62 - Welcome to the Pack #1

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Once the elevator doors opened, Hani ran in and started a little dance, squealing away. They just let him enjoy himself as others in the office rushed to see him; cooing, ooohing and awwwing at him. Gideon and Sanada waved to everyone as the doors closed.

"Up daddy!" Ha-Neul actually spoke in Japanese, surprising both of them.

"That's weird!"

"Tell me about it." Toru picked him up and let him push the button to the parking garage. Once to the car, Gideon got him strapped into the car seat. Before she made it to the passenger door, Toru pulled her close.

"How you feeling babe?"

"Fine, I'm getting hungry though."

He gave her a quick kiss and they got in the car to head to her dad's office. Before the car made it out of the garage, Ha-Neul was asleep again. They rode in silence, letting their little one rest. It was only his second day so him sleeping a lot was understandable.

Gideon remembered she wanted to talk to the Elder. Dialing, she reached for her Alpha's hand and gave it a squeeze.

"Oh my dear! My dear! How are you!?"

"I'm good Ms. Tanaka. Do you have a minute?"

"Of course my dear!"

After a pause for Gideon to compose herself, she finally spoke. "...I'm pregnant."

There was a series of howls, screams, shouts and claps. Gideon was glad the phone wasn't on speaker mode.

"That's wonderful dear! Your Alpha really is amazing. You are only the third Prime I know of that has been healed by their Alpha."


"Oh yes! The Alpha's love must be true in order for that to happen! Now, I know you have questions. This is something I didn't teach you. Is your Alpha with you?"


"Good, put me on speaker phone, you will both learn something today."

"Okay, you're on speaker Ms. Tanaka."

"How far along are you my dearest?"

"The doctor confirmed that I was a month along and that the pregnancy would last for 4 more months."

"I see...Was it Dr. Hamaru?"

"How did you know?"

"Because he knew you were a Prime. The baby will grow very rapidly during the first 2 months, so you must keep your strength up and eat properly. Toru, do not be surprised if your Prime sleeps a lot, the baby will take a lot out of her as it develops initially. After the first two months, the child will rest and it's growth will slow and for the last month it will complete its development. Now, Gideon my dear, during the last month it would be wise for you to be on bed rest. Your body will let you know when that needs to be. Toru are you still listening?"

"Yes Ms. Tanaka, I'm still listening."

"Good! Good! During her bed rest, you will become very protective of her and your unborn Pup. So don't be surprised by that. She may not want to eat. If this happens, just give her soups and protein shakes. If she refuses to eat that, then fresh raw meat will do the trick!"


"Have you decided on who you want to deliver your pup my dear?"

"Actually, I was going to ask you to."

"Woooo hooooooo!!!" More hoots and howls were heard. "I'd be honored to deliver your first Pup! Just call me when you go on bed rest. It would be beneficial if you have another older Omega to help you also."

"I understand, I have another question?"

"Lay it on me baby!"

"We also have another Pup, he's 3 and...and he's a Prime. I don't know anything about raising a little one."

"Oh dear! You're a natural mother Gigi. Just go with what you feel my dear. But young little Primes are very smart and learn extremely fast, you should know this. Male Primes are also very protective, even as Pups. We'll talk more when we're together for the baby."

"Okay, Thank you so much Grammy, you're a lifesaver!"

"Ha! I'd rather be a heartbreaker! But on a serious note. I'm very happy for the two of you. You are going to make excellent parents to all of your Pups. And Gigi...If your Alpha is horny enough, he may give you twins now that you're able to conceive!"

"Uhhhh...I'll keep that in mind!"

"Okay! We'll talk soon my dear. Love you!"

"Love you too Grammy!"

The call ended as they pulled up to her dad's office building. Toru turned and looked at her. "Grammy?"

"Yeah, she loves it when I call her that. She's like a real live fairy Godmother...Trust me.  Plus she's the closet thing I'll ever have to a Grandmother."

Once parked, Gideon let Toru take Hani out of his carseat. He was still fast asleep. Walking into the building and to the elevator it all felt so familiar. Riding up to the floor, Gideon couldn't help but tease her Alpha.

"Remember the last time we were in this elevator together."

Sanada leaned in close to her. "How could I forget, you were hitting on me."

"Yes I was. And I'd do it all again Alpha."

"You better, Omega." The two shared another tender kiss when Gideon felt another cramp. This one almost doubled her over as she leaned against her Mate

"Shit, Grammy wasn't kidding."

