Ch 6 Comander Ego meet praetorian

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Zex R Blue:

I start to fly down to my cave entrance in my alt doing simple tricks and combat monoovwrs as i got there then transform to my bipedal mode.
I did some fighting form and teckneaks now when i confront the Desepticon. I'll have to play dum till they fill me in on the war and such as the Atobots did but the Atobots they don't know off what have becomes of my sister and i still refuse that my little sister is offline. Dam i hate that word it reminds me to much of my carrier. I'll talk about it some other time.

I suddenly here pebbles falling of the mountain. Is my herrings that good or are they that bad at being stealth i look over and saw nothing... But an odd sun glare.

"By the allspark!" someone said.

He just blow his cover boy they must suck at being in stelth.i realize from where it was from it's Skullspecter's look out spot that he made eons ago.

I start running then transform and charged at the intruders then transform agian till i saw what looks two seekers one is green and one is orange. They were shock i grabbed the mech first by ther throat then i toss him to where i was standing then i herd the femme saying "scrap" pointing her rifle at me on the ground scard and shakeing what it looks like she was having a war with herself waiting for me to make the first move.

I look back and saw the green mech getting up but he stumbled back to the ground then i look back and noticed a Desepticon symbol on her chassy. Well then time to play the dum game how should i aproch this?

"Who are you and why are you trust passing in my territory?" i ask firm warning tone.

"W w w we were o o order to ii i inve sss ttti ggate a aaaa strang si si signnnul" she studder with feer in her optics like she see's a monster.

"By who?" i ask firmly

"By comander Soundwave!" said a mech.

I look back to the green seeker and sees worry and fear in his optics not knowing what to do then turned back

" would you mind removing your riful" i ask and i stick out a servo out.

For a moment she hesitated but turned her rifull to a servo and gently grabbed my servo and i pulled her up.

"Now shall we join your..."

"brother yes" she said

Brother? well didn't see that one coming. We made are way to her so called brother that i tossed i hope he's all right i may check his neck cable just in case.

"Are you allright i apologize for throwing you" i said with sinsear

The seeker was surprised even his sister who is standing right next to him.

"Im im fine im use to getting tossed around" he said by rubbing his neck cables.

"O where are my maners my designation is Spoon and my partner slash brother over here is Fork" she said as she jesture. "What's yours?" she ask.

Well it's now or never. " My designation is Zex R Blue Maximas" i said simply but with a hint of pride in my tone.

Fork just looked at me with little surprise, spoon really didn't fazed her and looked at me like she have not herd of me before but has a quizzed look like she herd it from somewhere before.

He suddenly stuck out his transformed blaster at my face"What was your last gift that you sent to your sister and what was her Name?!" he spat.

I was a little shocked when he put a blaster at my face then i looked in his optics what i saw was pain, sorrow anger and vengins. There must be a imposter of me during the war on Cybertron. "Well answer the darn question!" Fork demands

I answer. "I gave Athenatrix an organic woodcarving of a organic predator that hunts it prey"

"You are... correct second and final question. What was your carrier's designation?" He asks but only this time calmer and he seem to hope that i answer correctly.

"I don't know my carrier's name but three but two me her name was " Carrier" i answered.

Fork just sat there and stare at me for a few minutes and i almost thought i saw his optics looking happy

"Why? Why Carrier?" Fork ask

"Beacus that is the only name i know and i never did asked her" I replied

" bye the thirteen it is you" he retracts his battle mask with a proud smile and his blaster now a servo sticking out for a servo shake he has a proud smile on his faceplate and his optics shows pride that he and his sister have truly found me.

"I must inform commander about this!" Fork said eagerly as he immediately call his commander.

A few minutes later a ground brige open and out comes there commander. Commander Soundwave. Now i really need to act this one out properly

Soundwave has a larg face size visor. His hole fram froze like he is in shocked by seeing my scars and scrachis as he steres at me. He looks at fork and use my sirers voice.

"Are you sure it's him?" by looking at the pair seekers.

"Yes comander i made sure that it is really him and i would not wast an order like this" fork stated

Soundwave look back at me then back to the seekers "you have accomplish your mission returns to the ship and start a rumer of the return of the praetorian" Soundwave type on his viser and open up a ground brige then closed it when they gone through with a large smirked on there plate but spoon who is still clueless.

