66 - Agghhhh!!!

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Pulling into the driveway, a long sigh of relief left Toru. He quietly got out of the car and went to the passenger side and opened both doors so Gideon and Pup could get some air.  He already knew that Gideon wouldn't wake up and Hani was still out.  Luckily Auntie and Uncle were inside. He tried not to look worried but once again he failed miserably with his poker face.

"Auntie, Uncle, I need your help please."  Without question, the Elders quickly followed him. The scene in the car terrified them. Toru had left Gideon's door open so they could have fresh air. They saw how much blood she had on her clothes.

"Uncle, will you get Pup out of the back, I will carry Gideon. Auntie, will you get the doors?  I'll explain after we get inside." Uncle Ube was a pro at unbuckling the car seat and had the little one in his arms as he waited for Toru to get Gideon out of her seat.  Auntie opened and held doors as she led them into the bedroom. Toru put Gideon down first. Uncle Ube handed Hani to him and Toru laid their pup next to her. Gideon must have sensed that she was in a bed as she whimpered and curled around her Pup, letting out a protective growl but never waking. Her strong arms keeping the little one safe.

Auntie and Uncle were shocked with what was going on. Now that Toru could once again sense his Omega, he motioned for them to go out of the room. They walked into the dining room which wasn't far from the bedroom. Ube went to the fridge and grabbed all of them a beer. Toru was forever grateful for the ice cold beverage but the help also.

"Thank you guys so much."

"My son, what happened!" Uncle Ube was like a worried Papa Wolf.

"Gideon was attacked by two Alphas. One of them was an ex-employee Aya, and I think the other was her boyfriend. Aya must have threatened our Pup and Gideon attacked to protect him. Luckily she wasn't hurt."

"Pup!?" Both of the Elders were surprised to hear the word Pup.

"Yes Auntie and Uncle, the little one is our Pup, Ha-neul. His parents were best friends of ours and they were killed in a terrible car accident almost a week ago. They left him in our care. This is only his third day being in Japan with us but...we bonded a while ago, Gideon more than me as she had healed him previously. Ever since then we've had such a strong bond with the little one."

All of the sudden little footsteps were heard. Hani was shuffling his little feet with his bear bear dragging on the floor. With eyes half closed, he climbed onto Toru's lap and whimpered softly, his cute little pout present.

"Mommy purr too loud daddy."

Toru chuckled as he nuzzled the Pup's hair. Holding his little one, his aunt and uncle couldn't help but chuckle at the cute adorable Pup.

"Oohhhhh!!! With such a cute cute face he must be an Omega!" Auntie wanted badly to hold him but knew how little ones could be with strangers.

"Yes, but he's very protective of Gideon."

Hearing strange voices, Hani turned and looked at them.   Auntie flashed him her winning smile and it did the trick as he giggled at her in return.

"Ha-nuel, this is Auntie Midori and Uncle Ube. They are my side of the family."

Hani slid out of Toru's arms and walked over to them and right onto Auntie lap. "Auntie! Uncle!" Hani spoke in Japanese surprising Toru that he was learning so quickly.

"Yes! Oh Toru he's just adorable!"

Hani had another surprise for them as he rubbed noses with auntie followed by uncle Ube, catching both off guard. Toru simply laughed. "He does that with everyone that's family. We think it's his way of saying 'Yes you are my family/Pack.'"

Next the other sleepy head came dragging into the kitchen. Not having her Pup or Alpha next to her, she woke to find them. She was so out of it that she failed to acknowledge the Elders as she sat next to her Alpha and curled up in his lap. She was out within seconds.

"Mommy needs daddy cause she's hurting." Hani was pouting again.

"And how do you know this little Pup?" Uncle Ube didn't believe that a Pup not born of the Omega could be so attuned with her.

"Because I can feel mommy." He looked at Ube with the saddest look he could give. He hated his momma being in pain.

Auntie gave Toru a suspicious look, but the Alpha was too focused on his Mate. Auntie Midori asked if Hani would like to go for a walk around the village he clapped but looked over at his dad to make sure.

"I think that's a great idea! Then you can play out in the yard."

Hani giggled and clapped again. Midori and Ube knew that Gideon needed time alone with Toru so that he could help her in her healing process, especially if she was hurting.  As the Elders took the Pup outside, Toru could already hear the excited squeals and laughter. Now to help his Omega. Toru carried her to the bedroom again and put her back to bed. He laid down next to her and wrapped her in a hug, growling to let her know he was with her. Gideon snuggled into him more. As the Alpha inhaled her scent deeply it was tinged with blood. He had already begun to miss having such one on one time with her. But it would have to wait and he was just fine with that.

Once outside in the fresh mountain air, Hani started to perk up. As with his parents, he hopped and jumped about, never straying too far from the Elders. If he thought he was going too far, he would stop, wait, giggle and run ahead. They took him past the small daycare which was full of laughter and little voices. Ha-neul stopped to look. The same little Alpha girl that approached Gideon approached him. The two little Pups just stood and stared at each other then burst out in the most infectious giggles. She ran up, grabbed his hand and the two ran to the playground. Uncle Ube hurried after him, one of the caregivers saw the little ones and was full of smiles as she approached the older couple.

"It's okay! He can play with her if he likes."

