Chapter 3: Follower

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P.O.V. Third

King smiled as he looked at the creature in front of him. "Sure," King said as he looked at the creature. He already knew he could defeat the creature so he knew he wouldn't have trouble keeping it in line if it ever decided to test him for whatever reason.

"After all you're a rather unique grimm. There aren't a lot of you around so having you under my control could prove useful. We just need to get one thing straight," King said as he held up a finger to indicate his condition.

"I'm in charge, that means, unless I tell you to do something you don't do it. That means even if I'm getting attacked unless I tell you to intervene you don't help. You act only when I give an order, understand?" King said as he looked at the creature in front of him.

Like before a few moments of silence passed before as if Shadow were thinking about what King was saying before he nodded. King smiled hearing this and looked at the taller creature in front of him. "Good, glad we got that straight," King said as he looked at the creature in front of him.

The creature then stepped forward so that it was on King's shadow before it began to melt into the ground. When it did King smiled and looked at his shadow for a moment. "I guess you shadowing me could be useful," King said as he looked at the creature.

King then felt something near by and sighed as he went to go see what the new disturbance is. King continued walking in the direction after a few minutes King came across a female that looked to be almost ten years older than him. She had long white hair that was down to her waist and deep crimson eyes. "What are you doing here?" King asked as he looked at the female.

"Are you seriously asking that after what you did? I'm Zalina and I'm a huntress from Atlas! After what you did, you didn't really expect for us to just forget about you did you?" The female asked as she looked at the male in front of her. The female then drew her weapon and stared at the male ready to battle. King sighed in annoyance as he looked at the female.

"Because I'm in a good mood, I'll give you a special offer," King said with a slight smile. "If you apologize for coming here, then I'll let you leave. No strings attached," King said as he looked at the female. When he said this the female took a stance and looked at the male.

"As if I'd take any offer you make me," The female said as she looked at King.

"That's a no? Oh well, that's to bad," King said as he looked at the female. Hearing this the female dashed towards the male and went to swing at him however when she did she felt a deep cut in her shoulder. When she looked she saw a massive would that started at the top of her breast and went up to her shoulder. The female fell to her knees when she saw this and looked at the male in front of her to see that one of his hands seemed more grimm-like than before.

"You damn freak," The female said as she looked at the male. King gritted his teeth hearing this remembering all the times he had been called that on the island he had escaped from. The female's would then suddenly burst into flames and she let out a loud scream as it began to consume her. Feeling this new pain the female quickly began to think of something she could do to escape.

She didn't need to win now, she had found where the male was. All she needed to do now was escape tell Ironwood where the male was hiding. Remembering the male's offer before they had started fighting Zalina then began to strain her voice to speak as the flames slowly engulfed her quickly burning through both her aura and her flesh. The female then began to wheeze as she felt her body slowly start to turn to ash.

"I," The female managed to get out as King walked up to the female and looked up at her. "I'm . . . sorry!" The female said hoping the male would now spare her.

"I've changed my mind," King said as he looked at the female in front of him causing her eyes to widened. "You've greatly fouled my mood, so I'm no longer feeling generous," King said as he looked at the female in front of him. The female's eyes widened hearing this and then King gained an expression as if he was thinking. "Actually," King said as the flames disperse and he looked at the female.

"Th-thank you," The female said as she looked at the male.

"I wouldn't thank me," King said as he turned his head to his side. "Shadow," King said causing the creature to show a small portion of itself, "Consume her," King said as he looked at the figure. When he said this a spike came up and impaled the female in her throat preventing her from screaming. A detail that King noticed and of course enjoyed.

The creatures then began to engulf the female and King watched as she struggled and Shadow engulfed all of her. King then watched as the humanoid figure stood completely still for a few seconds before it stood up straight and the shadows began to peel back revealing the female as she looked before King had burned her. King smiled seeing this and quickly examined the female.

As he did King smiled, "So this is the level of mimicry you perform. I can't tell the difference, if I hadn't just watched you consume that girls soul. I'd think you were a human," King said as he looked at the female in front of him. When he said this the female smiled and nodded.

"Thank you master," The female said in a voice that was much lighter than the female's original giving a more cutesy feel to it. King winced slightly hearing this clearly annoyed hearing this and looked at the shadow.

