Chapter 21: Talk

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"Are you sure this is a good idea master?" Shadow asked as she looked at the male in front of her causing King to shrug.

"I don't know, but I believe it's better that she does know compared to not being left in the dark. I believe I've done that to her enough as it is. However, I do not believe she'd like to see me whenever she finds out, so I'd like for you to tell her," King said as he looked at her.

"Then . . . what should I say after that?" Shadow asked as she looked at the male in front of her causing King to shrug in uncertainty.

"Just tell her the truth and let her make her own decision. If she wishes to stay with me then I'd be more than happy for it. If she wishes to leave . . . well then there's nothing I can do. Honestly, if I were in her position I feel as if I may do the same," King said as he looked at the white-haired female in front of him.

"But master if that were to happen would that not make you-" Shadow began only for King to cut her off.

"It doesn't matter how I feel," King said as he looked at her. "This is a decision she needs to make on her own, and my feelings shouldn't influence her choice. So, I ask that you not mention how I feel," King said as he looked at her. Shadow nodded upon hearing this and seemed as if she were going to leave before stopping herself.

"Master, may I . . . speak before I go. I believe I would also . . . like to discuss before I do," Shadow asked as she looked at the male in front of her causing him to nod.

"Of course, feel free to ask me whatever you wish, and I will answer," King said as he looked at the female in front of him.

"In that case, what are you going to do about Emerald?" Shadow asked causing King to shrug.

"I don't believe there's anything I can do. While she did seem to enjoy our time together, it was also one that benefitted her and especially benefited Cinder. While I could be mistaken, I do not believe there are any romantic feelings for me," King said as he looked at Shadow.

"I see . . . and your feelings on the matter?" Shadow asked as she looked at the male.

"I . . . hadn't considered my own feelings on the matter," King answered with honesty. "I suppose, I wouldn't be opposed to either outcome. But if I'm forced into a position where I need to make a choice . . . well . . . I suppose I'll find out when and if the time comes," King said as he looked at her.

"I see . . . a-and if something were to happen . . . and you could only have one of us," Shadow began her cheeks becoming a bit red with embarrassment.

"I think you already know who I'd choose in such a situation," King said as he looked at the female in front of him. When he did Shadow smiled before it slowly began to fade as she thought the situation over more.

"I . . . I suppose you mean Ruby, right?" Shadow asked as she looked at the male. While she wasn't holding out much hope that she was correct in the matter she still had some glimmer in her eyes. King shook his head hearing this and looked at the silver-haired grimm before him.

"If I were forced to choose between the three of you . . . I would undoubtedly choose you," King said as he looked into her crimson-red eyes. When he said this Shadow felt her heart throb violently as she looked at the male before her.

"As you know, I'm not the best at expressing how I feel. But I do wish to convey just how much I value you. While my feelings towards Emerald are yet undetermined, if I were to lose Ruby, I would be devastated. But if I were to lose you . . . I . . . I do not think I'd ever properly recover from such an event," King said as he looked at the female in front of him. If he were being honest, King doubted he'd ever be able to trust anything or anyone ever again if Shadow were to leave and betray him in such a manner.

"I care for you Shadow, deeper than you can possibly know, and more than I could ever properly express," King said as he looked at the female in front of him. As he said this Shadow smiled and leaned forward kissing the male.

"I love you too master," Shadow said as she looked at the male before moving back. "I'll be going now, I'll meet you back in our room," Shadow said as she began to slowly meld into the ground and eventually she vanished from sight. As she moved down the halls of Beacon, she eventually found Ruby sitting alone in her room. She appeared to be reading something and Shadow slowly rose from the ground.

"Hello Ruby," Shadow said as she looked at the female causing Ruby to jump as she moved back.

"O-oh, it's just you," Ruby said as she looked at the female in front of her slightly started since she hadn't heard the door open. "What are you doing here?" Ruby asked as she looked at the female in front of her.

"Master had something he wanted to tell you . . . and he believed it would be best if I were to tell you," Shadow said as she looked at the female in front of her.

"Why you?" Ruby asked as she looked at Shadow clearly confused by what she said.

"He believes you won't want to see him after you find out. So, he sent me on his behalf," Shadow said as she looked at the female in front of him. When she said this Ruby sighed and looked at her. Just a week prior she would have brushed off the notion of her not wanting to see him again as absurd but after learning about her mother, she wasn't so sure.

"What is it?" Ruby asked as she looked at the female in front of her.

"Well . . . he's . . . he's been with a new girl before you," Shadow said as she looked at Ruby. When he said this Ruby looked at Shadow a bit dumbfounded.

"Is that all? I mean yeah, he's probably dated girls before me. It doesn't really change the fact that we're together now," Ruby said as she looked at the female in front of her.

"Yes, but . . . he did so while you were in the midst of pursuing him. So, he feels as if he's betrayed your trust and feelings by doing so," Shadow said as she looked at the female in front of her. When she said this Ruby sat up from the bed and looked at Shadow. While she was a little upset to hear that, she noticed that Shadow didn't seem to be bothered by the fact.