They let Hani play with the other little ones for about 30 minutes, till their outside play time was over. The Elders couldn't believe how well he got along with everyone. He even gave his new little friends hugs before he had to go. The caregiver let the Elders know that with his parent's permission, he could stay the entire day. They thanked her and continued their walk. They were enjoying being out just as much as Hani was. As they walked other's inquired who the cute little boy was. They proudly let them know it was their grandson. After an hour of walking around town, they headed back to the house.   Auntie wanted to check on Gideon so Uncle took Hani to finish playing outside in the courtyard.

Auntie went to the kitchen to prepare Gideon some special tea. Hearing laughter, Toru woke up, he already knew it was coming from his Pup. Sitting up next to his Omega, she still had on her bloodied clothes. Seeing how she hadn't eaten all day, he needed to get food into her and he also wanted her out of those clothes. He leaned down to nuzzle her awake. With a whimper she was moving finally.

"Gi? Babe, I need you to wake up."

Moving and stretching, she was slowly, very very slowly, getting up. Once she finally sat up she immediately moved to her Alpha and rested her head on his shoulder. Toru caressed her face.

"How you feel Gi?"

"Like shit. Thanks for laying with me, it just wasn't long enough."

"I know babe, but I need you to eat something. You haven't eaten all day."

"I know...where's Pup?"

"He's out in the courtyard playing with Uncle."

"hmmm...I'm sorry for worrying you today."

"Forget it, I'm just glad you two didn't get hurt."

"I really needed to go to the store."

"Stop worrying Gi.  Auntie went and got herbs and medicine for you."

"She did?"

"That I did my dear!" Auntie Midori entered with a hot cup of tea for Gideon. "Here sweetie, drink this. Toru said you were hurting."

Gideon slowly took the cup, sniffing the hot brew she almost gagged. "Sorry auntie, I can't drink that."

Handing the cup back, Gideon gagged again. Auntie was now even more worried. The tea should not have had that effect on her. Now that her stomach had settled, Gideon snuggled up against her Mate again.

"Dear? This tea shouldn't bother you like that."

{I'll have to tell her, sorry about not surprising them both}

"It's okay babe." Toru gave her a quick kiss against her head.

"Auntie...I'm pregnant. That's why I can't drink that."

Auntie just looked at them as if she was a deer in headlights.

"A baby....you're having a baby..." Then it hit her.


Auntie was up and running as the tea cup went flying. "UBE!!!" Both he and Hani came running to see what was gong on. By now, Midori was up screaming, crying and jumping around all at once.

"What! What! What's wrong!?!"



By now Gideon was thoroughly convinced that everyone in the town suffered from bouts of hysteria and madness. As the Elder's danced about, with little Hani joining in, Gideon shot up and ran to the bathroom. Barely making it before she began vomiting violently. That tea was a horrible, terrible idea as it still affected her. She soon felt a firm hand rubbing her back. She settled back down.

"Better Gi?"

"Yeah, but I really need a bath."

"Stay here, I'll see what auntie has for you."


Walking back to the bedroom they were still celebrating. Toru just shook his head. "Auntie, do you have the medicine bundles she needs for her baths?"

"What!?" She looked at him, upset that he had disturbed their celebrations.

"We dancing daddy! We dancing dancing!!" Even Hani was pissed as he stomped his little foot to protest having to stop.

"The medicine bundles? She needs one."

"Ohh! Yes!"

She rushed to the kitchen with Hani in tow laughing as they continued to dance down the hallway. She returned and headed to the bathroom, Uncle Ube didn't think it appropriate for Hani to be in there so he distracted him with more play time out in the courtyard. This time he held his hand as he took him around and explained all the plants, flowers and insects.

Auntie and Toru entered the bathroom together. Auntie's demeanor had changed to a more serious one.

"How are feeling my dear, really."

"I feel like I've been hit but a bus."

"Were you injured at all? How far along are you my dear!?"

"A month and no I wasn't injured."

"I see, have you been told what to expect with your pregnancy?"

"Yes, pretty much."

"Okay, I've taken out the things that are not good for pregnancy and added some that will help with the discomfort. That baby is going to grow like a weed!"

Gideon offered her a smile.

"After your bath I will brew some fresh tea for you, it will help you rest and settle your stomach."

"Thank you so much auntie."

"Ohhh! Thank you my dear! You don't know how happy we are to know that Pups are once running through this house! Now, I'll leave you two alone. After your bath, rest. Toru dinner will be ready by then, you need to eat so you can help her with the discomfort she will be experiencing."

"Okay, Thank you again auntie"

Gideon started the hot water for her bath, she couldn't wait to sink into the hot medicated water and to rest. But first she wanted to get out of the disgusting clothes she had one. Bath water ready, the bathroom had a medicine smell.

"Will you get me something to wear hon? I packed our yukatas."

"Sure." Toru gave her another kiss on the head before getting her something to wear. By the time he returned, she was already in the tub, resting her head on the side of it. Even though it was a traditional style home it had a very nice and deep bathtub.  Toru hung her robe up as he grabbed a small stool and sat next to her. They both gently nuzzled each other. They still hadn't settled down completely from the tense situation at the rest area. Sharing a much needed tender moment, Gideon's purring returned

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