"Maybe we should cancel dinner tonight Gi."

"No, I'm fine, just a part of me being pregnant." She quickly recovered and gave her Alpha another kiss.

"God, I'll be glad when you go into heat again."

"Careful what you wish for Alpha, you heard  Grammy say twins." He laughed at her, to him, twins wouldn't be such a bad idea.

Ha-neul woke up again as the elevator stopped. Walking out into the hallway, Toru put him down so he could walk. Hani was used to Jun and Ms. F as he saw them often when he would visit Japan with his parents. Little feet on the ground, he skipped along making sure they were right behind him. Walking into the office, Hani stopped for them to catch up to him. Once they did, he reached for their hands so they could walk in together.

"Well hello you two, oh make that three!" Gideon gave her Mate a look before giving Ms. F a hug. Ms. F kneeled down to Ha-neul.

"Hello little one."

He just giggled and shook his little hands loose. He rushed over and gave Ms. F a hug. Toru was shocked at how he acted around certain people. He let Ms. F pick him up and carry him into the main office.

{You see this? She's the first to pick him up other than us.}

{I think it's because she's so close to my dad.}

Once inside, Hani wanted down only to rush over to Jun, full of more giggles and squeals. Jun picked him up and spun him around. "Hey little cute Pup!" Hani had another surprise for them as he held Jun's face and rubbed noses with him. Gideon laughing almost immediately. He was shocked that Ha-neul would do that with him, but Gideon wasn't. Hani was just a very gentle and loving little Pup, she already knew he wouldn't do that with everyone.

"Hello dear!"

Gideon and Toru gave both Ms. F and her dad hugs. Gideon was getting emotional as she figured out how to tell her dad about her surprise. Toru sensed it through their bond and nuzzled her real quick, his hand rubbing her back.

"Hey dad, can you and Ms. F have a seat for a minute?"

"Sure dear, what's up?"

"I..." She cleared her throat to push her emotions back down.


"I'm pregnant dad."

Her dad, who had been preoccupied with Hani, wasn't sure he had heard her but Ms. F had as her eyes were already tearing up.

"What was that Gi..." Jun put the little Pup down as Ms. F grabbed and squeezed his arm.

"I'm pregnant dad." Gideon now had tears running down her cheeks, before Toru could react, her dad had her embraced in a hug.

"Oh my baby! Really? Is it really true!?"

"Yes!" She placed his hand on her stomach as he laughed/cried

"Oh my sweet Gideon!" Ms. F was now hugging her as Jun moved to hug Toru.

"Is it really true Toru, my baby is having a baby!?"

"Yes, It's true!"

"How is this even possible!?" He was pacing as Ms. F tried to get him to sit down. Toru grabbed chairs for them to sit in also. Sitting, Hani climbed up in Gideon's lap and rested his back against her.

"Toru. He's been able to help me heal enough that I was able to conceive. I'm a month along."

"Oh my dearest this is wonderful news! Just wonderful!"

"The trip we took up to the mountains did it. Our little girl will be here in four months."

"Wait...four months? You mean 8 dear."

"No Ms. F, I mean 4. Since I'm a Prime, my pregnancies only last for 5 months."

"Oh my. Oh my, there so much to do!"

"Don't worry, I have things taken care of. Jun we are going to move out to my village, at least until the baby gets here."

"Yes, I called the Elder on the way out here and I'll pretty much be on bed rest, especially that last month. For the next two months the baby will grow rapidly, rest for a month, then on the last month finish developing. I...I asked Grammy to help me deliver her. I want you guys to be there also, actually I want all of you to be there, to welcome her."

"Of course dear! When will you tell the others?"

"Tonight at dinner. I want tonight's dinner to be a welcoming dinner for this little one here!" Gideon bounced her little Pup causing him to laugh. Hani reached for Toru to hold him.

"Oh Gideon, he's so adorable and loving."


"Gi? Toru? How has he been handling things since... you know."

"He sleeps a lot. I think it allows him to process things. Before we left Korea, we stopped at their graves, for him to say goodbye and to thank them for such a precious gift."

Hani had curled up against Toru and was quickly falling asleep.

"Ahhh yes, you were like that when your mother left dear."

"I was?"

"Oh yes! You were too young to remember. You slept for 2 solid days when she first left, then off and one for almost a week. After that you never mentioned her again until you were older."

