69 - The Resting Omega #2

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Hunting for his Omega. Toru had to laugh at the thought. Never in his wildest dreams did he think he would be out hunting for a Mate, but here he was.  Seeing how she had weakened herself again, he expected Jun to call him any minute. Sure enough, halfway to the cabin he called. That damn father/daughter bond that they had. He laughed again as he already knew he would have that with his little girl soon enough.


"Toru! How are things."

"Pup is at the little daycare down the street having a blast. I'm actually headed to the cabin to do some hunting."

"Hunting!? Ahhh..she's not eating, is she?"

"No, hopefully after this she will get her appetite back."

"Yes, have you been able to spend any one on one time with her?"

"No, but it's all part of having a little energetic Pup. It's one of the main reasons I signed him up for daycare, to give us some alone time during the pregnancy and for him to interact with others his own age."

"I see, I see. Good, well good luck hunting."

"Talk to you soon." Toru quickly hung up to return his attention to the road. Pulling up to the cabin, he took the needed supplies from the trunk. Plastic bags and a knife to skin and gut what he caught. Undressing, he folded his clothes and set them aside. He had forgotten the jug of water to wash off the blood so he went to get it. Walking back to the cabin, nude, he sniffed the air and growled. There was plenty of game in the area. He thought of catching one of the small deer but didn't want to spend that much time dressing game. Supplies ready inside the cabin, the Alpha shifted and dashed into the woods, disappearing into the heavy cover of the forest.

Toru quickly came upon the group of cute bunnies that Gideon seemed attached to.  They would make for an easy meal but he would let them be since they were so dear to his Omega.   Deeper into the forest the Alpha went to find another source of food.  It didn't take long; an hour later and with two large healthy rabbits, Toru was on his way back to the cabin. Happy with his catch, he would offer his Omega her food himself.  Back in his human form, he stretched, it had been so long since he had hunted, the taste of blood in his mouth brought back fond memories.  He quickly skinned and gutted them, tossing the entrails into the woods for other predators to enjoy.  After cleaning off the knife, he rinsed himself off with the jug of water and dressed to return home.

As he pulled into the driveway, what he didn't know was that his Mate was now awake. Gideon just couldn't sleep as she was uncomfortable and needed her Alpha. She just needed a day of him holding her for the discomfort to subside enough that she could function. She had taken a seat outside their room on the walkway to enjoy the courtyard while he was gone.  Still wrapped in her robe, she let her feet dangle over the edge as she tried to picture Toru's mom working away peacefully among her flowers.  Soon she picked up a very faint scent. Sniffing the air, Gideon picked up the smell of blood, her Mate was back.

Toru came into the kitchen from the back entrance as Auntie and Uncle were enjoying some quiet time at the table. Seeing him they both smiled, it had been awhile since they had fresh game. Toru pulled two large rabbits out of the plastic bag. They were both already skinned and gutted.  Placing them in the sink, he rinsed one of them off again. 

"Is she still sleep?"

Just then soft paws were heard thudding on the wood floor.  Gideon had shifted to eat the rabbit, but was still skittish about showing the others her wolf form.

{It's okay babe, they won't freak out.}

Gideon slowly walked into the kitchen, her claws clicking on the floor. Shifting, it was easier for her to eat and digest the fresh game. Slowly, a huge snout peaked it's way around the corner.

"It's okay Gi...you can come out."

Auntie and uncle waited with anticipation. Neither of them had ever seen a Prime Omega in their wolf form before. In she walked, her head lowered shyly as she made her way to her Alpha.

"Oh my God..." Ube had never seen a wolf as beautiful and huge as Gideon, she was even larger than Toru who was already large being a True Alpha. She quickly glanced at the Elders with her striking blue eyes then hurried to her Alpha's side, her huge paws slight shaking the room. Toru knelled down to greet her. Auntie was speechless as she'd never seen a white wolf Omega before. Toru nuzzled into her soft fur as she rubbed her face against him.

