chapter 1

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Ruby POV:

Me and my team along with team jrpn and cvfy as we headed to professor ozpin's office to receiver info about our mission.

Ruby: I wonder what's our mission about this time.

Yang: Maybe another grimm mission.

Coco: If that's true then why call us twelve?

Ruby: She does have a point sis.

Jaune: Well what ever it is I'm sure we'll be able to finish it up.

We all smiled at Jaune's positive attitude but we eventually made it to ozpin's office as we all waited for him to tell us about the mission.

Ozpin: Good it seems you all have made it here.

Ruby: Yup and we're ready for our mission sir.

Ozpin: That's good to hear, as for you're mission we have been reserving some most unusual energy power sources and want all of you to go and bring it here before the white fang or Atlas can use it as a weapon.

Rwby, jrpn, cvfy: Understood sir.

We all left his office and headed to bulkhead as our mission has finally started.

{Time skip}

3rd POV:

As the three teams had made it to their destination as they were amazed of all of the followers, plants, and trees as they see a cave.

Ruby: Do you guys think it's in there?

Yang: It might be.

Coco: Then let check it out.

As they all walked over the cave but little did they know in the center of the cave there lies a giant crystal with a boy inside of it as small crackes appears on it.

Ruby POV:

As we walked inside of the cave we couldn't believe of what we saw.

Yang: This place is so amazing!!

Blake: This is a cave made out of crystals how is that possible?

Weiss: I don't know.

Jaune: Ok but we came here on a mission not sight seeing.

Girls: Right.

As we all continued walking around in this beautiful cave made of crystals we would take some pictures of it and took small pieces of it as well.

Ren: This place is amazing I wonder how people haven't found this place.

Violet: I don't know but I guess they were looking in different direction.

Coco: Well I think this place would have made for an amazing clothing store while having all of these crystals around it.

All of the sudden we heard a cracking sound and turned our heads to see a giant crystal covered with cracks.

Coco: That's one massive crystal!

Ruby: Yeah.

We all walked throws it and were shocked as we saw a guy inside of it while at the same time we heard footsteps running throws us.

WF: Step away from the crystal.

We all got our weapons out as we were ready for a fight.

Weiss: Ok what's the plan here?

Ruby: Their probably here for the crystal so we must protect it.

Yang: Alright.

We all charged at the group of white fang members.

3rd POV:

As each team fought the white fangs more cracks appeared on the giant crystal as the boy inside of it moved his fingers a bit as he slowly opened his eyes.

Ruby: Man these guys are tough.

Yang: Yeah but how did they find this place?

Blake: *jumps back* I don't know maybe they followed us here.

As the fights raged on the giant crystal broke into piece releasing their boy that was inside of it.

Coco: It broke?!

Nora: But how?

As they all stood there the boy that fell out of it stood up as he had no shirt and wearing some torn up pants while having two swords on his back then opened his eyes reveling his gold and silver eyes while his hair was black and white.

???: Where am I?

Ruby: Your in a crystal cave.

Before the boy could respond to Ruby one of the white fang members started to shot that them but to their surprise the boy appears in front of her while holding a sword in his right arm.

As the white fangs charged at the boy all he was doing was reflecting their attacks while a huge white fang member appeared while holding a giant hammer.

WF: Prepare to die human!!

As the massive fuanus swang his hammer the boy stood there as he moved his finger while releasing a giant gust of wind as blood came out of the giant fuanus's arm where he was holding his hammer.

???: I'm no human.

As the rest of the white fang members saw what he did they all left running for their lives as the boy was standing there unharmed with a smile on his face.

Ruby: That was amazing!!!

Yang: Yup.

???: Well what's next?

Weiss: How about you tell us your name.

Blitz: The names blitz and I'm the king of dragons.

Blitz POV:

As I said my name they all looked at me with a confused look.

Blitz: What?

Red: You a king of dragons?

Blitz: Yup

White: You don't look like one.

Blitz: Now I'm offended by that ice queen.

Weiss: My name is Weiss schnee not ice queen.

Blitz: Ok then how about the rest of you all.

{Time skip}

We were all sitting down in a mechanical machine called a bulkhead.

Blitz: So where are we heading again?

Weiss: To beacon.

Blitz: And that is?

Blake: School for young huntsman and huntresses.

Blitz: Oh sounds interesting.

As we continue our flight I could sence a power that I know to well but stayed quiet then a hour passed and we have landed to a school I was the first one to get out

Blitz: So this is beacon *smirks* well it's time to see you again wizard.

A/N: that ends it for today sorry for the long wait I've been busy with other stuff, till next time.

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