"Whatever the case, return to the castle. I have something I need to do, I'll be there shortly," King said as he looked at the female. When he said this the female nodded and began to walk towards the building before melting into the ground and darting towards the building.

King then began to walk towards the area he had been walking towards before and after a few minutes he arrived in front of a large crater and then jumped down it. As he fell the creature he was looking for quickly came into sight and he suddenly stopped just before he reached the creature and slowly floated down landing gently on top of the creature.

When he landed the creature began to move beneath him and looked down at King. Without talking to the male the Basilisk could already tell that he was different than he was before. His aura seemed more hostile and violent than it did before. "I see that you've returned, how did the mission go," The Basilisk asked as he looked at the male in front of him.

"I completed the job as expected," King said as he looked at the giant creature in front of him. The Basilisk nodded hearing this.

"Where you able to kill them? You were rather distressed about not being able to do so at the time," The creature said as it looked at child in front of it. King smiled hearing this and nodded.

"Of course I killed them, I'll admit they didn't go down easy but they were still noting compared to me," King said with a confident smile. The Basilisk smiled hearing this, it seems like it was right. Despite him taking more traits from his human side physically he still had his grimm genes inside of him and as a result his personality was now beginning to reflect that.

"I see, well unfortunately I have nothing to say at the moment. However I am happy to hear that you managed to defeat you target with relative ease. As for our agreement, consider it complete for the time being. You've already shown that you're more grimm than I expected so you've earned my trust for now. Any time you need me simply whistle and I'll come your aide if I'm able," The creature said as it began to slowly raise it's body so that King could leave the area he was in.

King smiled hearing this and once he was once again at the edge of the crater he walked off and watched as the Basilisk slowly slithered back into the darkness. After it did King began to walk towards the building that he called home. As he was walking he could feel one more presence than before inside of the building.

When he opened the door he saw his mother looking at him as well as a male that he didn't recognize. He seemed a bit older than the others but not as old as him. He had white hair and his arms and legs were covered in bandages as well as one bandage that wrapped around his eyes suggesting that the male was blind. After noticing the males gaze Salem looked at the child.

"King I'd like you to meet our newest addition. His name is Javelin," Salem said as she gestured to the male beside her. After she said this she turned to look at the male beside her. "Javelin, this is King, my son, and from what you've told me has a very similar past to yours" Salem said as she looked at the male beside her.

"Really?" Javelin said as he continued to look forward not yet understanding how to use his other senses to make up for his lack of sight.

"Indeed, he was also abandoned, and treated with distained towards the others that saw him. However unlike you he didn't have the privilege of growing up in an orphanage. Isn't that right my dear?" Salem said as she looked at the male. King smiled hearing this finally having Salem acknowledge the bond that was until this point unspoken between them made the male incredibly happy.

"Indeed, they couldn't stand it when I was so much within ten feet of them. The orphanage kept me until I learned how to walk and then kicked me out. I remember them saying, freaks like me didn't deserve homes. I'm sure they had other reasons for wanting me gone, but at the moment none of that matters," King said as he looked at the male in front of him. Javelin nodded hearing this and King began to walk past them.

"I'll be in the library if you need anything," King said as he continued down the halls. Salem nodded hearing this and let a slight smile cross her face seeing this. She had to admit that every since King dropped his shy and overly nice personality he was much easier to talk to, not to mention now he'd most likely be less difficult to control if she needed anything from him. 

As he was walking he saw a familiar black haired female with yellow eyes looking at him. "So you've returned," Cinder said as she looked at the male in front of her and King nodded. 

"Would you expect any less," King said with a confident smile. As he said this Cinder sighed and shook her head. 

"I guess, I shouldn't be surprised. After all I saw what you're capable of. So tell me what does Salem have you doing now?" Cinder asked as she looked at the male in front of her. 

"Mother has yet to assign a task to me. I would imagine that she's currently trying to think of something for me. But enough about that, what about you? Are you currently on any missions for mother?" King said as he looked at the female in front of him. 

"She wants me to start looking for some underlings. I have a few possible candidates in mind but no one has managed to impress me so far. So at the moment, I'm going to the training room to train with the others. You're free to join us if you want," Cinder said as she looked at the male in front of her. King shook his head hearing this and looked at the female. 