"Here you go babe." Toru held out the carcass for his Mate, she gently took it from his hand as if it was still alive. Much needed food clamped firmly in her jaws, she turned and went to the courtyard. Toru followed her. Gideon walked onto the grass, looking back for her Alpha who took a seat on the decking. She laid down in front of him and began to eat. She was so delicate and precise as she ate. Quickly finishing her meal she walked up and rested her head on her Alpha's lap as he ran his hand through her fur. She stepped onto the decking and laid down, a heavy sigh leaving her. Toru was surprised that she remained in her wolf form for so long with others around.

Auntie and Uncle came to let him know dinner would be ready in an hour. Sensing others coming, she curled up next her Alpha, her large fluffy tale covering her face. Toru couldn't help but chuckle at her adorable shyness.  Gideon wouldn't be able to shift later on in her pregnancy so she would have to get her body used to eating fresh game while she could. 

"Ohhhh, my shy beautiful wolf momma. Dinner will be ready in about an hour Toru."

"Thanks auntie."

"Is she going to be okay? I've never known a wolf to be so shy before."

"She's only changed form around me as an adult; so she's just a little skittish, but she must trust you guys to do so." Toru gave them a smile as they left the two alone.

"It's okay babe, they're gone."

She laid next to her Alpha for about thirty more minutes to allow the raw meat to digest.  For some reason being in wolf form, raw meat digested easier than being in human form. Getting up, she nudged him to follow her as she walked into their bedroom. Toru slid the door shut as she changed back to her human form, quickly going into his arms. Nuzzling into him, he wrapped her in a much wanted hug, his hands rubbing her bare back.

"You okay beautiful? You're awfully clingy, not that I'm complaining."

"Mn. I'm feel much better. Thank you for the rabbit, Alpha."

"Anything for my beautiful Omega." They shared a tender moment together, Gideon not seeming to care that she was naked. "You feel up for walking to get Pup?"

"Yes." She grabbed comfy clothes and quickly dressed. Toru never took his eyes off of her beautiful body. There was no mistaking it now, his Omega was definitely pregnant. Now he understood why she was in such discomfort, it was like she was getting bigger everyday.  Dressed, she made her way back to her Alpha. They walked through the courtyard to head out of the gate. Walking down the street, Toru could already tell Gideon was doing better.

"Thank you for signing Pup up for daycare. I think it will do him some good!"

"Yeah, he seems to really enjoy it. Plus it will give us some time alone."


Walking up to the front of the center, the kids were all out playing as they waited for their parents to pick them up. Hani sensed his parents and came running up to them, his little hands holding onto the little girl and boy that had greeted Gideon before. Gideon had a shocked look on her face as she saw Hani and little Miko together. Gideon just gave Toru a look.

{What is it Gi?}

{I'll tell you later}

She was trying not to laugh at the cuteness overload. Hani gave the little boy a quick hug and with Miko, he hugged her and the two rubbed noses. One of the Aides came up to them.

"Miko-chan! Will you stop doing that!"

Toru just shook his head. They walked back to the house, a loving mixed family. As others passed, they smiled and waved, some even stopped and talked for a bit. Word had already spread all over the little mountain village that a Prime Omega was now living there. Not only a Prime, but a beautiful dark skinned foreign one at that. Word of Gideon went no further than the village. For some reason, they all seemed protective of her even though most hadn't actually met her.

Almost home, Hani had slowed down and started to stay close to his mom and dad. He eventually held their hands as he walked between them.

"Tired sweetie?"

"Yes, I play a lot today momma."

"That's good! Pups need a lot of playtime." 

Toru so loved his Omega. She reminded him of his mother. They were both so gentle, loving and patient.

"Momma I stay home tomorrow."

"Are you sure?"

"Yes, I want to stay with you and daddy tomorrow."

"Okay, everything alright at daycare?"

"Oh yes I love it! I just want to stay home tomorrow and be lazy with you."

"I would love for you to be lazy with me."

Toru looked at her and smiled. He didn't think he could be any happier than he was now.   A Mate, Pup with another one on the way and currently staying in his childhood home. 

Life was good.

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