64 - Making Plans to Relax

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Everyone headed back inside, Gideon and Toru were fine with the others holding their Pup. They let them know that he really didn't speak that much Japanese but he was learning. Trevor and James also mobbed Gideon with hugs, happy that they were going to be uncles for the second time.

In the living room, everyone settled onto the couches or in chairs. Hani walked over to GIdeon's bag and took out his toys, he chose his robot man and crawled up on the couch with Trevor and James, the young Alphas happy to play with their new nephew. They were kinda amazed at how everyone had welcomed and accepted them into the family. The twins also received the Howl of the Alpha ceremony, but wished their dad could be there but he hated flying, so they were the ones to fly back to visit him.

Gideon looked on at them, she too was glad that her younger brothers had been so welcomed by the others. Other's thought it strange that the Okada Pack was so welcoming to 'outsiders' especially to non Japanese; namely African-Americans. They saw no difference, they were all family.

{Hey Kenji?}

{Yeah beautiful momma}

{Silly butt, hey I need to talk to you about the cafe, talk tomorrow?}

{Sure...you're still going to be there right?}

{Yeah, it's just the last month of my pregnancy I need to be on bedrest, and you know how protective Toru is...}

{Oh wow...you and the baby are okay right?}

{Yeah, I talked to the Elder, she said since I'm a Prime, I'm only going to carry her for 4 more months. The next two months are going to kick my butt.}

{Wow sis, yeah yeah. Call me whenever tomorrow.}

Kenji gave Gideon a kiss on the check, Toru was fine with it but their little Pup was not. He shot his uncle Kenji a look and growled, surprising everyone, even Toru.

"Nobody but daddy Grandpa kisses mommy!!" His little finger pointing accusingly at the Alpha as he frowned in disapproval. Gideon elbowed Kenji to stop him from laughing because her Pup was serious.

"Oh! I am so sorry little Pup Pup!"

Ha-neul gave him a smile that the Alpha listened and returned to playing with his young uncles.

"How did you find a Pup, in ANOTHER country, that acts just like you!"

"She made a wish!" Toru butted into the conversation.

Gideon made a face at him as she snuggled against him more, his arm around her, he rubbed her shoulder.

{You're getting tired babe.}

{I'm fine. Let Pup enjoy his new family}

They all sat and chatted for awhile. It was going on 10pm and Gideon had reached her limit. Not only did Toru sense it but Hani did also. He stopped what he was doing, gathered his toys and went and sat on her lap.

"Mommy's sleepy daddy."

"Awwww, my sweet little Pup." She was too tired to care that others were around as she nuzzled into him and began to purr. Rei gave her a strange look.

"Is that you Gigi!?"

"Oh, sorry." She went to stand while holding Hani "Sorry folks, but we need to call it a night, I need rest."

Everyone gave her hugs and congratulated them again on both of their Pups. Kenji reminded her to call whenever she wanted to talk tomorrow and told her not to worry about coming in, that they had everything taken care of. They all walked them out to the car. Hani had fallen asleep once he picked up his Gideon's scent.

Walking into the apartment, they both sighed and chuckled. Even though Gideon was holding Pup, she still went into her Alpha arms. Nuzzling her, he let out a growl.

"Let's get to bed babe."


In the bedroom, she laid her Pup onto the bed. For some reason, she wanted him with her as she slept. They left his clothes on since he was pretty much wearing pj's anyway. Quickly changing, they both crawled into bed. With the Alpha laying behind his Omega, this was becoming their normal sleeping position now that they had a little one. Pup cradled in her arms, Alpha's hand on her stomach as he held onto her from behind.

In the morning, Gideon was slow to get up.  Both Toru and Hani were already in the dining room playing. As she moved to get out the bed, she hurt. Her body was trying to adjust to the quickly growing baby, but it wasn't happy about it. If this is how the next two months were going to go, there was no way she'd be able to work all day. She already knew her body wouldn't allow it, plus she was still exhausted.

Not feeling at all motivated today, She just put on sweatpants and a t-shirt. The only thing she wanted to do was go to the store for herbs for medicinal baths and get to the house in the mountains. But now she felt she needed to talk to Kenji so she texted him to see if he was free to talk. Luckily he was.

"Hey sis, how you feeling? You looked kind of out of it last night when you guys left."