"No at the moment, I have something I'd like to do," King said as he looked at the female. When he heard this Cinder nodded and the two continued passed each. King then turned and began to walk into the library that Salem had. "Shadow," King said as he looked at the several shelves that were filled with books. When he said this the creature rose from his shadow in it's humanoid form with shadow's that were radiating off of it. 

"Human," King said as he reached for a book and quickly opened it to look at how complex the words inside of it were. When he did the creature quickly shifted to it's famine form and looked at King. Deciding that it was book for beginners King closed the book and began to walk down one of the isles grabbing another book along the way. The male then walked to one of the large tables the library had and took a seat at one of the chairs. 

"Sit," King said as he opened one of the books in front of him. When he did Shadow walked around the table to take a seat on the other side of King. When she did King placed the other book he had gotten on the table and slid it towards her. "Here," King said as he tossed a book at the female. When he did the female looked at the book for a moment a bit confused before she turned to look at the male. 

"Read that, even with your shapeshifting powers you could more useful than what you currently are. Teaching you to read is more beneficial than anything else at the moment. After all there's no point in sending you to retrieve information if you can't read what it says," King said as he looked at the female. When he said this shadow nodded and began to read the book that King had given her.

As King continued to read he thought about what Cinder had said before he went to the library. He then began to think about the others that Salem had recruited, King didn't have a lot of time to spend with any of them because of how busy Salem kept him. So he had no idea which of them was the most powerful. 'Maybe when I have some more time I'll see which of them is stronger,' King thought to himself as he continued to read the book in front of him. 

The two stayed quiet for several minutes until King read something that he found rather interesting. King then stood up and began to look through the library for a dictionary. Once he managed to find one he began to look through it until he came to the word he was looking for. "Loyal," King said more to himself than to anyone else. 

He had heard this word several times throughout his relatively short life, yet he had never really bothered to think about the word until now. "Giving or showing constant support or allegiance to a person or institution," King said as he once again began to look through dictionary for words that were related to loyal. However has he did he found that most of the related words were all typically defines as loyal. 

Faithful, devoted, staunch, and to some extent even the word true was defined as being loyal. Then to his surprise he also found that some concepts meant little to nothing without the idea of loyalty. King then looked up at the several books in front of him and smiled slightly. He hadn't planned on researching this topic today however now that the idea of loyalty had captured his attention he had no qualms about doing so. King then began to look through the library looking for any books with the word loyal in the title. 

After finding a few books that at least looked interesting King walked back to the seat he had been in before and began to read the first book that he had found. However unknown to the male the figures he had been thinking about before were all in a room. Cinder watched as the two figures fought in front of her. Cinder sighed hearing this as she looked down at the list that Arthur had made for her. 

He had made it very clear that he didn't want to give her the list or even search for anyone. The only reason he did so was because Salem had ordered him to. The list he had made for her was of possible candidates that she could recruit to be her underlings. Cinder recognized most of the names on this list as nothing more than common thugs who had until now just been lucky in avoiding the police. 

Then there were some names that she knew wouldn't be interested in joining her such as Raven Branwen. However there were a few other names that she didn't recognize and as a result she believed that they may join them if she had the right incentive. Cinder then heard a slight thud and looked up to see Dermot and Malthus had both knocked each other out. Cinder sighed slightly annoyed seeing this and once again began to look at the list in front of her. 

"Idiots," Cinder said as she continued to mark off names on the list in front of her. Cinder then once again heard some movement and looked up to see Ark and Javelin now training and to Cinder's surprise it seemed like the newer of the two was surprisingly able to keep up with Ark. Cinder then once again looked down at the list and looked at the few names she had left. Cinder then walked out of the room and began down the halls to her room. 

She wanted to pack a few things before she left and as she was walking she saw King reading a book named shattered loyalty with a female that Cinder didn't recognize walking behind him. He seemed rather invested in the book even having a slight smile as he continued to read it. However he showed that he was still paying attention to his surroundings when he looked up from his book to look at Cinder. 

"Don't bother looking for me, I'll be gone for the next few weeks," Cinder said as she looked at the male. 

