6 - Weekend*

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The next morning Gideon was awakened by pounding on the door. She tried to focus her eyes and find her phone to see what time it was. It was only 9am. She stumbled through the small apartment and swung the front door open only to find Kenji and Rei standing there bright eyed and bushy tailed.

"Why are you here so damn early?"

"Kenji told me what you did Gi! I can't believe you did that!"

"Did what, get in here and stop yelling, you're in the hallway dorks." Gideon pulled the two into her small apartment and pointed to the tiny kitchen island for them to sit. "You losers eat yet?"

Kenji and Rei looked at each other and clapped. They hoped Gideon would cook for them.

"No! Please cook for us Gigi!"

"Yes! We miss your food." Kenji was whining.

"Where's Keiko?" Gideon just noticed that she was missing.

The two scoundrels looked at each other and laughed. "She had a hot date with her new boyfriend last night. They were up all night having sex! It was awful!" Rei was still pissed because the two horn dogs kept her up all night.

"You two are still roommates Rei?" Gideon stood in front of the fridge with the door open.  She totally forgot it was empty, she didn't have time to go to the grocery story yet. Slamming the door to the fridge, she returned to the island pouting.

"I need to go to the store for food." Now all three were pouting.

"Ahhh, well get dressed Gigi, we can go somewhere for breakfast."

Gideon went to the bedroom to grab some clothes and washed up quickly. She braided her hair in simple side braids and wore athletic pants, t-shirt and hoody. She saw no reason to dress up today as she would be running all over town getting stuff for her apartment.

"Let's eat peoples!" Gideon was hungry and needed food.

On the way to Kenji's car, Rei wanted the dirt on her date with the boss.

"Oh God, Rei.  It was so embarrassing. But like I told Kenji earlier, he might be our boss but damn he is handsome."

The three friends all laughed as they finally made it to the car. They had been friends since high school and instantly bonded one day when Gideon, Rei and Keiko came to the defense of Kenji who was being bullied for being so good looking. It was more like beautiful, even though Kenji was Male, he was beautiful and often got mistaken for a male Omega. But Kenji was an Alpha, sassy, but an Alpha. The four of them knew they would be friends for life, and so far they were.

There was a place close by that served American styled breakfast. Gideon was happy cause she really wanted a BLT. After finding seats and placing their orders Kenji and Rei grilled Gi about her possible date with the boss.

"So where are you taking the boss on you guys' date?" Rei was beaming at the thought of it.

"Oh!! First you are not going to believe this shit!!" They all leaned into the center of the table.

"I ran into him again!"

"What?" Kenji couldn't believe it as he knew the backstory to the whole date fiasco.

"So my dad takes me out to dinner and guess who shows up for the fourth time that day?"

"Noooo, you can't be serious!"

"I am serious! He sat with me and my dad for a bit. I meet with him at 8:30 on Monday to talk about the upcoming business deal."

"Whoa" Rei couldn't believe it, Kenji had filled her in on the juicy gossip of the previous day on the way to Gideon's. "This isn't like him at all! He never interacts with anyone, let alone goes on dates!"

"If he doesn't interact with others then why does he want an assistant?"

"We have no idea, he's changed in the last few months."

"Changed how?"

"It's hard to put into words."

Just then their food arrived. They enjoyed their breakfast and were eager to get started with a day of shopping. Since Kenji had offered to drive, Gideon didn't feel comfortable going all over Tokyo to shop. She just wanted to go to Diaso, Ikea and the grocery store. She purchased bedding, rugs, stuff for the bathroom, linens, a set of kitchenware, rice cooker, drying racks, toaster oven, steamer, blender and a few plants. She ordered a futon for the living room for visitors which would get delivered on Tuesday. Kenji and Rei were kind enough to help her carry everything up to her apartment. After they had unloaded everything Gideon treated them to lunch at a nearby noodle bar.

After lunch, She spent the rest of the day deep cleaning and putting things away. She moved the bed against the wall in the bedroom to create more space. After getting her apartment in order she showered and called it a day. She hung out in her bedroom since there was no where comfortable for her to sit for now. She called her dad to let him know she had gotten settled. Gideon fixed some steamed veggies and rice for dinner while getting laundry going. Pulling up a movie on her laptop, she relaxed and finished doing laundry. After 3 hours she had everything done for the evening and called it a night.  She would spend Sunday exploring her neighborhood and getting her meals prepped for the week.

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