It was now quite nothing's but nature's singing the river ripil the wind brushing against the tree's leavs and birds chirping. It was a comfortable silence till Soundwave broke.

"So you were here after all these years you were right under are peds all this time" Soundwave said in his original yet unique vibrating souding voice.

"Well i just woke up 24 hours ago" i piped.

"Really what were you doing with in the 24 hours?" he asks

"Seeing the planet checking out what has changed of this planet." i said

"Did you encounter the natives of this plaanet?" Soundwave asked.

"Uuhh ya i did but no one was hurt" rubbing the back of his helm "and im also surprised of the technology that they have too."

"What did you do?" he ask

"Oh just scared the crap out of some human's" well more likely scaring the kids hee best pickture ever. "but i made sure to use my skill so they wont trac, video or take picks of me"

"So the natives military will know of your existence?" He ask

"I don't know but is my sire around thow?" i ask strait trying not to sond as clueless as possible.

" you have miss alout of what happened your sire has an army as you may have noticed we bare the insignia called the Desepticon that we most where on are chest or sholder we have been fighting a war for a long time against the autobots who is leading them is Optimus Prime." he said.

"Who is Optimus what happened to Sentinel Prime and Zeta Prime?" I ask.

" they both were corrupted by power but your sire has end them on Cybertron before it whent dark do to war, just after the full of Sentinel Prime Optimus Prime rose up out of no where and immediately took control of the Atobots your sire said that the war will continue till all Primes are gone. Are there any more questions that you may have?" Soundwave said.

"So far no but i do have one more thow. What is praetorian?" I asked

Soundwave just looked at me and slowly turned away from me as a brige appears."Your title ill explain more ounce we are on the Nemises."

The Nemises 3rd pov:

(author ps this will take place in the larg room where they will have the army of cons are in so use your imagination XD o they will keep chanting Lord Starscream. O ya play the song when the chanting is starting to die down ^ps i don't one the song or picture's)

" Hail Lord Starscream!"

" Hail Lord Starscream!"

" Hail Lord Starscream!"

Lord Starscream loves the new title he was facing the Windows of the brige after his little dance.

"I still CAN'T HEAR YOU!" He ordered

"HAIL LORD STARSCREAM!" The Disepticon shouted.

"Oooh this feels so good the power of all Disepticon in my control and no one can challenge me" he thought.

As they chanted some of them started to notice a tall blue mech walking in ever so slow that Starscream didn't notice the change volume at the start
The con's sters and and began whispering some saying "who's he?, who's the hot mech?" And few with wide shocked optics.

"Oh my prime Breakdown is that who i think it is?" Knockout ask in whisper with whide Optics.

"It has to be he doesn't care about how much he looks and boy if only his Sire and sister was here to see his return."breakdown whispers back with smirk

"agreed" Knockout wispers.

"I never ordered you to stop!" Starscream shouted.

"Did you know it's rude to shout at your men that servs you or did your... Carrier didn't taut you with any maners?" said a mech that stands two arm lenth away from behind Starscream.

As he starts two turnaround to face away from the windows to the stranger. "Who dares questions Lord Starscream!?"

"I did my Name is Zex R Blue Maximas 'comander' Starscream" Zex R said firmly.

Everyone in the room looked at each other in a questionable maner while for few are in shock in disbelief that the last time they saw him

"It's Lord Starscream to you!" he snarled statedly

"Well then. Are you not formiler of the last name of Maximas?" Zex R ask.

Starscream grives me a glar but he look through his memory files in his prosesers (brain). " hmm the only name that i can remember is Magutron and Athinatrix baa annoying glitch she is oh but his spark mate." he stated annoyingly.

Zex R Blue immediately tightens both of his servos in to fists and his frame neerly flinched wanting to give him a strong uppercut to his jaw for insulting his now offline little sister.

"How dare you insalt are WAR HERO DAUTER AND LAST BUT NOT LEAST HIS SISTER!!!" A red femme yelled in anger as she step out from the group by the door

Zex R Blue Pov:

"I know that voise! But war hero?" Zex R thought but now feels a bit calm.

