The Solstice Night

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Just one more hour, then everything will be over.

She thinks as trying in vain to keep herself awake. Jane hasn't slept for nearly twelve hours since the game began. She looks at the window, there's no sign of the sun, and she can't stay here till the game ends. She has to move if she doesn't want to be caught by the doll and the yule log must be lit up before her aunt gets up.

The yule log should be lit up all night. But in order to play the chilling hide and seek game, as Toby called it, the fire had to be put out, which means all of the bad spirits or creatures can get into their house. She bets that her aunt must be very angry if she knew what they had done.

The clock keeps ticking, twenty minutes left before the sunrise. Jane can't see Toby anywhere. He said that they should gather together to do the last ritual, then clean and go to bed.

"JANE, HELP ME!" His voice echoing somewhere, broken like he can't even breathe

"Where are you?" She replies immediately "Where are you Tobby? And don't scream like this or our aunt will wake up."

"Up stair, in your room"

"Hang on there, I'm coming"

She tries to walk as fast as she could. She wished that she hadn't been talked into playing this devilish game. All Jane wants to do now is light up the yule log then go to bed. She hopes that her twin brother didn't do anything silly.

"Jane, don't go to that room"

Her heart nearly jumps out when she heard someone whisper. Despite the dim light, she still can see Toby's face, which pales as paper. But how could it be possible? Toby must be in her room now.

"I heard your voice, and you said that you're in trouble."

"I thought it was you, the one who told me to come here." He murmurs, his face becomes paler now.

Toby makes a gesture, which means "run". Without thinking again, they run as fast as they feet could handle. They run down to the basement, lock the door with a long wood bar and breathe heavily. At least, it will keep them safe for a while. At least, it's what they thought.

"Gotcha. Now, who wants to be sacrificed?"

They feel the chill running through their veins, as their fingers grab their shoulders. They all forget that they shouldn't have spoken during the game...

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