"Ughh was it that obvious? I feel like shit, I'm not even going to lie."

"Ohhhh baby..."

"You have time to talk shop?"


"How I'm feeling right now, I don't see me being able to do full days."

"Good!! We all think you should just take the rest of your pregnancy off! I'm serious Gi, this is your first birth, plus you have a new Pup that you guys need to keep bonding with."

"But Kenji."

"But but rubber duck! I mean it Gi!"

"Fine and thank you Kenji."

"Hey! I want a little niece to spoil rotten right along with my nephew, AND I need their momma here and healthy."

Gideon was getting emotional out of nowhere, but she quickly dialed it down knowing that Toru would pick up on it, but it was too late as he was already walking through the door. "Hold on Kenji." Gideon put him on hold as her Alpha wrapped his arms around her, he didn't have to say anything and neither did she. He still wanted her to talk to him though.

"Talk to me Gi."

"It's just my stupid hormones and stupid Kenji being all brotherly and stuff. I'm fine." He kissed her on the forehead and returned to their Pup. He had the balcony door open and didn't want to leave him alone for too long.

"I'm back."


"Well, since you're insisting..."

"And I am, don't make me tell your Alpha to keep your ass at home...cause I'll do that."

"I know! But the cafe still needs desserts. So! I will have some detailed recipes of simple things like cookies and pies. When I feel good during the next two months, I will come in for half a day to make the more complicated things. I'll also prep stuff like cookie dough, pie crusts and things that can be frozen and just thawed out."

"You start coming in more than I'd like I'm kicking you out!"


"Deal! Now rest for the weekend!"

"I will, thank you so much. Love you tons."

"Love you too sis."

Phone call done and now with a plan, she went to join her Mate and Pup. Walking into the dining room, she wrapped her arms around her Alpha from behind.

"Mommy mommy mommieeeeeee!" 

 Hani did a cute little dance, glad that she was finally awake. Toru had put him into comfortable clothes to lounge around in. He rushed over to her and wrapped his arms around her legs, his big beautiful doe eyes looking up at her.

"Hey Pupper doo! Did you eat?"

"Daddy made me scranddled eggs and toasts!"

"Nice! Hon?"

"Yeah babe?"

"I need to go to the store today. Are we still going up to the village this weekend?"

"Yeah, what do you need at the store?"

"I want to get stuff for more medicine baths."

The Alpha turned around in his Omega's arms, wrapping her in a hug as well. Hani returned to the few toys he had scattered on the floor.

"Why do you need medicine baths?"

"I'm starting to hurt."

"I tell you what, let's head up there now, there's an old fashioned pharmacy in town and auntie is something of a midwife."

"She is?"

"Yes, she's just full of tricks and surprises!"

"Are you alright with leaving early? What about your work?"

"Look at me...You and the Pups are my first priority, understand? Don't you worry about my work. It's fine."

Gideon eased into the hug, grateful for such a wonderful Alpha. Toru could feel how tense her body was. He released a series of growls, causing her to relax just a little.

"Let's get packed and head out there. We'll get something to eat at the rest area."

"Mn." Gideon walked over to Hani who had been watching them instead of playing.

"We go on adventure momma?"

"Yes! And there are little Pups for you to play with too! You'll meet your new auntie and uncle."

"Really!! I get to play!" 

'Play' was really the only thing he heard from her. Everyone went to their bed room to pack. Ha-neul laid on the bed watching his parents with bear bear right beside him. Once they had everything, it was Hani's turn to pack. Gideon picked out comfortable clothes for him but had him changed into something a little warmer as it was a little chilly up in the mountains. Again he didn't want to take a lot of toys, he switched the action figure out for a little toy car. As Toru helped his Pup finish packing, Gideon went to use the bathroom again. Alone, Toru wanted to have a little talk with his son.


"Yes dada?" Toru had to laugh, Hani was constantly coming up with different ways to say dad.

"If we stop on the way to the mountain town, people may stare and point at your mommy more than usual. They don't mean her any harm, it's just that they don't see very many people with dark skin."

"Oh. I thought people stare point at her because she's sooooo pretty."

"Well that too! Sometimes they even ask her to take a picture!"

"They do?"

"Oh yes!"

With everything packed they were all ready to go.

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