"Sister?... You stand down and be quite!" Starscream ordered.

"I agree with Ravenrouge (raven-rouge) Starscream are Feald Marshell Athinatrix sacrifice her self to save all of her men no not men her army. We were fighting a loosing battle in the last fightof Gygax and we were out matched, out gun and 'NO FRAGIN AIR SUPPORT BUT A FEW CONS who disobey your orders." a mech stated who steps out very and bulky build and tall with green military camo all over him with a long tube on his back turning in too a right ange to his shoulder (piture a great swoard on your back)

Starscream was surprised and rage was shown in his optics by how that they disobeying and talking about my sister.

"And every seeker that did disobey your order that help Athinatrix have died but one and that is Jetfire." said a black and silver femme with four blades down her back like a cape.

She looks very strange to me and i can't tell if it's a seeker or not.

Then the cons begins to mingling in agreement to each other.

I started to here thing's up in the rafters again i bin hearing strang noises ever since i arived on this ship.


"Aaahh!" a femme 'yongling'? screem



"Im im im sorry i didn't me me meen to fa fa fall on you" she said in fear as she stutters and backing up to me slowly and she doesn't seem to notice that im behind her until her servo rist joints barley touch my peds and feel her vibrating badly uncontrollably i haven't felt that vibration for a long time since.... My sister was... A yongling.

This in rage me is this how my sire treat's his men his loyel men that follows his cause my prime how deep of a hole did he dug himself in?

"NOW FOR PUNISHMENT!" Starscream shouts as he rase arm

Youngling Pov:

I close my optics and waiting for the slash of his very sharp digits after a second or two it never came i open an optic and saw a very thick blue arm and servo that looks like lord Megutrons holding Starscream arm in a grip but not squeezing it but Starscream is some how in pain. I look up and now remembering before i fell through that cursed vent he looks not quite intimidating even with all the scars he has thats on him
Even his fase plate with a blue scare that is over his right optic.

"I dispise your choice of action you do not choos on how to discipline this youngling only her charge can unless you are her charge?" Zex R Blue said very calm but a hint of intimidation but his expression remains the same but his optic shows more. His optic was change briefly but i couldn't tell by how quickly it change.

I look back to Starscream his face change in to pain and fear then Zex R whispers in to Starscream audios and whispers something in to it then he nods and said "I promise" and he wisper something more and that's it.

"You are Zex R Blue son off Megatron" Starscream said simply.

"About time you figured it out" Zex reply.

"Now youngling go and see Ravenrouge and stay with her" Zex R told her in kindness and sincerely

What how did he know that my sister looks after me? I did what i was told and ran to my cherry red sister she open her arms and worry look on her face plate and hugs me tight then picks me up and move out of sight behind the mechs and femmes.

Zex R Blue Pov:

As i saw the youngling ran to her charge it was Ravenrouge she crouched down and grabbed her to a hug with a very scare expression then picked her up then walk behind the cons.

I now look at Starscream and he was allredy a couple steps away. I look at every one around the room till i saw Soundwave typed saying " make your first order of business Zex R Blue."

I noded " i will make my introduction to you all. For those of you that don't know me i am Zex R Blue the son of Megatron and my Carrier. Im all so known to break my sire's wining streak in the Pits of Kaon. Im also Athenatrix's older brother. I do not fancy any titles i actually hate titles but prime so don't call me Lord or praetorian but sir is fine. I will take on my sire's place off comand temporary."

I herd every one gasp and some saying "what?" but Starscream

"Let me finish...." i wait till i have all there attention. "Until my sire's return."

"How do you know that he's alive?" one off the cons ask.

"Did you completely believe word for word from what Starscream had said? Did you not bother to checking it yourself himm?" i ask everyone and none comply.

"Well then first things first every one will do there normal activities but the seekers will be in groups one group will go on search party from where my Sire was last seen. Group two will take on extra work. Soundwave will make the group. If you ran in to any Autobots 'do not' mention me or my name and don't com anyone about it and you are all dismiss" i ordered

everyone has left but the blue large mech and a red mech that's allmost to his sholders. They both have a proud smil that they have not seen in eons.


Hey guys i am sorry for the verry long update but do vote and comment on any erros that i may heve :)

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