"I would never intentionally seek the help of someone as weak as you," King said as he looked at the female in front of him. Cinder seemed a bit irritated hearing this and looked at the female behind him. 

"So who's this? Another one of Salem's new additions," Cinder asked as she looked at the female. King shook his head hearing this and looked at the female in front of him.

"This is Shadow, my new servant," King said as he gestured to the female behind him. Cinder was more than surprised to hear this and clenched her fists. She had been Salem's servant for five years, King had only been there for about a year. Even if he was her son Cinder thought that her time with Salem would have meant something. Was King really that far ahead of her? In a league so much more advanced than hers that he had already recruited his own underling while she was still looking at possible candidates? 

Seeing her obvious frustration King smiled and looked at the female. "You're looking for your own servant right? My suggestion is make sure they're loyal," King said as he walked past the female and continued down the halls. Cinder gritted her teeth hearing this and began to walk down the halls showing a more than obvious expression of anger. She didn't care if he was Salem's son, there was no way she was going to lose to that brat. 

As King was walking he let out a somewhat tired yawn before stopped in front of his room. "Wait out here," King said as he looked at the female. Shadow nodded hearing this and King walked into the room before he walked over to one of the few dressers that he had and began to change to pick out a new pair of clothes before walking into the shower that his room had. It had been a long time since he last had the chance to wash himself so he wanted to take his time now that he had the chance. 

After almost an hour had passed King walked out and began to dry himself. However finding that a towel wasn't quick enough King closed open of his hands before quickly opening it. When he did the water that he been attached to the male was sent flying off of him in all directions. A bit annoyed by this King once again moved his hand and the water began to move towards the shower. After his room was dry King began to put on the clothes that he had picked out and looked at the door. 

"You can come in now," King said as he looked at the door in front of him. When he did the door opened and Shadow walked into the room. 

"How may I be of service master?" Shadow asked as she looked at the male in front of her. King closed his eyes for a moment as if he were thinking before he once again opened them and looked at the female. 

"There is something I would like for you to do for me. This is a rather odd assignment so I ask that you don't judge me until you have heard my reasoning," King said as he looked at the female. Shadow nodded hearing this and waited for her orders from King. "I want you to attack me in my sleep," King said as he looked at the female in front of him. Shadow showed a clear expression of surprise hearing this and King held up a hand to stop any objections and began to clarify what he meant. 

"First I should specify that I don't want you to attack any of my vital organs. The reason I'm asking you to do this is because there's a certain technique I developed before I came here. I'm rather found of it just because of how useful it is. However it's something that I have to actively think about doing. I don't want that, it's annoying to constantly have to think about using it. It uses up some of my aura and it's more than inconvenient to put it back up when it fades because my concentration slips," King said as he looked at the female in front of him. 

Shadow nodded in understanding and looked at the young male in front of her. "So that's why I want you to attack me. I don't want it to become something I think about. I want it to become second nature to me. Something that I'm so used to doing that I will no longer have to think about doing it," King said as he looked at the female in front of him. Shadow once again nodded hearing this causing King to smile. "Good," King said as he began to lay down on his bed. 

"Just remember what I said about my vital organs," King said as he turned his back to Shadow and covered himself up. "Oh," King said as if he had just remembered something. "Try anything funny and I'll kill you," King said as he closed his eyes and began to slowly fall asleep. After several minutes had passed Shadow transformed into a beowolf and reached down to scratch King leaving several deep claw marks behind. 

King gasped feeling the pain and began to hold his side. Shadow stared at the male for a moment waiting for some type of response before King smiled and his wounds slowly began to close. "That's good," King said forcing a smile. "Now just keep doing that whenever I'm asleep," King said as he looked at the creature in front of him. Shadow nodded hearing this and watched as King once again covered himself and like before slowly began to fall asleep. 

A/N: Alright everyone so I hope you all enjoyed this chapter as well as the OC Javelin introduced in this chapter, who is owned by Akushu-Raion. For those that are curious I am still currently accepting OC's for this story so if that's something you're interested in then please PM me. Now I hope you're all ready because the next vote of the series is about to begin.

What volume does this story take place? (There will be a timeskip)

1. Volume 1
2. Volume 2
3. Volume 3
4. Volume 4
5. Volume 5
6. Other (suggest when you want)

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