Hero Training

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The next day

(Y/n) POV

We were all talking in the classroom until we heard someone loud come through the door.


Denki "It's really All-Might!" 

Kririshima : "Amazing, he really is a teacher, this years going to be awesome." 

Tsu : "Hey look, is he wearing his silver age costume?"

(Y/n) : "I think so, Tsu." 

Ojiro : "It's style is so different, its giving me goose bumps." 

All-Might : "Welcome to the most important class at UA High, think of it as heroing 101, here you will learn the basics of being a pro, and what it means to fight in the name of good. Right lets get into it, todays lesson will pull no punches."

Bakugo : "Combat..."

Izuku : "Training..."

All-Might : "But one of the keys of being a hero is looking good." 

He then pointed to a number of suitcases that came out of the wall. I guess my hero costume is done.

All-Might : "These costumes were made based on your quirk registration forms, and the requests you sent in before school started."

Everyone : "Awesome!"

All-Might : "Get yourself suited up, and then meet me at training ground beta."

Everyone : "Yes Sir!"

3rd POV After Changing

(Y/n) came out of the changing room with hero costume, which happened to have inspiration taken from his father and elder brother and it seem it be a type of combination of the two.

(Y/n)'s costume was made out of a special material to keep his body cool and to prevent his body from overheating too quickly and lets it have high amounts of ice and fire resistance. The top that he wears resembles that of Endeavors costume but with short sleeves that had bright blue part on it where the fire come from similar to Endeavor, and has a jacket that is made out of the same special material and looks similar to Endangers jacket which has long sleeves and has braces on the sleeves as well. The colors of his costume consist of primarily of dark blue and black to make his costume stand out from the rest of his family, he wears a pair on fingerless black gloves. His trousers are the same colors and material of the shirt and jacket, and on his grey belt there are a few canisters that contain ice cold water to help with the ice factor of his quirk which allows him to lower the temperature of water to form ice and can manipulate the ice that he created or let him have a drink as so that he can speed up the waiting time for his fire to come back. His shoes look like regular shoes, but are dark blue and black in color and has a bright blue stripes on the sides of each shoe. The shoes have holes in the bottom of them which allow him to safely shoot flames from them.

When they all gathered at the training grounds All-Might began to explain how this would work out. Everyone would be randomly assigned a partner, to simulate how heroes can never know who they'd be working with and would have to develop strategies on the fly. There is to be a villain team that would protect a 'bomb' as the hero team has to find the bomb and either touch it or capture the 'villains' to win the exercise. The villains team just have to wait out the cloak or incapacitate the hero team. (Y/n)'s teammate or teammates since the was an uneven number of students for the exercise was a tall girl with a ponytail which Shoto had told him about when he took the recommendation test, Momo Yaoyorozu, who had the most revealing hero costume he's ever seen and his other teammate was a very short boy who looked like he had grapes for hair, Minoru Mineta and he was eyeing some the girl for their features which angered (Y/n) and made him do a kick on top of Mineta's head which got the attention of everyone and (Y/n) explained why he did it and the girls were disgusted to hear what Mineta was doing and and the girls thanked (Y/n) for what he did.


After watching Izuku fight against Bakugo and absolutely destroy the building they were in, they watched a couple more matches before it was (Y/n)'s team turn. They were assigned as villains and had to protect the bomb. (Y/n) was leaning against a pillar as he watch Momo use her quirk to create large steel bars to block the door. Mineta tried to get a peak at Momo's areas but she gave him and glare he looked towards (Y/n) in a fear as he light half his face on fire to scare Mineta which worked as he ran away from the two, like a baby. (Y/n) then deactivated his fire.

(Y/n) : "Kinda feels like cheating doesn't it? To just block the door."

Momo : "A true villain would do all they can to make sure no one would get in here. Plus even if they do get in here, I can see you could easily take them out. From what I heard about you from the Entrance Exam and the Apprehension Test yesterday you have pretty good control over you quirk."

(Y/n) : "Fair point."

She then puts the last bar down to block the door. After a bit of silence the door was attempted to be opened, but doe to the bars it couldn't. After a couple of seconds someone began pounding at the door. (Y/n) then moved away from the pillar he was leaning on and outstretched his left arm. After a few more seconds the door came flying off its hinges and he saw his classmate in a skin tight yellow suit, by his lips (Y/n) could tell it was Sato. (Y/n) moved his arm to the right and fired a wave of blue fire from his hand, purposely missing his classmate.

Sato then charged at (Y/n), who dodged his attacks and was doing flame swipes at Sato's stomach and leg area, aiming low. Back in the monitoring room (Y/n)'s classmates were watching him fight, and to them it looked like he wasn't even trying.

Monitoring Room

Sero : "Is he not viewing Sato like an equal? Kinda looks like he's toying with him."

Shoto : "No, he not. From what he did at the entrance exam and the apprehension test, he has good control over his quirk. But he can't comfortably get into his role as a villain. He doesn't want to hurt his allies, enemy's or damage his surroundings, especially since he quirk is very powerful."

When they look closer at the fight they see he's right, with the bursts and swipes, he's still trying to minimize the damage he's doing.

Back to the fight

(Y/n) ducks down to avoid getting hit and lightly coats his arm in flames, he slides to the right and while staying low he hits Sato with a flame coated punch to the stomach, knocking him down. (Y/n) then turned his attention to his other classmate, who was named Kota, he was currently fight Momo, (Y/n) launched himself into the air and Kota saw him, (Y/n) then threw a fireball at Kota, it hit the ground but the blast knocked Kota back unconscious. (Y/n) then landed next to Momo, (Y/n) held up his fist and Momo got the idea and fisted pumped (Y/n).

Momo : "Nice one" 

(Y/n) : "Thanks. Wait where the hell is Mineta."

It was then announced that the villain team won and (Y/n) went to help up Sato and Kota, they then realized, they was no damage from (Y/n)'s flames. 

(Y/n) : "Kota, Sato. You're my classmate, there's no way I'd hurt either of you."

Sato gave him a thumbs up and (Y/n) responded by raising his index finger and his pinky finger, giving him the hand sign for rock songs.

When they got back

All-Might : "Congratulations  on your win Young (Y/n) and Young Yaoyorozu." 

Denki : *wrapping his arm around (Y/n)'s shoulder* "(Y/n)! That was pretty cool you immediately blasted those flames at the beginning!"

Kirishima : "Yeah and that fire punch was pretty cool to!"

(Y/n) : *scratches back of neck* "Oh that was nothing really. Even if Sato did get a hit in it wouldn't have hurt that much. I dialed down my flames temperature quite a bit."

(Y/n) then began to laugh as some of his classmates began complimenting how he did, but training wasn't over yet.

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