life. Gideon had wanted to surprise her Alpha as she would start to show in about a week and the rate that the baby grew would begin to accelerate.

"W-w-what did you say Gi?"

"I'm pregnant Toru, I'm pregnant. It happened during my last heat. You, my wonderful Alpha, have helped me heal enough that I can have kids. We're having a little girl. She'll be here in about 4 months."

The Alpha picked her up and spun her around. He couldn't believe what he was hearing. They were having a baby. His Omega was pregnant. His tears flowed as he looked at her.

"Are you really pregnant?"

"Yes! I had a doctor confirm it four days ago. It's a little girl. We have an adorable little boy and a little girl on the way. Hani is going to be a big brother and you my handsome Alpha, are going to be an awesome father."

The two hugged again. Sanada gently swayed with her in his arms. His face buried into her neck all he could say was 'Thank you' over and over. The intimate moment was delightfully broken when they suddenly heard a high pitched and happy little voice coming from the bed.


FINALLY!!  Happy Feel Good News for Gideon.    The next chapter had me a little in the feels.  I just want to Thank everyone for supporting this story.  I have loved writing it and wanted a different interracial Alpha/Omega story that had good vibes to it (well mostly good vibes) 

There are about 7-8 more chapters left to the story ...so far.

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