Special Note!! - Sequel?

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Some may have noticed that I took the previous 'Bonus Chapter' down that had celebrity photos to represent the characters.  

1))  I want to draw my own characters for this story so I am currently working on character designs and bio sheets for everyone and that will take a bit with working full time and completing my other stories.  

My goal is to turn this story into a web comic or graphic novel which in itself would be pretty labor intensive.   

Would anyone be interested in Character sheets or web comic??

There's no point in putting effort into it if no ones interested.  Also looking into a platform to showcase this, limited chapters would be released on wattpad for the comic portion

2))  A sequel to Solitary Alpha has been started.  The story outline is done and first few chapters written.  Most of the original characters are coming back, especially Rei since she got dropped in the original story.

There is no set date for when I'll publish it

**Leave a comment if you're interested in either one.  (if there's no interest then both ideas will get scrapped and I'll move on to something else)

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