"Well, how do you feel?" Ruby asked as she looked at the female. The two had agreed to share King. So, she thought maybe hearing her opinion on the subject would make her feel better.

"We hadn't properly been established as a couple yet, so I . . . I didn't mind. If . . . if you want to know the truth, I encouraged him to pursue the opportunity," Shadow said as she looked at Ruby. While she had her own motives for wanting King to get laid, mainly being she thought it'd be easier for her to get into his pants afterward, she did encourage such a meeting to happen. Though, she'd keep her exact reasonings to herself for the time being.

When she said this Ruby sighed as she looked at Shadow. "Well, if we weren't together yet, then what's the problem?" Ruby asked as she looked at Shadow.

"It's a problem because she's pregnant," Shadow said rather bluntly causing Ruby to stumble over her words.

"O-oh," Ruby said as she looked at Shadow. Though, she still seemed fairly unbothered by the fact. However, this certainly had much more of an effect on Ruby than before. "I . . . I don't know," Ruby said as she thought about the situation that's been presented before her. While having previous relationships was fairly normal, she never expected to hear that King had impregnated another woman before they got together.

"I don't know what to say," Ruby said as she looked at the female in front of her. "What about you?" Ruby asked once again trying to gain some insight into the manner. "Are you going to . . . leave him?" Ruby asked as she looked at the female.

"Of course not, don't be ridiculous. But you aren't me either," Shadow said as she looked up at the female. Shadow was a special category of creature of grimm. She was corrupt, and impure by her very nature. She was obsessive to an extreme degree, letting her feelings for King determine her every action and thought. She was a creature driven purely by her base instinct and desires.

A creature that had only learned to think and act certain ways because it was what King desired. She was obsession and desire, given flesh. As much as she may have liked to, she could never have a normal healthy relationship with King. She would forever be obsessed with him, even years after he passed and moved on, she would most likely still have her feelings for him determining most of her actions. "Ruby . . . if I may ask . . . what would you do if you were to lose King?" Shadow asked as she stared blankly at the bed.

Shadow could feel her nonexistent stomach twisting and knotting up from the thought of not being able to see the man she loved so deeply. "I . . . I don't know," Ruby said as she looked at the female. "I'd be sad and cry for sure, but after everything I've found out. . . " Ruby began as she began to think over her own feelings. It really did seem like the longer she was in this relationship with King, the messier it became for her.

"I see . . . thank you for the information," Shadow said as she looked at the female, she could see that Ruby was conflicted with what she had just heard and was struggling to properly process it. "Would you like to be alone?" Shadow asked as she looked at the female.

"Y-yes, if you don't mind. I . . . I want to think this over . . . alone," Ruby said as she looked at Shadow. She felt that being around Shadow may influence how she feels about the situation, something she'd rather avoid at the moment while she searched her feelings to get a handle on the situation. Shadow nodded hearing this and let herself fall off the bed and begin to sink back into the ground.

'It seems as if master was correct,' Shadow thought to herself as she began to make her way down the halls. 'She wanted to be alone and think matters over . . . it seems as if you know people better than you give yourself credit for,' Shadow thought as she once again reunited with King.

"How'd it go?" King asked as he looked at Shadow.

"Almost as you expected," Shadow said as she moved over to King, and began to lay beside him. As she did King grabbed her and moved her closer to him. "Master . . . may I ask a question?" Shadow asked.

"Of course, you can," King said as he looked at the female in front of him.

"Do you believe we can have offspring one day?" Shadow asked as she looked at the male. "I-I'm not saying now, but . . . one day in the future. . . You wouldn't be opposed to the idea . . . right?" Shadow asked as she once again looked at King with hopeful eyes. Hoping to once again solidify her place in his heart.

"My lovely, darling Shadow, I would never oppose such an idea. I'd rather we wait until some time has passed and my mother has been properly dealt with," King began the last thing he'd want is for his child to be put in danger. "However, . . . even if that is my preference . . . I believe . . . I wouldn't be opposed to the idea, even in the near future, where she isn't properly dealt with," King said, When he said this the female smiled and hugged King tightly, now excited and eager for the day that was to come.

A day that even he admitted may be closer than even he expected. 

A/N: Hey everyone, so I hope you all enjoyed this chapter even if it is a little shorter than usual. There really wasn't that much to cover without having it drag on too long, so I hope you all enjoyed it, nonetheless. Now then please tell me what you thought and get ready because the next vote is about to begin. 

What happens in the next chapter?

1. King meets someone (Suggest who you want)
2. King fights someone (Suggest who you want)
3. Ruby talks to King (Suggest what outcome you'd like)
4. King and Shadow go on a date
5. King has Roman find new recruits
6. Emerald speaks to King
7. Lemon (Suggest who you want)
8. Shadow talks to Emerald
9. Other (suggest what you want)

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