Ch1 Homework

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??? pov:

Autobot bace in Nevada's desert by Jasper:

We are in the atobot bace doing our hapitat projects, I was studying geckos becaus they are just so cool and I like the slimy feel of them. My little brother Raf wanted to do the project with Bee. I didn't stop him. It's like Bee has all ways wanted a little brother or sister plus we are his gardin and it seems Raf understand what he's saying through his beeps and whistles, I think it's some kind of morgh code that the military uses. I have two more brothers and one sister they're all older than me but Raf.

"Hey guys lets go somewhere cool!" Miko said with black hair with pink streaks.

"We can't Miko I have to do a study on black bears." Ragh stated as he's looking through the website. He has a straight up brown hair with red rectangle glases with a orang vest and white dress shirt under it.

"And I'm studing mountains, shouldn't you be studying something in forestry or something?" Jack stated.

"Ya and it's about caves. What about you Jessy?" Miko ask.

"I'm done on my project on geckos just checking on any errors why?" I replied.

"Well we should use the ground brige to go somewhere in Canada's habitat to learn things with our own two eyes". Miko said.

"Well why not I'm down, but why Canada?"I asked.

"Because the states is going to have bad weather for about a week, but Canada on the other hand has better weather." She said

"It's better than sitting in a hot rock all day long." Miko sarcas.

"That sounds like a good idea, but I think we should go tomorrow so we will be able to spend the whole day there." Raf said with a sound of excitement.

"Well if we're going we need to ask Optimus and the bots about it today." I said

"And bring supplies food, water, and a first aid-kit just in case." Jack finished.

"Well then since the bots are on a energone raid and go's secsesful we could have are guardian's with us." Miko add

Just then we herd Rachet say something to the com and he sounded like he was in a good mood
"Right away Optimus." he said as he head to the ground brige switch to open the brige, then the bots came in with a lot of energon in their hands and in the carts I think.

3rd pov:

They all went to the bots when they were done storing the energon in the storage room.

"Optimus?" Jessy and the others ask.

"Yes." He answered as he walked over to the to the balcony and crouched down to be at eye level.

"can we use the ground brige do we can go see Canada's mountains and forestry?" Miko ask

He raise a mettel brow to Miko as her friends waited for an answer.

"Why?" he ask

"Becaus it's for our homework projects." Raf said

"And we can learn more about it better if we see it with are own eyes." Jack add

"we also want to bring our guardian's with us so they can also learn more about Earths habitat, then you and the desert can treat this as a scout mission for energon. we are hoping to go tomorrow." Jessy finshed

"Hmmm." he thought to himself about their question and there reason why.

"When exactly do you want to go tomarow?" He ask.

"Early in the morning." Raf answered.

As he thought about it 'We have collecte enogh energon. The desepticons are still in a state of confution about who will be incharged because of Megatron's past, so there won't be much activity.' he stated himself.

"Well all right then what are you studying?" He ask.

Raf and The others cheerd in excitement. The kids told them what they were going to studying and their plan for tomorrow. Optimus suggested to go home early so they did. Their guardian left and came back including Rcee because she stays in Jak's garage for the night.

"So what is it bos bot?" the big green bot ask.

"Ya what is it?" Rcee ask.

Bee simply standed, waiting in silence because of what Jessy and Raf were talking about on the ride home. Bee was very anxious for tomorrow.

"Bulkhead, Rcee, and bumblebee you are going on a Reconnaissance mission to the tree line of the rocky mountains in Canada with the kids." he stated "and learn what ever you can of this location. You are going in groups of two. Bulk you are with Miko. Jessy, Bee and Rcee you are with Raf and Jack. In the meantime Rachet and I will stay hear to complete our reports. Find out what the Desepticons are planning to do next; if there's any Desepticon activity...

"Ya ya, call the brige if anything happens." Rcee finished.

"Who's encharg sir." bee asked in beeps.

"It will be the kids since it's there plan." Optimus answered.

"So basically no one is incharg but make sure of their well being." Rcee finished.

"Yes Rcee." Optimus said.

"Any more questions?" Optimus ask.

They all shook there heads in response and had been dismisst to there berths rooms. Rcee had gone back to Jacks garage for the night so they'll be redy for a big day. Little did they know that they will be shocked from who they find.

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