72 - She's Here...

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With his Omega in her final month of pregnancy and very vulnerable, Toru was constantly on high alert. Gideon had already asked Auntie and Ms. F to help her along with the Elder and Toru. There was no need for Gideon or Toru to contact the Elder during her last month. She just showed up one day. Hani was instantly drawn to her and she to him. Grammy congratulated them both on having such a loving and wonderful young Pup. During her first week there, The Elder spent a lot of time alone with Gideon as the two talked and reminisced. The Elder went over information with Gideon that she held off on teaching her the first time. Now that she was a mother, Grammy filled her in on all kinds of things. Some, Gideon found pretty far fetched, but she listened and took in everything that the Elder shared.

Gideon also asked Grammy about Hani and the little girl at daycare being Mates. For this discussion, The Omega had her Alpha join her. Sure enough, Grams said that since Ha-neul was a Prime that it was entirely possible for the two to have recognized each other as Mates at such a young age. Grammy reassured them that nothing would happen since they were still pups. But even if they were separated, the two would manage to find each other later in life. The Elder also let them know to not be surprised if the Pups could link each other already.

Toru was now working from home. He was too protective of his pregnant Omega to leave her; a natural instinct of all Alphas when their Mates were about to give birth. One night while Toru had worked late, he quietly walked into their bedroom and found Hani sleeping with Gideon, his bear resting on her huge stomach as he was curled up against it. Toru smiled, his sleeping Mate and Pup were truly the most beautiful things he would ever see. Gideon woke just long enough to smile at her Alpha. Hani usually slept on his own futon but Toru would make an exception tonight. The little one woke anyway once he picked up his dad's scent. Gideon gently caressed her Pup's hair as he got up. Toru went to carry him to his bed which was now in their room but not before he gave Gideon's belly a kiss. Hani also became very protective of his mommy and would always wind up sleeping between them.   As a precaution, Toru moved his bed into their room since he was such a wild sleeper, The Alpha didn't want to risk Hani accidentally kicking Gideon in his sleep.

"Night sissy." Hani took his teddy and walked to his sleeping pad himself. Gideon had been sleeping a lot lately, as her body readied itself for childbirth. Having her Alpha next to her helped her greatly with the discomfort she was going through. She was only allowed to leave the bed to take her medicine baths and to walk for a bit. Earlier in the day while she napped, Hani had placed flower petals on her belly and was softly purring as she held him. Toru was amazed that he could purr. Gideon let him know that he didn't need an Alpha to purr and it was something all Primes could do when they were happy, if they chose to and were in a safe place. Hani was purring for his little sissy.

Toru and the other's couldn't get over how loving and tender Hani was with everyone, well with his family. Just like Gideon; strangers he wanted nothing to do with, Toru figured it was a Prime thing.

The day had finally arrived. 

 Gideon asked Toru to tell her dad to send for the others. The Alpha remained surprisingly calm as his Omega started going into labor. Gideon's labor was a hard one and lasted for most of the day. With her Alpha by her side she was able to manage. Hani was allowed to stay with her until the actual birth began to take place.  Even the Elder was surprised at how attentive and caring Toru was for his Omega.  The Alpha never left her and refused for anyone else to come into the birthing room.  He constantly rubbed his Mate's back and growled a low, comforting growl to help ease her labor pains when the got too much for her.

The Omega knew from the start that she wanted to have a natural birth and not one in a hospital.  Hospitals were cold and she wouldn't be able to have everyone with her like she could at home.  The Mates had complete and total trust in the Omega Elder and the other Elder women that would be helping Gideon get through the birthing process. 

Around 5 in the evening, Gideon was finally ready to give birth.  The birthing room was a highly special and intimate space.  Toru had suggested turning Hani's room into the birthing place but Gideon didn't want to upend his space.  As long as they were close to their bedroom it would be fine.  Since her Alpha was with her, he would be responsible for helping her heal afterwards.  To help with this there was already a small tub set up for her with hot medicated water.  Afterwards, Toru would have to place her in it and stay with her while they bonded with their newborn.  Once they had their bond as parents established, Gideon would be moved to their bedroom.  Rei offered to get their room ready for them with fresh linens, the area set up for the baby by the bed and special candles to help the new mom calm and relaxed.

Now the baby was coming.

Grammy surprised Toru by having him deliver his first born Pup while she instructed him on what to do. Delivering his first born filled him with untold emotions and pride. The Elder ladies help comfort Gideon during the birthing process and after an hour of pushing and breathing, the little one had arrived. Her lungs strong and healthy. After cutting the cord and placing her on Gideon's chest, Toru joined his mate and his newborn. The Elder took care of Gideon while she bonded with her newborn as it's mother. She was exhausted and in pain but right now, holding her baby with her mate by her side meant everything to her.  After the Elder had finished, Toru carefully carried her to the tub that was already set up.  Gideon was glad that the water was still hot.  Relaxing into the medicated liquid, her pain quickly subsided.  

The Elder had Toru hold his newborn Pup to also bond with her one on one. Toru nuzzled her and growled, happy to have her in his arms. With Gideon and the baby all cleaned up and the Omega dressed,  Toru carried his Mate back to their bedroom as Gideon was still in no shape to walk so soon after giving birth. The Elder carried their Pup as Toru needed to make sure Gideon was comfortable in his arms.  The others caught sight of them but kept their distance.  Toru's eyes were a protective red color so they knew not to get to close without his permission first.  The ladies left the Mates alone to bond with their little Pup further. As Gideon rested against the pillows, Toru nuzzled her and gave her a contented growl. After giving her another nuzzle and purr, Gideon had Toru hold their little one.

"Say hi to your daddy little Pup."

Toru was happy to let his tears of joy fall as he held the tiny bundle. "Hello my beautiful little girl." Toru couldn't stop nuzzling her. Gideon looked on at the touching scene. Her Alpha was so careful and gentle with their baby.  After they had bonded and connected with their new Pup, Toru briefly took her out to the others. They all howled a joyous chorus, even little Hani joined in. The entire family was there to welcome the new little one as each one was allowed to hold her and nuzzle her.  The Alpha's all gave her a growl once she was in their arms.  Toru returned to the room with Hani where he was able to hold his little sissy. He gave her soft kisses, allowing him to bond with her as well. 

The next week, Toru rarely left Gideon's side, only leaving to use the bathroom.  One day while walking back to his Omega and newborn pup, Gideon was resting.  With the baby basket next to her, Sanada stopped at the door. Kneeling next to the basket smiling, was his mom. She was more solid in appearance and the scent of cherry blossoms and Jasmine undeniable.  He quietly watched as she leaned down to kiss the new little pup.  As she sat up, her hand slowly caressed Gideon's hair.  His mom turned towards him and with a smile, blew him a kiss. He held it against his heart and blew her one her one in return.

She caught it and disappeared as she shifted into a large blue butterfly, briefly lighting on Gideon's hair.  Toru wiped a tear from his eye as his Omega began to stir. Toru was next to her in seconds. Gideon looked around the room and sniffed. She smiled, turning to her Alpha.

"Your mom was here, wasn't she?"


Gideon slowly reached over to the basket and lifted the baby out as she too was awake and getting fussy. It was time for her feeding. Gideon slid an arm and breast out of the robe as Toru sat behind her, helping support her as she fed the baby. Toru nuzzled her while their little Pup ate. After she was done, Gideon handed her to Toru. As he gently patted her, he rocked her back and forth.

"So my beautiful new momma, you haven't told me her name yet."

"I know....Her name is Odori." 

Toru looked at her as he began to cry, the Omega caressing his tears away.

Gideon had named their little girl after his mother.

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