"Oh wow, I didn't know that. We'll, we brought all of the pictures they had, his clothes and some of his toys."

"I have a good friend there in Seoul who is handling the rest of their affairs." Toru spoke softly so he wouldn't wake his little one.

"Well Gi, it seems the wishing well worked!"

"Indeed it did. I still can't believe his parents made arrangements for us to have him if anything went wrong."

"They knew that they could trust you and that you would love him like your own."

"LIke you did with me?"

"Yes dear."

Sanada could sense his Omega getting a little weak and needed to get some food in her. "Are you two up for lunch? Our treat."

"That is a wonderful idea!"

Leaving for lunch, Gideon walked with Ms. F while Jun walked with Toru. Everyone was involved in their own conversation. Ms. F going over things she would need for the birth and pregnancy. Gideon already knew she would need a lot for the baby and herself. Jun offered to drive but, Gideon wanted Hani to be in his car seat so they drove separately.

Lunch was pleasant and Gideon ate a nice sized meal, putting her Alpha at ease. Even Ha-neul ate all of his food. Now that she had a full stomach, the Omega was needing a nap. Once he was done eating, Hani wanted to be held.

{Mommy hold me}

Gideon gently lifted him out of his high chair and placed him on her lap as the others chatted. Toru was loving how connected he was to his Omega. He no longer had to guess or link her to know how she was feeling. Sitting there, Gideon enjoyed nuzzling into the little Pup's hair. Toru needed to get his Mate and Pup home to rest before dinner tonight. They wrapped up lunch with more hugs and congratulations. Jun also was a little intuned with Gideon and suggested Toru take her home to rest. One final hug and they headed to their vehicles. Gideon carried their Pup as Toru got his car seat ready and fastened him in.

The drive home was a pleasant one as Hani slept.

"Hey hon?"


"Do you think auntie Midori will help with the birth?"

"I think she will be over the moon with helping!"


"Do you have a date in mind to move?"

"Actually, now that I think about it. Since we will both be working in the city after the baby gets here, maybe it would be best to just stay at the mountain house for the birth and maybe a few months after that. We can keep your apartment and have that for when we are in the city. Things are established well enough now that they don't require our total attention."

"Hmm, I never thought of that."

"Are you still going to want to work after having the baby?"

"Well, I love my cafe. Besides, I don't have to be there all day, neither does Kenji. We hired some really good and trustworthy staff. I want to be there in the mornings to do the desserts. I can adjust the dessert menu to where the items can be refrigerated or frozen. I would only need to be there a few days a week, three at the most."

Toru glanced at her. "That's a great idea! But I'm worried that you will try to do too much babe. The Elder said the first two months would be when the baby grows the most and you won't feel 100%."

"Yeah, I know. I need to talk to Kenji, so we can have a plan in place. I already know that last month will be a no go and I want us to have enough time bonding with the baby and Hani afterwards."

"Most definitely. I want you to be comfortable with returning to work after the baby gets here."

"I know dear. I'll focus on it later."

Arriving at their apartment, Gideon's tiredness was catching up to her. Before they got to the parking stall she texted Tomo and Sanichi to make sure to pick up Trevor and James for dinner. She also texted Kenji that he and Rei needed to come to dinner also. Car coming to a stop, she quickly linked her younger brothers that there was a family dinner and that Tomo and Sanichi would pick them up. She also let them know to bring overnight clothes just in case if they wanted to stay the night.

"Mnn!" Gideon placed a hand on her abdomen.

"You okay Gi? You're starting to worry me?"

"Just another cramp. Will you lay with me while I take a nap, I think I need you next to me for a bit while I rest."

"Of course babe."

Gideon carried Hani while Toru carried the shopping bags. The little Pup was out like a ton of bricks. Gideon carefully put his sleeping tshirt back on him and laid him in their bed. As she turned to change, Toru noticed her eyes.

"Come here babe." Toru wrapped her in a gentle hug, softly nuzzling her. "Your eyes changed."

"Hmm...Thank you Alpha, I feel a little better."

"Glad I can help, now if I could just control when I'm healing you! Let's get to bed, I'll set my alarm for later."


They put on their pj's and Gideon got into bed first, cuddling up to their Pup. Toru got in behind her, his strong arm holding both of them. As the Omega drifted off to sleep, her purring returned. The Alpha released a long and deep contented growl.

He finally had the family he always dreamed of, right there in his arms.

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